What a Twist!

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|Y/n pov|
The villains left me in the main area for a bit because I kept insulting everyone.
"Why are you still hiding?"

"Because I don't want to be seen."

"Okay,well I'm bored.Tell me who you are?"I asked the male that was sitting behind the chair I was sitting in.He stays quiet and fidgets with the strings.
"Okay,let's start with names.what's your name?"

".....Daremo...."[A/n;Means nobody]

"That can't really be you're name...Right?"He didn't say anything else as the door opens;i felt the strings move upward indicating he went back to his previous hiding spot.
Tomura was the one who walked back into the room and glanced at me for a second before turning his full attention on me.

"I don't understand."

"Don't understand wha-Whoa!Back up!"I yelled sticking my foot out again but he grabs my ankle.
"Why aren't you dead..."

"Good question."I kicked him back with enough force that his bottom hit the floor.
"Also,don't touch me."

|No ones pov|
Eijiro furiously pleads with Vlad King for permission to leave camp in order to find Katsuki and Y/n before the villains capture Them.Vlad King refuses and explains that only the students in the woods have permission to fight with quirks because they need to defend themselves.

Suddenly, Dabi blasts the classroom door. Vlad King quickly subdues him using his Blood Manipulation quirk. He warns Dabi not to underestimate the heroes, but Dabi replies that the heroes have already lost. Dabi continues to taunt his opponents, saying that society will lose faith in both U.A. and All Might after discovering the school allowed a student to go missing. Shota arrives and destroys the clone of Dabi, saying to Vlad King that the villain is only aiming to distract the pro-heroes. 

Meanwhile, the Bakugo Escort Squad has subdued Mr. Compress. They tackle him out of the air and end up landing directly at the Vanguard Action Squad's rendezvous point. Mr. Compress transforms himself into a marble and Dabi throws a fireball at the students.

Shoto evades while Izuku and Mezo's arms get partially burned. Twice attacks Shoto and Himiko tackles Izuku to the ground. Mezo knocks Himiko off of Izuku before she can cut him. Twice is able to evade Shoto's ice and Mr. Compress reverts to his normal form. 

Daichi makes it to Eijiro with Hikaru in tow.
"D-Daichi?Why are you here?Where's lady ghoul?I thought you were with her?"Eijiro asked slightly panicked to see the wolf here without Y/n or Lady ghoul.Daichi drops something on the floor and whimpers while nudging it over to the red head.
"No...W-why is her-why do you have her bracelet..."

"Eijiro they have Y/n,Nori took her to them."Hikaru said before leaving to find Dream.Eijiro picks up the bracelet.
Please be okay...
Mina pets Daichi as they all sit in silence,hoping Y/n was okay and that the villains won't get their hands on Katsuki.

Dabi tries to confirm that the theatric villain has captured Katsuki, but Mezo believes he's taken the marbles Mr. Compress transformed them into. Kurogiri arrives to transport the villains back to their hideout, but Dabi refuses to leave without Katsuki. Mr. Compress reveals that he fooled the students by compressing some of Shoto's ice into marbles and kept the real marbles inside his mouth the entire time. 

Mr. Compress finishes his monologuing with one last bow, giving Yuga an opening to blast his mask off with a navel laser. The marbles fall out of the villain's mouth. Mezo manages to grab one of them, but Dabi grabs the other before Shoto can reach it. He orders Mr. Compress to undo his quirk and confirm he's captured Katsuki. Dabi drags Katsuki through the portal as Izuku runs and screams for his friend. Katsuki only replies for Izuku to stay back while disappearing into the warp-gate. Tsuyu and Ochaco catch up to Izuku too late, Izuku screams in agony and frustration because the villains were victorious in their mission. 
"FUCK!I was too late..."Lady ghoul said dropping down.She had blood leaking from the corner of her mouth,clothes were burnt,and she was covered in bruises.
"Lady ghoul what happened to you?"

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