112: Towards Eden Kingdom (2)

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The journey has been quite smooth for the small group of teenagers, and the speed to which they've covered was far from normal. The existence of essences was indeed convenient and almost almighty.

[Has the citizens of Eden Kingdom evacuated their homeland?]

To her thoughts, a soft whisper replied, [With ease and undetected. As you've suggested, we've spread a layer of mist all over the nation to provide time for their escape. By the time they take notice, most would have traveled far.]

Without a change of her expression, Lea's crimson eyes glinted with a sharp light that no one amongst her companions noticed. They have traveled day and night, only taking a break for meals twice a day. Even Ulla did not complain for not having her daily bath. For she knew the weight of their journey and why they must not stop.

By the time a few days have passed, they arrived at the edge of Felicity Domain, where the Yatsoraha peninsula can be seen. A huge body of water separates the two nations.

"Why not teleport us to Eden right away, Lea?" Raize gently asked. He has always been puzzled why they didn't do it the easy way in the first place. He had observed Lea for some time now, and he realized she was more than capable of doing whatever conveniences he could imagine.

"Certainly can, but..."

Her trail of words gave rise to silence.

And as the silence spread from seconds to a minute, soft whispers came into Lea's mind, [No trace... Ingrid... Not a piece... here.]

The whispers sounded too soft and vague. The Spirits have been spread across Felicity Domain in search for Ingrid's fragmented souls. Results apparent, Lea felt her chest burn with frustration.

With a sudden resigned sigh, they were once again looking at Lea with rasp attention as she finished her words, "I was simply searching for something..." It was obvious she became downhearted, but none could get a clue as to why.

As soon as she finished her words, there was barely any reaction to the rest of her companions before all of them were zapped to Yatsohara peninsula.

Ulla and Ullysis were both astounded. Raize didn't have the chance to analyze what Lea did at all, and secretly felt disappointed, hoping to be able to do so the next time.

"......." Ulla opened her mouth to say something, but no words could be heard.

Worried, Ullyssis asked, "What's bothering you, Ulla?"

Ulla shook her head sadly. "Just... I simply thought how much we've changed ever since coming to this world... And now we're meeting the cause of all these troubles... I just feel... overwhelmed."

Hearing her words that were uttered as quiet as a mouse, Ullyssis felt a huge distance from Ulla in his heart. He gently wrapped his arms around her waist and whispered to her ear, "Even then, I'm glad I met you."

Remembering the times they spent in the university and in Ullyssis' palace, Ulla gave his arms a gentle tap. It was certainly a magical opportune to meet one another with how huge the world is, and even then, how worlds apart they were. Catching the attention of one another with their personality, and learning more about one another through their hobbies... If Ullyssis was a lake, then Ulla was the waves that pushes him forward out the stream, towards a new expanse.

"Never thought I'd meet my other half in this world." Behind her words, she felt fear.

Without rhyme nor reason, she was transported into a world of a game she once knew. But everything has progressed unbelievably different, and at the corner of her mind, she just knew that she might be transported back to her original world without warning at some point in time. It's a fact she was not a resident of this world, and without the cause of their transportation, she would never hope to live a life free of worries.

Their exchange was clearly heard by Lea due to her enhanced capabilities that echoes with the presence of essences despite their meager presence. With empathy, she thought of all the things they have done ever since their arrival.

They have met with death quite a number of times due to beasts and bad influences of society. There were a number of times when they met troubled individuals that caused them to go to a certain path. Then they learnt of a conspiracy that they might be able to put an end on.

It is certainly overwhelming. The future was unknown.

[Ulla... Don't worry. Everything will be alright.]

Hearing such words in her mind, Ulla abruptly turned to Lea whose back was turned to her. She simply shook her head and smiled. Indeed, at least I am not alone.



Travelling rigorously with even less breaks, they could finally see the huge expanse of Eden Kingdom.

However, a trail of blood can be seen on the unpaved road.

"A strong smell of blood...." Uttered Nia fearfully. He shivered involuntarily with how many deaths must have been sacrificed to accummulate such a strong smell.

The dread spread all around with his words.

Before long, they could hear faint screams of pain, constant with the clashing of blades.

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