Yeah, Just Do Your Best, Iida!

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A/n-okay I'm not going to take up your time but holy Fuck I have 1k views!thanks I love you guys!!!!!
|No ones pov|
With news airing that All Might and Lady ghoul  joining U.A. High's faculty, the press interviews various students looking for a scoop. Shota Aizawa tries to send the reporters away, but they try to follow him inside, activating the U.A. defensive barrier.

During Class 1-A's homeroom class, Mister Aizawa announces that the class needs to elect a representative. The representative title is a chance for students to gain extra recognition, so nearly every student tries to elect themselves.
"The class should put it to a vote!"
Tenya speaks out although the results are not to his liking. Izuku Midoriya is voted class representative, and Momo Yaoyorozu is chosen to be deputy representative. 

"Yay izuku!"Tenya looks at the female twin.
"Oi!don't look at me like that I didn't even vote!"The female twin yelled out and she was telling the truth because she wasn't even paying attention until them.Nori deadpanned at his rival.
W-was she always like this?Nori thought and looked away with a blush.

Later on, Izuku,Y/n, Ochaco and Tenya sit together and have lunch in the mess hall. Izuku is apprehensive about his ability to lead the class, but Tenya reassures him. Tenya even admits that he himself voted for Izuku because of his intuition during the entrance exam. Noticing Tenya's formal attitude, Ochaco asks about Tenya's family and their wealth. Tenya hesitantly admits to being a member of the Iida Hero Family because he fears it will change how others view him. Tenya's brother is the Turbo Hero Ingenium, a famous pro-hero. Their conversation is disrupted when the school alarms abruptly go off. A third year student points that this means someone has infiltrated U.A. by bypassing the defensive barrier. 

All students try to evacuate the mess hall at once, creating a major traffic jam in the outside hallway. Despite being caught in the panic, Tenya notices that it is only the media who has managed to trespass on campus. Drawing inspiration from his brother and Izuku, Tenya comes up with a plan to calm everyone around him. He asks Uraraka to make him float and then boosts himself onto the emergency exit board before yelling for the students to calm down. He explains that the infiltration is only the press, relieving the chaotic situation. 
Y/n smiled at Tenya's level headed approach to calm everyone
"That could of been done in a less comical way but whatever it got everyone to shut up so good job Tenya!"Y/n said giving him praise to which he blushed.

The students return to class after lunch and Izuku decides to announce his resignation as class president. Moved by Tenya's heroics, Izuku nominates him as the replacement. The majority of the class agrees, and Tenya becomes the new class representative.Y/n cheered Tenya on this playing attention this time.
"You're always cheering someone on you know that?"

"Yep!Though I didn't see you complaining when I cheered for you Shoto~"Y/n said smugly leaving the two haired colored male with nothing else to say.
"Thought so~Y/n;1 Shoto;0~"Both teens laughed.

Meanwhile, the U.A faculty gather to discuss that most of the U.A Barrier has been disintegrated, indicating that someone did indeed infiltrate U.A. They wonder if an ordinary reporter could have infiltrated the academy. However, Mr. Principal declines that possibility, saying that an element of evil instigated the infiltration, and wonders if this was intended to be a declaration of war.

Elsewhere in the city, Pro Heroes Kamui Woods and Mount Lady are dealing with a hostage situation created by Trapezius Head Gear. The situation appears perilous, but lady ghoul and All Might suddenly arrives and defeats the villain using a Missouri Smash and Lady ghoul using her Ukaku. They quickly moves on towards U.A. but takes several detours to do hero work. Both heros notices that they've become slower since giving their quirks to the Midoriya twins, and recalls the young man admitting to revealing part of their secret to Katsuki. All Might forgave Izuku, but reminds him that both quirks must remain a secret for the twins safety the safety of the world. 

Back in Class 1-A, Shota announces that the class will participate in a rescue exercise for their Basic Hero Training class. He instructs the class to suit up and board a bus to head off to an off campus location for the exercise.

While riding on the bus, the students discuss each other's quirks.
"Izuku's quirk is similar to All might's and Y/n is just like Lady ghoul's!"
Tsuyu Asui notes but Eijiro Kirishima protests her claim because All Might doesn't injure himself.
"I personally want a flashier quirk that we get me more fame!"
Eijiro goes on to say but Izuku argues that Eijiro's Quirk is powerful enough to make him into a great future hero.
"Izuku is right ya know,Just be grateful you don't rip though your clothes when using your quirk."Y/n said agreeing with her brother and some laughter was heard at the Ew of her sentence because is Was true and everyone know how much the female twin struggled with that
but Eijiro still argues that Katsuki and Shoto's Quirks are perfect for becoming professionals.

"If you think about...Katsuki is too angry to become popular..."Tsuyu interjects,which irritates said hot head. Denki Kaminari follows up
"Yeah now that you said something,his personality needs work too."Listening to the conversation, Izuku and Y/n notices that the tables have reversed since middle school: now Katsuki is the one being teased by the class.

"Okay enough you guys,Leave the hot head alone.Everyone has their flaws,Trust me I have plenty of them and one is being an overprotective sister~"Y/n's joke helped turn the focus of Katsuki.Said male looked over at her and seen that she too was looking over mouthing the words 'you're welcome'.

The heroes in training arrive at a large training facility, greeted by the famous rescue hero Thirteen. Her greeting includes an introduction to her facility, the Unforeseen Simulation Joint (U.S.J.) and a small speech about how the young students must use their quirks to save people rather then fight. Thirteen's words completely deterred when a large group of villains suddenly arrive through a black portal.

The first thing Y/n saw was a mop of Light blue hair....

To be continued~

Ochaco;This is crazy!what in the hell is going on now!?What did Y/n mean by its him!D-did they meet at some point before now!?

N-next time on boku no hero academia!Encounter with the Unknown!

What's going to happen next!

A/n-okay don't hurt me but reader- chan your going to be taking some damage in the next few chapters!
I'm sorry!


⸽B⸽N⸽H⸽A ⸽ Izuku Midoriya's Twin sister![Reader X Male!various]Where stories live. Discover now