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AUTHORS NOTE:This maybe a short chapter....

Millies POV

We finally made it to the house. Wow, this is a nice ass place. It had two stories and a huge front door. (Imagine the traphouse..if you know what that is).

Sophia had the key so she unlocked the door and we all went inside. we toured the house and we alreay had our rooms because while I was passed out for four days they got everything ready. I walked into the room that I shared it with Finn and right in front of us was Jackson and Eva's room.


"You like it." Finn said as he came up behind me and snaked his arm around my waist.

"It great..I....I never thought we would be normal...ya know..."
I said snuggling into Finns touch.

"Yea...But we are all gonna be fine now...normal live, normal family." Finn said as I turned around to face him.

"Millie Bobby brown I love you so fucking much." He said cupping my face.

"I love you to Finn Wolfhard." I smiled

We shared a passionate kiss and it felt right. After and couple of hours of getting settled, watching tv, and hanging out with everyone. Wyatt,Caleb and Sadie decided to be responsible adults and cook dinner. I just hope and pray they don't burn the house down.

Me and Finn laid on our bed watching avengers (cause avengers are fucking great) waiting for food to get done.
"What do you think their cooking." Finn asked.

"I'm not sure but I hope it's good."

Then out of fucking no where, Eva and Jackson busted through the door jumping on both of us.

"Foods ready!!!!" They both said giggling making me and Finn smile. They dragged us down stairs. There was a big cake and little side dishes and steak.

"Woah you guys went all out." Noah said looking at all the food.

"Yes we did." Sadie said smiling to herself.

"Did you guys use all the food for this week?" Gaten said.

"What....no we're not stupid." Caleb said flicking Gaten in the head making everyone laugh. We all sat down eating until Jaeden stood up.

"A toast for a great life a head of us."

"Cheers!!" Everyone yelled.

Wow. This is actually happening.

Here's for a new life.

Fillie~ Dangerous Where stories live. Discover now