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Finn POV

After Grace, Millie, and jack told us the plan. We decided to take Jackson and Eva to Charlie's and Natalia's house until this all blows over.

"Millie could you go with me?" I asked grabbing her hand.

"Sure." She said smiling at me. We told Eva and Jackson to gather their stuff that they had brought and get in the car Millie borrowed from jack.

"Hey hot stuff wanna drive?" She asked me, winking at me. Millie I swear. 😉
I smirked at her little nickname and took the keys from her and got in the drivers seat. Millie told me all about what happened with Jacob because he's a fucking dumbass (no actual hate on Jacob). As we drove to our destination, Millie got a spark of energy and started singing should I stay or should I go by the clash. Considering our current situation we are in, millie can make people happy with the snap of her fingers. Soon all four of us were singing and I was surprised that Eva and Jackson knew what the song was because it was kind of an old song and their still little kids.

We pulled into the drive way as soon as the fun ended and I got out of the car to see if Charlie and Natalia were home. I walked up the steps and before I could even knock Natalia opened the door and hugged me.

"Hi to you too." I said hugging her back.

"We saw your house, we were so worried, is everyone okay?" She said grabbing my face.
I chuckled and grabbed her hands.

"Everyone is fine, but we have to deal with something so I came to ask you a question." I turned around and looked at the car and saw millie standing with Eva and Jackson. I turned to look back at Natalia.
She smiled at me, "of course, they can stay as long has they like, I'll have Charlie fix them some food." I smiled at Natalia and hugged her.

"Come on in guys." With that Eva, Jackson, and millie walked into the porch.
"Thanks Natalia, we appreciate it." Millie said hugging her.

"No problem, you kids better run along now."
We gave Jackson and Eva hugs and got in the car and left to go back to the house.

Skipping car ride

We snuck back into the basement and everyone was standing there looking at Dean, Millie's leader.

"Now that your back, I came to tell you about Jacob and the kids that burned your house down, I called them to gather at one of our drug places, so I did my part now you all can meet them there later tonight, so be ready."

"Yes sir." We all said in unison.

After waiting for him to leave we all sat down and talked about the plan.

"Finn go over what's gonna happen." Caleb said sitting next to Sadie.

"Alright when we get there we will split up into groups, one outside guarding the place, one taking care of the other kids and me and millie will handle Jacob."

"Whose gonna be outside?"

"Me and jack will be." Grace said.

"I'll be out there too." Gaten said standing up with grace and jack.

"Caleb and Sadie do you mind going with them?"  I looked over them

"Yea sure we'll help them"

"Okay now there's not a lot of people Jacob had  so there will be one of us on each person." I said looking at millie, then she stood up.

"So that means Noah,Maddie, Sophia, Jaeden, Wyatt will do that." She said moving her hair out of her face. I nodded my head and looked at everyone.
"We will find a way to get through this."

"I'll talk to Dean to see if there are any houses available for us and Jaeden and Sophia can be our care givers since their the oldest." Millie said.

"Are you up for that?" I looked at Jaeden and Sophia.

"Yea it's not hard to take care of you guys anyway." Jaeden said smiling and Sophia giggled. We all knew we were gonna be okay as long as Eva and Jackson are away from this and can be safe and not get hurt.

That's when Noah stood up, "does Jacob know we are down here?"

"No and he will never know you were down here." Jack said getting a drink from the mini frigid dean got for us.
Wait...he got us a mini frigid...damn.
So later tonight is when it all goes down.

"For right now let's chill out and eat before we go cause we have a couple of hours." Sophia said handing everyone something to drink. We all ate, had drinks and made small conversation. Now we wait.

Time skip to later that night(sorry for all the skips)

We were all watching a movie and having a good time, until dean knocked on the door.

"Are you kids ready?"

"Yes we are." Millie said looking at all of us.

"We brought out some weapons for your meet tonight, they have no idea that you guys are the "druggies" meeting them." He put the box of guns and knives down and crossed his arms.

"Jacks car and the van you brought is waiting outside....good luck and don't die."
After that little speech he left.

"Well he couldn't of said that any different could he." Noah said walking up to the box and grabbing his gun. Everyone got their weapons and headed to the car.

"Millie, Finn, and Wyatt are with me." Jack said as we walked to the cars. I got into the back with Millie grabbing her hand immediately. Jacks started up his car and the others were in the van behind us. We drove in silence to the drug place but millie gave my hand little squeezes here and there. I gave her a reassuring smile telling her everything gonna be fine.

"We're here." Wyatt said.

"They're not though." I said getting out of the car grabbing my gun. After every one was out of their cars we talked.
"Okay look if your the group that stays outside hide and when they all come in then you can come out, we will be doing the same inside."

After getting everything situated we all went inside and looked for places to hide.

"Guys if they start shooting, don't hesitate to shoot at them." Millie said looking at the kids in front of us.

"Looks like their here let's go."

We heard the voice of Jacob and we all ran to hide. The door opened and we saw them come in. I looked at millie and nodded my head. I stood up and walked in front of Jacob.

"Holy shit, wolfhard, is that you?"

I cocked my gun back.

"Long time no see asshole..."

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