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(⬆️Girls dresses for the party)

"Millie wake up." I
Felt two hands trying to shake me awake.
"5 more minutes." I groaned not wanting to get up.
"Sophia wanted me to wake you up."
My room was dark and I couldn't really make out who was standing above me. I turned on my lamp and saw Finn.
He didn't look like himself. He had bags under his eyes, his hair was everywhere, and he looked like he wanted to end his life.

"You okay finnie?"

"I-I.....don't call me that."
"I've always called you that."

"Then stop...please."
I still felt bad about last night. He hurt me but I don't know why I cared so much.
"Hey Finn I'm sorry about-"
"It's fine Millie...just go down stairs..lunch is ready."

Wait...what .....lunch? I looked at my clock and it was 12:25. "You guys let me sleep in."

"Well Mandy wanted to wake you up but I told her no...I'm sorry if-"

"No it's fine Finn....thanks."
I stared at him for awhile and I had a sudden urge to hug him. I got up from my bed and wrapped my arms around his neck. He slowly hugged me back and squeezed me. "I'm sorry Millie."

"Sorry for what?" I let go of him still standing close to him. I looked him in the eyes and he looked hurt.
"I'm sorry about everything."

"Finn you haven't done anything wrong."

"Millie don't fall in love with me."

I was shocked by those words. I'm not falling in love with him. Then why do you feel like crying. Must be something in my eye. Your lying to yourself.
"Finn why would you think that."

"Just don't....okay."

"Finn...Millie!!! Stop kissing up there and come down stairs lunch is ready!" Wyatt yelled from down stairs. I giggled a little and looked up at Finn and he smiled. "We should probably go down there."  I said hugging my arms closer too me. "Yeah.."
Turning away from the brown eyed boy, I walked toward my door going down stairs not knowing if Finn was following me. "Millie you weren't supposed to sleep in late." Mandy said with an attitude. "My alarm didn't go off."

"I don't care you have trade to go to tonight."

"But I'm going with Sadi-"
"No your going to the trade that's final."

"Um Mandy you said only four people." Caleb said
"Well now Millie's going."
"No she's not...we got this handled." Gaten said crossing his arms.
Woah.... gatens never the mean one. I'm a little scared.
"Fine so Caleb, gaten, Wyatt, and jaeden are going too the trade..the girls are going out and I'm going to meet someone."

Finn came down stairs finally and sat beside Jackson and Eva to eat.
"Wait what about Jackson and Eva..Noah can walk around now but he needs help watching them."

"I'll help I don't have anything else to do."
All eyes were on Finn. "What?" Jaeden asked.
"You never help out with the kids."

"I just don't feel like doing anything today."
Noah got up to put his bowl in the sink and stood by Finn. "He can help plus I still gotta catch up with him anyway."
Noah patted Finns back giving him a small smile.

Sophia came down stairs with Maddie and Sadie following behind her. "Millie are you ready?"
She asked while I put a piece of bacon in my mouth.

Damn Wyatt can cook really good bacon.

"I just woke up."
"Oh well c'mon." Sophia grabbed my plate and threw it in the sink and Maddie pulled me upstairs trying to put clothes on me.
"Maddie I'm not five, I can get ready myself." I giggled putting on the shirt she threw at me.
"Well hurry slow poke."she left the room.
Getting the rest of the way ready, I stuck my phone in my pocket walking by Noah's room. Sophia and Finn was behind me. Wait Finn...how the fuck...oh well.

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