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For the rest of the night Finn, Noah , and I watched movies while Maddie was asleep upstairs. We didn't sleep and we got a little worried because Caleb and the others weren't back yet.
"Did Caleb tell you where they were going maybe?"
"No...they just said Wyatt's gone and they all left."
I looked at Finn with a worried look and he nodded his head. "Okay millie...call grace and tell her to meet us outside her restaurant and Noah go wake up Maddie." We parted way to do what Finn said. I grabbed my phone and called grace

"Hey grace, it's Millie"
'Oh hey mills what's up?'
"Can you meet us outside your restaurant."
'Umm sure what for?'
"We can't find Caleb or the others anywhere."
'Oh yea sure, see ya in a bit'

After I hung up, I went down stairs in the gun room to get everyone a weapon. I grabbed my gun off of the top shelf and loaded it. While I was getting amo and everybody else's gun, I heard shuffling behind me. They stopped moving because I lifted my head and had a good grip on my weapon. I turned around and aimed at the persons head. Before I shot I quickly noticed it was a injured Caleb.  His head was bloody and he was limping. "Finn!!"
I ran to Caleb putting him down on the ground.
"What happened where is everyone else."
"T-they're all hurt."
"Caleb tell me."
"Wyatt's banged up pretty bad...the girls are being held against their will."
"Finn!!" I yell again to get him down here.
"Millie...they took Eva and Jackson."
My blood ran cold. The only family I had left has been taken from me. "Caleb, what happened."
"We found Wyatt ...he was with Jacob and he had help, a lot of it."
"Anything else."
"He torturing all the guys and he's making the girls watch."
I soon heard people running down the stairs. "Holy shit." Noah, Maddie, and Finn all came down stairs and helped me carry  Caleb back upstairs.
Maddie cleaned him up and got some bandages to wrapped around his head. After Maddie got done I sat next to Caleb on the couch. "What about Mandy." Caleb had a dark look in his eye. "She said we deserve this and that we needed to be put through hell."
I got angry.. what have we done to her. I got up and stomped out of the house and Finn followed. " Millie what are you doing!"
"This is all Mandy's fault."
"I know I heard Caleb."
"I'm doing this myself."
"No your not."
"Yea I am finn..give me the car keys."
"No, just come back inside ."
"No I'm going to kill Mandy!"
"I said no!!"


We both froze. That was Maddie. We ran to the house and slammed the door open. Jacob and his men were standing in front of us holding Maddie and Noah. They had Caleb knocked out cold.
"Hey mills."
I looked at Jacob and I was angry and worried.
"Oh c'mon now...don't look at me like that babe."

Finn scoffed. Making me roll my eyes in annoyance. "What do you want jacob?"
Jacob looked down and smirked. "You know what I want millie but someone keeps taking it from me"
"No." Finn said getting in front of me.

"Get out of the way Finn." Finn stood there and would not move.
I felt something cold and hard in my jeans and I remembered the gun that I loaded.
"Finn I kicked your ass once I can do it again."
"I don't think you'll do that...because I know something that could get you killed dumbass."
Finn got in Jacobs face and he wouldn't look at Finn. This made me curious. What does Finn know.  I slowly pulled the gun out of my jean cocking it back so I could use it. Before I could use it on Jacob it looked like Noah and Maddie had other plans. They started fighting the men holding them. It was all a big mess but soon Jacob was in top of Finn punching him make him bruised and bloody.

Jacobs POV

You know we could have done this the easy way but no. I like getting my hands dirty anyway. Like I said earlier I could kick Finns ass again and to my surprise I am. Mid-way through I felt something cold on my head. I realize it was a gun and Millie was the one behind it. Everyone stopped fighting. Maddie and Noah woke up Caleb and got behind millie but I was still in top of Finn.
"Get off of him." She said with a stern voice.
"Or what?"
"Or your blood will be splattered all over these damn curtains."
"Feisty one but I don't know if you wanna do that babe." I said with a smirk

Millie's POV
"Feisty one but I don't know if you wanna do that babe." He said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes.
"Oh I know I want to do that."
"Mi-Millie no." Finn tried to say. "No finn I'm gonna do this and nothings going to stop me"
I put my finger on the trigger ready to shoot my gun but Caleb stopped me. "He's the only one who knows where Jackson and Eva are."
"I'll shoot him if he doesn't tell me."  I said looking at Caleb.
"But you love me mills."
"Who would love you asshole." I put the gun down and pulled him off of Finn. "I want you to leave and never come back."
"And why would I do that." I was getting annoyed to the point where I wanted to shoot him but I couldn't, which I fucking hated. ALOT. 
"Look if you want to see the rest of your family than I want something."
Finn was now on his feet with blood dripping from his mouth and a bruised cheek. "What do you possibly want."
An evil smile came up in his face and I became worried. "In order for you to see your people your have to use something against one of them."
Looking over at Finn I gave him a ' what the hell is he talking about' look.
"What do you mean."
"That shiny thing you got in your hand...yea the gun, you have to use it on Maddie, Noah, Caleb,or Finn, and if you don't then I can have you if your people at my place killed in two seconds."
"N-no!" Caleb said.
"There has to be another way." Maddie said while Noah holding her back.
"Sorry cutie but there isn't" Jacob said winking at Maddie. Noah stared at him ready to hit him. Thinking it over I stepped up. "I'll go." I said but no one heard me because of all the yelling. "I'll go with him!!!"
All eyes were on me now and Jacob was smirking. "Mill-"
"Noah I already said I'm going." I handed him my gun.
"Millie I want to talk to you." Finn dragged me into a room and locked the door.
"Finn I alre-"
"I can't loose you too." He said with his head in his hands. I walked to him and grabbed his hands. "Finn just promise me something."
He looked me in the eyes with a sad look that broke my heart. "Keep Eva and Jackson safe please."
"I promise." I went I for a hug and he stopped me. "I won't let go if you hug me mills."
I didn't know what to do. I looked down at my feet because this was kinda awkward. I was about to walk out of the room but I felt his fingers touch my chin. He lifted my head to where I could see him. He had a small smile. He leaned in a kissed me, but this wasn't just a feeling of want, it was nice and gentle. It made me feel like I was loved. I heard a knock on the door. I pulled away from Finn.
"When will I see you again?"
"I'm not sure."
"C'mon princess." I heard Jacob say from the other side of the door. Backing away from Finn we opened the door and Jacob was there. We followed him into the living room. "Let's go babe."
"Wait." I gave Noah, Caleb, and Maddie a hug because I have no clue when I'm going to see them again. These were the people I grew up with. They are my family but from the looks of it I have to leave so Jacob and his people can let my family go. As for Mandy she probably gonna be dead before she steps foot into this house.
"Your people have been set loose so they should be fine." Jacob said.  As soon as he said that, everyone came through the back door with bruises and blood. Jaeden was caring Eva and Jackson was with Sadie holding her hand. Grace popped out behind Gaten.
"Hey over here grace now." She shyly walked over to me. Yea she hates her family especially Jacob and I have no clue why.
"What's going on?" Sophia asked.
"I'm going with Jacob." I said looking at all of them. "No." Gaten said.
After awhile we talked it out and I hugged everybody. Jackson and Eva were the last ones "are you coming back millie." Eva said. "I'm not sure sis but, you guys have to take care of each other okay?" They both shook their head yes and hugged me. This is probably the last time I'm going to see my little sister and it hurts so bad. I walked out the door with everyone falling behind me. I saw Mandy get out of a car and I ran to her. I punched her square in the face and she went down really fast. "You better be glad I don't have that gun bitch." Jacob pulled me away from her pushing me inside the car. As the car started going down the drive way I looked out the back window watching my family smaller and smaller and soon disappeared from sight.

"So millie you want to share a room with grace or me."
"She'll share one with me Jacob." Grace said sternly.
"Fine." Jacob said, turning around in his seat.
"Get ready to see your new family."
"You are not apart of my family"

I'm going to hate my life.

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