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Finn POV
After the date with Millie, she went home and I sat down on the couch after everyone went to bed but I felt very uncomfortable. I turned around and saw two pairs of eyes on me hiding behind the counter in the kitchen. Eva and Jackson.

"Guys I can see you, why aren't you in bed?"

They came out from hiding climbing up on the couch with me.

"We can't sleep." Jackson said


"Millie usually tucks us in." Eva said

"How about I do that tonight." I picked both of them up and walked up stairs. I walked in their room and put them in bed then I waited a little until the were both asleep. Getting tired myself, I walked out of the room and back to my own room. As soon as I saw my bed I jump on it and fell asleep.

2 hours later

I felt myself being shook really hard. I shot up in my bed not being able to breath. Smoke was everywhere and Noah was over top of me coughing yelling my name.

I coughed , "Noah what the *cough* fuck is going on!"

"Some*cough* one set the house on fire!!"

We rushed out of the house before it went up in flames. We both ran outside where everyone else was but they were panicking. I ran to them coughing and out of breath and grabbed Eva and Jackson hands.
"What wrong?"

Caleb looked at me, "Sadie's still in there, s-she was behind me n-now we can't find her."

I gave Jackson and Eva to Wyatt then I turned to go back in there but our caretaker, Mandy, stopped me, "Do not go back in there just leave her."

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Wyatt and Sophia yelled.
I ignored her and ran back to the burning house.
"S-*cough cough* fuck." I tried yelled but the smoke was getting to me.
"Sadie!" I choke out and here a cry coming from by the stairs.

"Help." I ran to her screams seeing her on the ground with a piece of wood on top of her and her head bleeding.
"Hold on Sadie..."
I tried pulling the wood off of her but it was heavy.
"Finn *cough* go!"

"W-What no."
I heard someone else run in the house coughing and trying to find us.
Then Noah appeared next to me.

"The house is about to go down!!"

"Help me."

He did what I said and I picked up Sadie grabbed Noah's arm and ran out of the house. When we got out caleb and Maddie ran towards us grabbing Sadie and Noah out of my hands and Sophia and Jaeden helped me. Eva came to me again crying while Wyatt had Jackson. We watched our house burn to the ground. I was fucking angry, but I have a good idea of who it was. Then I got angry at Mandy. I walked up to her with Eva in my arms.

"You should have been the one in the house!"

"Excuse me!"

"You told us to leave Sadie in there to die!" I yelled.

"We could've lived without her!"

"No! You could but we couldn't!"

"You just wait young man!"

"Do something bitch!"

Mandy stopped talking and blood was all over me and Eva. My eyes went wide. She had a bullet through her head.

Holy shit

Then we were getting shot at.

"RUN!" Gaten  yelled.
I ran as fast as I could with Eva in my arms. We ran and ran until we made it to a thrift store. It was late so it wasn't open so I lead everyone to the back finding a door that wasn't locked.

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