Game Over

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|Izuku pov|
I don't know what to do now!Y/n has lost her shit and Nori is cowering behind me and Katsuki!I don't know how but Nori managed to get away from my now raging sister.
"What did you do!?"

"C-calm down katsuki!Shaking him isn't going to solve our problem!"I yelled pointing at Y/n tearing through
Villain after villain without stopping.
"One thing my sister hates is people provoking her or messing with me...but I've never seen her this livid before..."If we don't get her to stop we'll have some dead bodies in a matter of minutes!

|No one pov|
Izuku, Minoru and Tsuyu leave the Shipwreck Zone;whileavoiding an angry Y/n.Having just defeated a group of villains there. They discuss their next course of action and agree that they should head for the exit and avoid the central plaza entirely. The central plaza is where Eraserhead is battling a large group of villains. Izuku believes that this will only end up exhausting their teacher, and decides that they should go try and help. However izuku's mind turns to his twin with worry.
Could this be what lady ghoul was talking about...Y/n snap out of it and come back to us we need you!
Izuku looked back at his sister in last time and kept going.

At the Landslide Zone, Shoto freezes a number of villains as soon as they are all warped there. He evaluates the situation and deduces that the villains who accompanied Shigaraki and Kurogiri are nothing but small time thugs. Two more evil-doers try to get the drop on Shoto, but he easily evades their attacks and freezes their bodies. Trying to gather more information about the current conflict, Shoto interrogates the incapacitated villains.
"if you guy remain frozen you could due for Hypothermia,I'll unfreeze you in exchange for I formation about your plans or option two I let the very angry Greenette beat the information out of you..."He points at Y/n still fighting on her own and holding up pretty well.However it's unclear If he could get her to come over without bring attacked himself.
Hmmm option two might be risky if I go through with it...What the hell happened?Shoto thought as he turned his attention back to the frozen villains.

Concurrently at the Mountain Zone, Denki Kaminari, Kyouka Jiro and Momo Yaoyorozu are surrounded by villains. Momo and Kyouka repel a few attacks using weapons created by the former's Quirk. Denki explains that his Quirk cannot be effective in a situation like their current one and asks for a weapon as well. His Quirk uses by surrounding his body with electricity, but if he shoots it out he risks friendly fire. Thinking on her feet, Kyouka kicks him into a group of villain's, electrocuting them.Momo uses her creation Quirk to create a thick insulation sheet to protect her and Kyouka. With no risk to his friends, Denki electrocutes the entire area and disables all the criminals.

|Y/n pov|
I shook my head trying to gain control of my actions but I was so angry that I I couldn't snap back to myself.
You have to calm down..

I've been trying that for the past 40 minutes now!Ugh what's going on!
That look on izuku's face...he was terrified of ME!
I stopped moving and looked down at my hands...covered in a bit of blood form the villain...My Rinkaku also had some blood too.
...what am I myself...
Tears stung the corner of my eyes.
"You let your guard down!!!!"

"Shit!"I manged to dodge the first swing but the second not so much and struck in my stomach and thrown back pretty far.Shit...t-that hurt...dammit I can't keep fighting like this...
Some blood was running down my face and from the corner of my mouth.
I need...something to throw...but what!
There was a random vending machine not to far from me,so I grabbed it and went on a hunt but some low rank villain tried to hit me with a bat...

but what!There was a random vending machine not to far from me,so I grabbed it and went on a hunt but some low rank villain tried to hit me with a bat

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I have no clue where he went but he's not in front of me anymore...
I walked far enough to where I could see Shoto talking to some villain's however one was not far behind him and was ready to attack.
Got ya you little fucker!!!

|Shoto Pov [Short]|
I heard something whizzing through the air and turned to see a villain getting ready to strike me but...

|Shoto Pov [Short]|I heard something whizzing through the air and turned to see a villain getting ready to strike me but

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"Bull's-eye!!!" Where in the hell did she get that!?
"You okay Shoto!?"

"Yeah but where did you get the vending machine?"

"It was just laying around."She said in her normal carefree tone but I could see she was hurt badly.I picked her up bridal style and ran off to put her somewhere safe.

|No ones Pov|
Back near the U.S.J. entrance, Eraserhead continues to repel villains at the central plaza until he is confronted by Shiragaki. The ringleader manages to damage Eraserhead's elbow using his disintegration Quirk. Eraserhead swiftly retreats, but is suddenly challenged by a large, monstrous villain. Thirteen tries to use her Quirk to destroy Kurogiri, but he turns it on her and puts the Rescue Hero out of commission. Tenya tries to escape through the exit and Kurogiri cuts him off. Mezo Shoji grabs Kurogiri, giving Tenya a path to the exit. Izuku, Tsuyu and Minoru reach the Central Plaza only to find that their teacher has been defeated by the bio-engineered monster "Nomu". 

In a building at the Ruins Zone, Katsuki and Eijiro Kirishima finish off the remaining villains. Eijiro wants to go save his classmates, worried they don't have the offensive ability he and Katsuki do. Katsuki argues that their peers can handle themselves against the weaker villains, and that he should focus on defeating Kurogiri, which would trap the remaining villains in the U.S.J. Eijiro is impressed by Katsuki's clam and rational demeanor, having become used to his angry and aggressive personality. Meanwhile, at the other Zones, members of Class 1-A continue to battle against the villains. 

Tenya makes a mad dash for the exit, but Kurogiri remains hot on his tail. With the combined efforts of Ochaco, Hanta Sero and Rikoidou Sata, Kurogiri is held off long enough for Tenya to escape and go find help. Having allowed Tenya to call for backup, Kurogiri declares the villains plans ruined and warps back to Tomura's side. He informs his leader that Thirteen has been dealt with but he allowed a student to escape, much to Tomura's frustration. Knowing that their group can't fight off reinforcements, the villains decide to retreat, but not before killing the remaining students.

Shoto managed to get Y/n to izuku and runs off to help others.
"Y/n?!"Izuku panics at the site of his sister's condition and she simply tells him she'll be fine due to the healing ability of the quirk will help her and that she only feeling weak at the moment due to bloodloss.
Nori's guilt for what happened earlier consumed him when he saw Y/n's wounds.

However Tomura swiftly accosts Tsuyu and her friends, nearly ending her with his Quirk before Eraserhead uses his to stop the villain. Trying to save their friends, Izuku uses a smash and Y/n used her Rinkaku on Tomura, but it is intercepted by Nomu. Izuku notices that his arm wasn't broken as a result, but also that the attack had no effect on Nomu. Tomura attacks the students again, but they are saved by All Might's and Lady ghoul's sudden arrival.
"Sorry we're late,you all can rest easy now!"Lady ghoul announced.

To be continued~

Shoto;Y/n...I've never see her that Angry or hurt until now but she's okay...I hope so.Lucky for us lady ghoul and all might are her.

Next time on boku no hero academia!
All might..

I hope this ends soon...later.


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