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Millie's POV

I woke up to the smell of bacon. Trying to sit up I felt an arm keeping me from moving. I looked over at the sleeping body. Finn, his small freckles around his face with his curly hair scattered along his pillow. That's when it hit me. The party, the arguing with sadie and Finn, and Jacob..... I started getting a migraine so I gently pushed Finns arm off and walked down stairs.

I walked down stairs and into the kitchen. My mouth instantly water at the smell of the food that was a couple of feet from me.

"Morning sissy."
I looked over at the table seeing Eva. She jumped out of her seat hugging me tightly. God I missed her so much.
"Are you hungry?" She asked letting me go.

"Um yeah, starving actually."

I looked up and Sadie and Caleb were fixing breakfast.
"Here Millie." Caleb said handing me my plate. I sat down and my head got another migraine. Sadie sat next me giving me some headache medicine.
"Thanks sads...and I'm sorry about-"
"Millie we were drunk it's fine I still love you." We both giggled. I missed this house.
My head turned towards the stairs and Finn came down. I smiled and turned my head back to my food as I begin eating. He came up behind me kissing my cheek. Wait what....
"How'd you sleep."
"Great actually."
"Good." He kisses the top of my head then went to make his plate.
I was very confused but happy at the same time. I looked up and Sadie was also confused and Caleb and I both shrugged at this weird event but okay finn.
"Okay what's happening to you finn." Eva said.
Everyone including Finn turned around.
"Eva." Sadie scolded
"Everyone's thinking's it." She said looking at all of us. We ignored her and kept doing what we were doing. I mean she not wrong finn was acting different but I liked it. After that little episode, Jaeden, Sophia, Wyatt, Jackson,Gaten, and grace came down to eat. We all ate and there were some conversations here and there but it felt good to be here with my family. Even though I know I'll have to leave soon.
I felt someone come up behind me and I instantly knew it was, finn.
"Go get dressed and were something nice."


"Just do it." I could feel the smile on his face. Nodding my head, Finn walked off to his room. As I looked down at my plate I ate what was left. Then I felt eyes on me, I looked up and everyone was staring at me.

"What?" I said with my mouth full.

"Nothing." Wyatt said while the others giggled. I hate when they do that. I ignored it and went upstairs to get ready for whatever Finn has planned.  I walked in my old room seeing everything was still the same. My checkered bed covers, my desk, and my band posters on my wall. Some of my close were here too. Looking at my bed again there was a blue sweat shirt and light blue skinny jeans.  I quickly change into these cloths that Finn put here. A knock came from the door , "come in."
Finn came in a stared.

"You look beautiful."

"I wear stuff like this almost every day."

"I know you just look beautiful, I've always thought that."

My face turned red and I smiled a little.

"You ready?"

I followed him out and said bye to everyone.
"Wait millie." Grace said
"What's up."

"I've gotta take you home after you get back."
I was kinda disappointed but I might as well make this count.
"Okay, bye guys!"

Finn and I finally left getting into his beat up red mustang. It's just one of those nights forgetting about Jacob and the drugs, we were teenagers. Finn still hasn't told me where we were going which kinda scared me but I trusted him. We were blasting music down the road screaming the until our voices gave out.  We finally arrived at the place he was taking me too.....I think?
"So are we here?" I asked finn
"Nope , put this blind fold on."
"Just do it, you can trust me."

I put the blind fold on and we started walk
30 minutes later

"Finn we've been walking forever I whined."

"Well it's your lucky day babe cause we are here."

Babe... my heart just exploded but he said that before... just forget about it millie.

He stopped me from walking and took the blind fold off but he immediately put his hands over my eyes.
"Okay you ready."

"Definitely." I smiled


Too be continued....

Hey guys sorry I haven't updated in forever but schools getting in the way and I haven't had anytime to write anything.
Stay tuned for the next chapter!!!!

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