Rachel & Zayn

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New one shot...Finally a zayn one shot....I guess people are crazy for Niall and the others and not for zayn...how sad lol


It was Friday afternoon, after school me and my friends went on a football game. We weren’t crazy about sport; we were crazy about the hot football players.

We were just a few crazy teens talking about the way the boys looked into their shorts and shirts. We would totally freak out when some of the boys took of their shirts.

Maybe I didn’t freak out like they did because I had a crush on another guy. I only blush when he takes his shirt off. I had a huge crush on a black haired boy. We were in the same class and we were sort of friends. We didn’t talk very much, but we didn’t hate each other either. We were nothing and it was killing me. I wanted us to be more, but I never told him that.

So here I was, on a hot summer day, in my pink short shorts and my black tank top, staring at my black haired crush.

We watched the boys fall down sometimes and giggled at that. Most of them were bleeding a bit and sweating like hell. After the game was over we walked to the boys to talk to them a bit.

“Hey guys, great game!” My friend said smiling.

“Girls, come here!” The football coach called us.

“What’s up?” I asked giggling.

“There are some wounded boys; can you please take care of them?”

He said that each girl should help 1 boy and I got to help my crush, whose name was by the way Zayn.

My eyes widen and I wanted to scream of happiness. He looked at me without any feelings and that made me look at him the same.

We walked to the school’s nurse room and he sat on a chair. I took the disinfection spray and the cotton wool and put it softly on his wounds. It hurt I could hear it on his voice. I felt sorry for him.

“I’m sorry…” I apologized.

“It’s fine…I’m used to it.” He said with a little smile

After I was done with the wounds we talked for a while and laughed at some jokes. I saw that he’s cheek hurt so I bent over to him and gave him a soft kiss on the wound.

“Does it hurt now?” I asked smiling at him.

“Umm…no…thanks” He answered a bit shy. I smiled and kissed it again.

“…but my other cheek hurts too” He pointed at it.

I giggled and kissed his other cheek. He enjoyed it and smiled wide.

“There’s something else that hurts too…” He added pointing at his lips.

I was shocked but then giggled and moved slowly to his lips, but stopped an inch away from it, just to stare at it and feel a bit bad. I tried to move away, but he suddenly pressed his lips on mine. I was shocked but kissed back after a while.

“Wait…” I said and pulled away.

“Wait for what?” He asked and kissed me again.

“You can’t kiss someone you don’t like.” I said and he nodded, but kissed me again.

“Didn’t I tell you something right now?” I asked and put 3 fingers on his lips to stop him from kissing me.

“I told you…I don’t kiss people I don’t like…idiot I like you very much, that’s why I kiss you.” He smiled and I kissed him now.

“Ouch…” He moaned in pain and I pulled away.

“Oh, I’m sorry babe…” I said and kissed his cheek again.

We laughed and then kissed softly again.

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