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Millie's POV

''Holy shit wolfard is that you.'' Jacob said smiling.

Finn aimed his gun at his and cocked it back, ''Long time no see asshole.''

Everyone came out of their hiding spot to show Jacob that he was out numbered.

''Well looks Dean lied to us boys.'' he said looking at the group that helped him burn down our old house.

''You gonna regret hurting us.'' finn said walking up to him still aiming the gun at his head. I walked up behind him while the rest of the gang was holding the other guys. ''Look finn this can all go away and millie can go home with me.''

''I'm not going anywhere with you, your fucking crazy."

"Says the people who are pointing the guns at us." said one of those kids that helped Jacob.

I looked at Noah, who was holding the guy and nodded and after a quick second the boy was dead on the floor. Jacob jumped at the sound of the gun and laughed while his friends were scared shitless. See...crazy.

"Why are you laughing?" Jaeden said griping the young boy in his hands.

"You really think I care what you do to them...they were there to just help me get millie back but she wasn't there.'' He said walking towards me but finn stopped him.

"Jacob you will drop dead if you get any closer."

"What finn..*he smirked*..are you gonna shoot me."

"What are you, fucking stupid?" Maddie said rolling her eyes at Jacob choice of words. I looked between finn and the other boys that were being held captive and he was thinking.

"finn?" I said putting my hand on his shoulder. "Tell the others out side to take these boys home Jacob will stay with the rest of us." he said watching Jacobs every move.

"What?" Sophia said letting go of the small boy.

I went outside to tell the others what was going on.

"So we have to drive these fuckers back to deans place?" gaten said and I nodded my head telling him to call dean and tell him. He did as I said and called him while grace and jack went with me to get the boys that were going back home. They finally left and it was just me, finn, Maddie, noah , jaeden, Sophia, wyatt, and Jacob.

"So all of you have too be in here with me?" Jacob said crossing his arms and looking at everyone.

"Everyone but noah and millie wait outside." Finn said walking towards Jacob some more. I could tell he was losing his patience. Maddie kissed noah on the check and left with the others. Noah came and stood beside me and finn getting ready incase Jacob tried to do something.

"You don't understand how much you have put us through." I said looking at him in the eye.

"Look babe... you were mine and I had to prove that one way or another."

"By burning our house down.. we had children In there!" finn yelled.

"Had to get your attention didn't I?" he smiled. Finn pushed Jacob to his knees and put the gun to his head.

"Any last words"

"Hello Iris." he said out of know where.

"what" noah and I said at the same time, that's when I felt cold metal against my head.

"hi noah miss me?"
Me and Noah turned around and it was that girl that he brought in our house, " I told you.." I said looking at Noah. He looked down and was disappointed in himself. I looked at her straight in the eyes and she had two guns pointed at us.

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