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Millie POV

On our way back to the house, I was thinking hard. Where would finn go, why would Jacob do this, is Eva okay, and what's gonna happen when I get a hold of Jacob.

"Where would they go?" Grace said turning around in her seat to face me.

I shrugged my shoulders.
"I don't know."

"We will find them guys, I promise." Jack said griping the steering wheel. We pulled up to the house and parked the car. We all ran to jacks room grabbing some snacks and a bag that had a gun in it. We were walking out and ran into Jacob and one of his friends.

"Oh hey mills, where are you guys going?"

"That's none of your business dude." Jack said getting in front of us.

"Was I asking you?" Jacob said crossing his arms.
He's really pissing me off right now. I pushed pass them grabbing jack and grace heading to head quarters to talk to dean. I knocked on the huge door waiting for a response.

"Who is it?"

"Millie, sir, I came to ask you something."

"Come in."

The door creaked open and I walked inside with jack and grace.

"What is it?" Dean asked standing in front of us.

"Millie's old family sir." Jack said.

"What about it."

"My house was burnt down this morning and I can't find them anywhere." I said as a crown made its way to my face. He stood there thinking, and after awhile he gave us some money.

"Who did it." Dean asked

"That's What we are gonna figure out." Grace said walking out even though we already New who did it.
"Be back by tomorrow, and be safe."

With a nod me and jack went back out of the room to meet grace.
"Ready?" Grace asked with a small smile.


We ran out to the car and left. There were no Clues back at the house so we decided to look around the streets.

-1 hour-

"Guys lets try and look somewhere else." I said kinda tired. I stood in from of the car with both jack and grace.
"Let's take a lunch break." Jack said

"You guys can I'm gonna keep looking." Grace said with a straight face.
"Grace your as tired as we are, take a break."


"Grace." I said putting my hand in her shoulder. She gave up and we started walking to the nearest Taco Bell. We walked in and told jack what we wanted and me and grace went and took a seat.

"Where do you think they are."

I sighed, "I'm not sure and I'm pretty sure their phones were burned in the fire so there's no use in that."


Jack came back with our food and we devoured it like it was gonna be the last meal we ever had.
"Why don't we try and find them in motels or something." Jack said putting his burrito in his mouth.

"That could work but the only motel is miles from here."

"We can check there then." Grace said smiling a bit.

I know she's happy because she'll finally see how Gaten is  cause I feel the same for Eva and Finn. Their the one thing I still have.

Beep beep

Jacks phone buzzed.

"Whose that?" I asked taking a sip of my coke.

"Unknown number."

"What's the text say?" Grace said.

"Uhhh....holy shit, it from Wyatt."

"Really! What did he say?" I said getting excited.

"Meet us at barns motel(idk if that's a real place)"

"We were right let's go!" I said as we all ran out of Taco Bell running to the car and jumping in.

Here we come...

Finn POV

After we all had woke up, Sophia and Jaeden had went out and got us some breakfast and we all ate. A few of us watched tv while the rest were getting showers because we still smelled like burnt wood.

"Finn." I looked up from my good ass biscuit and saw Wyatt and Caleb walking up to me.

"Hm." Wyatt laid some money on the table.

"I can go out with Caleb and buy a flip phone so no one can track it and text jack."

That's not a bad idea.

"Okay yea but make it quick I don't want y'all to get kidnapped."

Wyatt's POV
Me and Caleb left to go to the store to get the phone. We were walking to the store but we had to be very cautious because Jacob and his asshole friends were probably trying to find us.

"There's the store,okay I'll get the phone and you pay for it." Caleb said handing me money

We walked in and he grabbed a phone and tossed it to me. I waited in the line but I was getting impatient cause I fucking hate waiting. As I was standing there Caleb was watching to see if Jacob or his friends were around.

"Next!" I turned back around and walked up to the register.
"Hello sir how was your day." The cashier asked.

"Good." I lied... I mean it's true our house was just burned down by a bunch of damn idiots.

I gave her the money and me and Caleb were heading back to the motel. We took back ways so we didn't get caught and we finally made it home.

Finn POV
After telling everyone else where they were going they left quickly so they could be back in a few minutes.
I sat on the couch with Noah and Jackson while Sadie and Maddie were drawing with Eva because they found some old coloring books last night.

"Do you think grace is looking for me or us?" Gaten said pacing around the small living room.

"Gaten, why would you ask that?" Sophia said looking up at him.

"Because she apart of that family with that monster...Jacob... what if she helped him or he hurt her and made her do it."

"Gaten." Sophia stood up and put her hand on his shoulder.

"Grace isn't like that and I'm pretty sure millie and jack wouldn't have let Jacob touch and Finn he can't touch millie cause he's scared of you."
She said facing me. Then Jaeden got up.

"That's why him and his friends burnt our house down because we are seen as a threat."

After that little speech I'm pretty sure we felt a little better so we all carried on with what we were doing. Soon Wyatt and Caleb came back with the flip phone.

"Okay So Caleb remembers jacks number so he's gonna text him and tell him to meet us here."

So Caleb did. He texted the number it replied quickly saying that they were coming.
I was happy that I get to see them, especially millie, my bestfriend and now my girlfriend. I'll get to hold her and kiss her little face.....okay I'm just gonna stop right there cause y'all don't need to know my love life. Anyway we all watch a movie on tv and waited for a text or something from jack.

Okay guys I was gonna publish this Friday but there is only a few chapters left so I'm gonna give you this one but yea
Love you guys❤️

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