: : : Chapter [ 14 ] : : :

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: : : Chapter [ 14 ] : : : 


After what happened last night I'm not sure if I can trust Emily anymore. Apparently someone told Sage and Avery about it because Avery has been texting me all day. I assume she's trying to comfort me. It's not that I didn't enjoy her company it's that I was trying to hang out with Xavier. Although he's been touching me too much, whenever I ask him he says, 'I have to get the most of it before your stomach gets so big that I can't even hug you'. 

I found that cute and all but, I wasn't really into his explanations. I couldn't even sit properly last night because of that dress I wore. I had to raise the dress higher so my stomach wasn't at the party that was too tight.

Good thing Xavier had got me more clothes, during this awful experience. If someone tells you being pregnant is great, they're lying. It's a great gift from God but, the experience . . I don't think so. But, it'll be all worth it when the baby comes.

"Let's go," Avery said as she led me out of the hospital. I would've gone with Xavier but, he had paperwork to do and whenever he doesn't get something down he's so crabby. I looked down at my ring and smiled.

"Are you and Sage serious," I randomly asked her and she led me into the car.

"Yeah, I mean he doesn't treat me bad," She said trailing off.

"Not to get personal but were you in a abusive relationship," I nervously asked her and she turned away and looked outside. She slightly nodded.

I felt kind of bad so I scooted over to her and hugged her sideways. I couldn't give her a full hug because of my belly bump.

"I'm sorry to hear that. I hope everything goes alright with you and Sage," I gave her words of courage and with that, the rest of the ride was quiet.

"Thanks a lot for coming," I called out to Avery as she walked down the hall waving and smiling at me.

I went into the kitchen and filled a cup with ice and then drowned it with water. I made myself a cheese sandwich and sat down at the table. I sliced the sandwich and half and began eating the first slice. I pulled out my phone and texted Xavier telling him that I was six months and had three more months to go. Also, that I was in the kitchen and was waiting for him to come.

I was on my last bite and then I heard someone cough. I looked up and regretted it instantly. There stood my ex-bestfriend, Emily.

"We need to talk," She whispered.

"We don't need to talk. It's clear that you wanted all of my boyfriends," I scoffed and pushed my chair back. I got the plate and cup, waddling over to the sink.

"You get everything! It's not fair," She yelled and I turned around slowly.

"Don't yell. I'm starting to dislike you so, you might want to be on my good side and I don't get everything. You was the popular kid with all the boyfriends and friends, I was your shadow," I growled.

"No, it was all you. You were just too stupid to look and see that people adored you. Guys had crushes on you but you never gave them the time of day. I was talked about whilst you were glorified," She whispered on the verge of tears.

I glared at her for a second. Then, it came to me. She was right! I was Queen at that school. I just never cared about being popular. Guys threw theirselves at me but, I had my eyes on my education. I remember when people talked about her and I warned her about it everytime. I remember when she almost commited suicide and I didn't know why. But, now I do. She's jealous of me.

"Oh my gosh," I croaked out and tried to speed walk to her. I tried to embrace her in a hug as she spilled her tears over me.

"But, why did you have to have sex with them," I asked pulling away from her.

"Because, I wanted attention. Even though when they were sober they didn't want me. So, I offered them drinks and drugged them so I'd get the attention I wanted. I never meant to hurt you. I am so sorry and I'm selfish. Xavier's right, my child will grow up knowing I'm a slut," She cried out and I hugged her once more.

"I forgive you. But, I'll give you a warning that if you ever do this shit again. I'm beating your ass and cutting you off," I glared at her and she nodded intently.

"I promise," She said as I began walking off. "Thank you Zyana," She called out to me and I just waved back.

Right now I was sitting in the backyard in my white one piece bikini. I saw Camila walking towards me and groaned, before taking off my sunglasses. She sat next to me and smiled brightly at me. I gave her a confused look.

"Hey gorgeous! Congrats on the proposal and kids," Camila said a little too cheery for me.

"Thanks. I'm not being mean or anything but why are you so nice to me all of a sudden," I asked her and she laughed. I didn't see what was so funny.


"Because what," I asked.

"Because of you, I've been so happy. Ever since that night we talked, I learned to accept what I have," She said rubbing her stomach. "I'm having a boy and after I give birth Robert and I plan to get married and then have a girl. So then our family will be completed. I honestly love him and I'm over Xavier," She smiled dearly at me.

"That's great! I've never seen you so happy before! You look nice," I complimented her.

"Thanks, so do you,"

"Out of curiousity, how did you get over Xavier so quick," I asked.

"Well, I thought I loved him but, I didn't and in all honesty, our relationship was just a publicity set up by his Dad," She confessed and I gasped, making her laugh. "Yeah, everyone who I've told was shocked," She said looking at the time. "Look, I got to go but, I hope to see you around," She smiled before walking away into the house.

I smiled and waddled on over to Xavier's office. I told him about my day and everything that happened. He smiled at me and told me I was so forgiving and a lot of other stuff. I just nodded at his response and sent him a smile.

"You're so sweet," He said pulling me closer to him.

"I know, I know," I said cockily and he scoffed with a roll of his eyes.

This Friday at school, we had Family Life and I literally hate that period. I mean I like the subject and teacher but the topic was BFF's and. . Well, you know.

So, this girl said I was one of her friends because the teacher told her to call out her friends in the class. I stood along with the people she called. But, then I was like? 'What? I thought she only liked me because of my books and our dislike of a girl.' And YES, it is true that us girls become friends over people we don't like. Lol, joke. But, I was happy that she called me a friend. Because, now a days you can't really trust people so quickly.

This chapter is dedicated to dessydream! (We're friends in real life and she's the girl I was talking about in that.) Comment & Vote! Love you. xox 

P.S. I don't know when I'll post again with exams and shit but, I'll try!

Happy Sunday! <3

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