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Well tomorrow the is party and I was going. At the moment I'm with jack and grace eating lunch. Jacob entered the room and stood behind my chair petting my hair like some sort of dog.

"So I'm going to that party at chosen's are you guys coming?"
Jacked looked up at Jacob.

"Wouldn't you like to know asshole."

I could feel Jacob tense behind me. He's been cautious with us because this group has a rule about rapist. They kill them. I got up to put my bowl of cereal in the sink. Jacob was in front of me now and wouldn't move.
" What about you princess?" He smirked

"Move." I sternly. To my surprise he moved out of my way like I asked. Grace wouldn't look at him. She was afraid of him. I hated him. Jacked never like him anyway. Jack left with some of his buddies and I waited for grace because I'm not leaving her in here alone with Jacob. As soon as she got done we went upstairs to our room. I walked through the door with grace and shut it locking the door. I plopped down on the bed taking my phone out looking through my pictures. There was many with Eva and Jackson, some with Noah and Gaten, many of Sadie, and Finn. I missed them. I thought about the fight me and Finn got into yesterday.  What was wrong with him, I thought. Why couldn't he of just talk to me like the rest of the group. I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a knock on the door.

I jumped to my feet and they lead me to the door. I opened and saw joe standing there with a box with my name on it.

"This was outside for you." I took the box from his hands, telling him thank you as I shut the door once again. Grace sat up on her bed wondering what was in the box.

"What is it?" She asked curiously.
I shrugged my shoulders not knowing what it is. I opened it and saw the dress the Sophia bought for me when I went out with her, Maddie, and Sadie. I smiled and took the dress out showing grace.

"Omg millie you going to look so fucking cute." She said excitedly. I laughed at her comment.

"Thanks grace but I don't know how I'm going to do my makeup."

She jumped up from her bed to her feet quickly.

"Well luckily for you I know just what to do." She pulled me into a chair and started on my makeup.

I hope she knows what she's doing.

A few hours later
Finn POV
I  debating on going to the party tonight or not. I was scared I would see Millie again and I would get mad at her again. It's not her fault finn. Why did I yell at her like that yesterday. She probably hates me.


I looked up and saw Noah.
"Are you okay."

"I'm fine." That came out harsh. Noah looked hurt by my words

"I'm sorry Noah." I looked back down at my hands. I felt Noah sit down beside me. I kept my head down to avoid his concerned face.

"Look you've been sitting here in this house since millie left. You should go to that party at chosens house."

"Why should I?"

"Because you need to get out more, I know millie asked you to look after Eva and Jackson but Natalia can watch them for tonight."

I look towards Noah and he had a pleading look on his face. I sighed.


Sophia walked in the room looking at me. She smiled at me gently but I could still tell she was upset with me. She walked back upstairs.

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