Upon Each of Their Hearts

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|No ones pov|
In the Mountain Zone of the U.S.J., Denki Kaminari is taken hostage by a villain who was unaffected by his Quirk. The villain threatens to kill Kaminari if the others don't surrender, but admits to having a soft spot for electric types like him.

Momo realizes that this must be the same villain jamming their communications. Kyoka attempts to distract the villain by talking while she attempts to plug one of her Ear Phones jacks into the aiming gear on her legs. The electric criminal sees through her plan and warns them again, forcing the two to surrender. 

Meanwhile, All Might has managed to defeat Nomu, but his Hero Form is at it's limit. He is immobilized and tries to bluff in order to scare Tomura and Kurgiri away. Tomura panics after witnessing Nomu's defeat, believing they have no chance to kill the Symbol of Peace. However, Kurogiri notes the significant amount of damage to All Might, and reassures his colleague that they can still kill All Might. They attack, but Izuku breaks his legs using One For All to intercept them in time. He prepares to use a smash on Kurogiri's weak point, but he warps Tomura's hand through his body near Izuku's face. Before he can use his Quirk to harm Izuku, Tomura is shot in the arm and izuku is knocked out of the way and drought to the ground by His twin.

"Idiot!Think before you act!"Y/n yelled trying to catch her breath.Izuku noticed she was covered in frost and noted his sisters speed.
Y/n drops to one knee feeling The fatigue kicking in from using her quirk so much and pushing her own body to the limit.

The villain holding Denki hostage is also shot. Both were shot by Pro Hero Snipe, who has arrived with Tenya Iida to save everyone. The Heroes spread out and use their Quirks to defeat any remaining villains. Seeing as their outnumbered, Tomura declares that the mission is officially over. He is shot several times by Snipe, and then Kurogiri tries to use his Quirk to help both of them escape. Kurogiri is slowed down by Thirteen's Quirk, but he eventually transports himself and Tomura away. 

Izuku laments that he was unable to do anything to help, but All Might reassures Izuku that the few vital seconds bought by Izuku's intervention saved his life. Eijiro goes to check on Izuku's legs, but Pro Hero Cementoss stops him to prevent the young man from seeing All Might's weak form. He sends Eijiro to gather his classmates by the exit. All Might thanks Cementoss for concealing his identity, and Cementoss replies that he,Izuku,and Y/n should have their wounds treated in the infirmary. 

Y/n sighs in relief that the fight was over and let's her body relax and passed out.
"Y/n!?"Izuku screamed catching everyone's attention to see that the young girl had passed out and that her wounds were bleeding once again.
"Hurry she needs medical attention now!!!"Y/n was Whisked away in a hurry along with Izuku and all might.

Kurogiri transports himself and Tomura to their secret hideout. An injured Tomura groans about his wounds, and informs his master that the information they received about All Might's weakening was false. On a blank monitor, a mysterious voice tells Tomura that the report wasn't false and Tomura was simply overzealous. A second voice asks about Nomu and Kurogiri regretfully informs them he could not find him. The original voice instructs Tomura to gather the villainous elite, and that the young villain will eventually be feared by the world.

Class 1-A gathers outside the U.S.J. and investigator Tsukauchi informs them that other then Izuku and Y/n, no students sustained major injuries. The students discuss their experiences fighting villains amongst themselves, and Tsuyu inquires about Thirteen and Eraserhead. The investigator tells them Thirteen and Aizawa were critically injured, but are not in life threatening condition. After receiving a report about the Police capturing Nomu, the investigator leaves for the nurses office.

There he finds All Might, Izuku and y/n being treated by Recovery Girl. All Might introduces Naomasa Tsukauchi as his best friend on the Police force, and reveals he knows all about All Might's identity. Izuku thanks All Might for saving him and Y/n, but All Might replies with praise for the young heroes in training. He believes each of them fought bravely at the U.S.J., and will make fine pro heroes one day. 
All might rubs Y/n head as she slept.
"You fought the hardest...Rest well,I know Lady ghoul is very proud of you but she'll scold you once you wake for pushing yourself."All might smiled along with izuku.

Katsuki was silent..completely silent.
She fought so hard...against so many and managed to escape with her life..
"Don't worry about Katsuki,She'll be fine."Lady ghoul gave Katsuki a pat on the shoulder and walked away to check on the twins and all might.
And when she got there she lectured both all might and Izuku and then Y/n when she woke up.

Later that night, The twins are released from Recovery Girl's infirmary with their wounds treated. They find Ochaco and Tenya waiting for them outside the school and walks home with them.
"I was so worried about you two!"Ochaco said hugging them.
"We're fine!Oh god don't cry!"The twins yelled in attempt keep Ochaco from crying.
Elsewhere, an unidentified figure standing on a rooftop stares down at the city.

|Y/n pov|
As we all walk and talk I nearly slip on a ice?
"Umm I'll be back!"I ran off and followed the trail of Ice and found Shoto at the end of it.
"How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine.Thanks to you I managed to keep fighting and protect Izuku..so y-you wanna join us?We're getting pork cutlet bowls!"I held my hand out to him.
"Yeah...that sounds nice."he took my hand and I lead him to the others.
"Come on let's go eat!"

"Yeah!!!"our first battle is over but I'm sure we have a lot more to come and im prepaid to train even more!

|Aki pov|
" Toshinori,remember when we used to be like that?"

"Yeah..when Enji used to be kind...then everything fell apart right before us our whole group...stopped hanging out and only us and when we all got together things got even worse and we lost a friend.."I bit my lip remember how bad everything ended between us all.
"Enji!What the hell was that for!"I yelled hold him by his shirt.Toshinori was trying to calm me down but I felt so heart broken by his words.
"Aki-chan calm down and let's go.Yuki wouldn't want want us to fight here.."

"No!Fuck that!Yuki died because of him!Let go of me!!She wasn't weak!She gave it her all!Now her kids going to grow up without her!You see that tomb stone!It's says Yuki Haruka!I wouldn't be surprised if her kid doesn't become a villain just to kill you!"at that point Toshinori pulled me away from the funeral and fushimi followed us.
"Aki-San...Toshinori is right Yuki wouldn't want this.Me and Nori will be fine I promise.So do me a favor yeah?"


"Let his karma catch up with him,In due time he'll get what's coming to him...so please.calm down.Toshinori take her home or anywhere that doesn't have Enji there..."Toshinori pulled me away and when we're far enough he pulled into a hug.
"It's not fair!"

"Shhh it's going to be okay..."

~Flashback over~

"Nori...he'll never know what actually happened to his mother..."I could feel tears running down my face.
Toshinori hugged me.
"It's okay Aki,we'll make sure nothing like that happens ever again."

To be continued~

Aizawa;I got lucky to have actually made it out...Y/n has Aki's fighting spirit I'll tell you that.She passed out and honestly scared me...but I heard she's fine so that's all that matters.I heard she threw a vending machine at a villain and hit him dead on.Dammit I wish I was there to see that....

Next time on boku no hero academia!
That's the Idea, Ochaco.

Hmmm I wounder if Y/n can throw a car....and I need to ask about her rage episode during the battle...Until next time!


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