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Finn's POV

I felt and hand on my shoulder and turned around to see Sadie.

"Finn where's c-caleb?" She said tripping over her own feet. Damn she got drunk fast.

"I'm not sure, go ask Wyatt."

"But I can't find Wyatt either!" She whined

I looked back at millie and she had a look on her face I couldn't make out. I turned back towards Sadie ignoring it.

"Look he might be outside smoking again or he might be with Noah."

She grabbed my hand trying to pull me with her.

"Come help me finn." She said grabbing at my shirt and pulling me towards her. What the hell did she smoke?

"Sadie I'm-"

"C'mon finnie!" She whined again.

Millie suddenly grabbed my hand out of Sadie's.

Sadie turned around towards us almost falling in the process.

"What wrong with you mills?" She said gaining her balance

"Go find you stupid boyfriend by yourself." Millie said pushing Sadie backwards.

Sadie pushed back but Millie went to punch her.

I pulled her away from Sadie, "Millie stop."

She looked confused and sad.

"So now your taking her side!"

"Millie, she wanted me to help find Caleb, there were no sides."

"So you want Sadie now!" She yelled but only I could hear her because the music was up so loud.

"Millie your drunk." I tried to grab her hand but she pushed me away.

"First you tell me t-that you don't have feelings for me, then you hug and kiss me b-but you still don't want me but then I leave and you a-acted like nothings happened..."

"Millie... I'm sorry."

Once again I tried to reach for her but she pushed me away.

"Don't touch me asshole."

She walked away from me, nudging Sadie in the shoulder as she past her.

10 minuets later

I was outside smoking a cigarette, watching all the drunk teens falling over each other.

"Hey Finn."

I looked to my right to see Wyatt walking towards me.


"Have you seen millie?"

"Um not since she yelled at me and Sadie, why?"

"Jack can't find her because he was supposed to bring her home."


This weird feeling came up in the bottom of my stomach and it felt bad.

"Let's go find her." I told wyatt.

We walked inside getting joined by Noah who looked scared. I grabbed him by the shoulders keeping him balanced.

"Woah, Noah are you okay?" Wyatt asked

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