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Millie's POV

It's been a month since I've went home with Jacob and grace. It's not the same here with out my family. They didn't trust me when I first got here so the only places I could go was to my new room I shared with grace and the restaurant they worked in. It wasn't hard but Jacob would not stop trying to get with me or touch me. It was weird. I'm not used to waking up in a girly room or making my own breakfast. I miss Wyatt making his pancakes. I miss smoking with Gaten, Caleb, and Sadie. I miss walking down stairs hearing Jackson and Eva singing to spongebob. I'm miss playing video games with jaeden and Noah. I miss shopping with Sophia and Maddie. I miss waking up next to finn and the kiss- no I don't miss that. Millie you can't have feelings for him.
"Hey millie you hungry?" Grace said coming through the door with a tray of food.
"Um yea but I could've made my own breakfast grace."
She smiled.
"I thought you might like it."
She was right I did, but I didn't like it when grace had to do things for me. Besides, Grace is the only one I trust here.
"So I have something to tell you."

"Good or bad."

"Maybe both."
Finishing up my breakfast, I turned to grace to get the news I was about to receive.
"So, you are going to get out of the house today but, for a trade."

"Really?" I said happily. I needed to get out of this place.
"Yes but there's a small problem."


"The group we are trading with is Mandy's kids."

A frown appeared on my face but I should be happy because I get to see my family. This is not how I wanted to see them again.
"Do I have to go?"

"Jacobs making you go so just do what he says." She frowned.
Grace seemed uncomfortable around him... like a lot.

"Grace, did something happen between you and Jacob."

"N-No that's ridiculous, if something did happen h-he would get killed."
She said nervously. Of course I didn't believe her but I'm not going to invade her privacy.
"Um okay."
She stood up and took the tray with her and left the room in a hurry. I grabbed my clothes from the closet and walked into her bathroom. I got dressed and heard someone walk in. Thinking it was grace, I walked out of the bathroom.
"Hey do you-"

"Hey cutie."
Jacob was sitting on my bed with no shirt. I need a trash can. I'm gonna puke.
"What do you want?" I questioned.
He patted the spot next to him. I walked slowly to him, sitting beside him.
"Millie just relax."

"Um no thanks."

"But your with me...your safe babe."

"One, I'm not your babe and two, safe...that's funny."

His face grew dark.
"Oh millie."

"I'm not scared of you Jacob."
His smile was evil but that didn't phase me. We sat in silence until he jumped on top of me. Leaving kisses up and down my neck. He's done this since I got here and I can stop him. He's stronger than me which fucking sucks. He continued to do this and I couldn't do anything about it.
He started reaching for my pants and that's when I pushed him off of me.
"There is no way in hell you are getting into my pants."

"I thought you liked this baby."

"I never said anything like that."

I grabbed my phone and walked out of the room slamming my door behind me. Asshole. I rushed downstairs to get away from Jacob but only to bump into jack (Yes grazer).
"Oh shit sorry."
"It's fine.
He held his hand out for me to grab. He pulled me up and gave me a puzzled look.

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