: : : Chapter [ 4 ] : : :

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: : : Chapter [ 4 ] : : : 


I haven't seen Zyana in a while and I really wanted to see her. She was so damn irresistible. When we were alone she wouldn't even call me by name, only saying Your Highness or some royal name. It kind of irritated me, I was falling for her slowly. I needed to catch myself but, it was hell when I couldn't be around her.

"Baby, I need to go shopping, my clothes are worn out." Camilla said, patting my pockets. Most likely looking for my credit card.

"Camilla, you just went shopping yesterday, I'm beginning to think you only want me for my money," I sighed and pushed her back softly. 

"I would never, not after we had a very fun night last night," She said, pecking my lips softly. I groaned and pulled out my wallet. 

"How much do you need," I said rolling my eyes, slightly.

"Two hundred," She smiled at me widely and traced her hands up and down my arm.

"Here," I said pulling out two one hundred dollar bills and giving it to her.

"Thanks babe, you're the best, I -" She paused at the knock on the door and growled. 

"Come in," I shouted, loud enough for the person on the other side of the door to hear. The door pushed open slightly and there stood Zyana, in all her beauty. Her hips had widen, her breast looked bigger and her stomach looked bigger. Tears stained her gorgeous face and her smooth carmel skin. I just wanted to have her in my arms. My mood had dropped slightly, seeing her so sad.

"What's wrong," I asked and walked over to her, embracing her in a hug.

"Can, I talk to you," She whispered and looked over to Camilla, who was glaring at her. "Alone,"

"Camilla, I'll talk to you later," I said turning around to her and her face was red.

"Who's this," She calmly asked but, I knew she was upset.

"This is Zyana. Zyana this is Camilla," I said introducing them both to each other.

"Hm, nice meeting you but, I have to go," She said rejecting Zyana's effor to give her a handshake. She kissed my cheek and left the room, with her face scrunched up. If Zyana wasn't so sad, I would've laugh.

"What's wrong, love," I asked as I carressed her face. She slowly backed away and walked to the chair. I sat next to her but, she scooted away a little. "Was it something I did," I whispered.

"No, actually we're both to blame for this situation," She sighed and tears began to roll down her face.

"Don't cry," I said wiping away her tears and hugging her, softly rubbing my thumb against her smooth skin.

"Xavier, I - I'm pregnant," She stuttered and once she said it, she cried even more.

"That's great," I said smiling widely and kissing her cheek. To me that was great news, I don't know why she was crying.

"No, it's not! Xavier, people know I'm pregnant. I had to tell them Sage was the father because if they found out you cheated on Camilla, we'd never hear the end it," She said pushing me away and standing up. Suddenly, I felt angry that people thought Sage was the father and to know that he agreed with it, was beyond me.

"How long are you," I asked her silently, it came out as a whisper.

"I'm three months, the bump is getting bigger," She sighed and wiped her tears.

"I'm here for you, nothing will happen," I said kissing her forehead and rocking her.

"You have Camilla, what do you see in me," 

"I'm falling for you slowly," I confessed and her eyes went wide.

"I can't do this. You can be in the baby's life but, if you really falled for me, you'd break things off with Camilla," She stood up and walked out the door.

Guys, this is really short, I'm so sorry!

Anyway, from now on there will be a chapter focusing on Zyana only and then a next one focusing on Xavier only. 

Tell me what you think about the book :)

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Oh and check out LeanGoddess' book please, it's really good :)

Lots of love.

-Ja'lynn xox

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