Kirsty & Liam

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After a few days I put another one shot computer had a few problems so I couldn't write....sad, I know. Anyway I found a few new ideas for my one shots so now's another request done. <33

Hope you like~



Hey, I'm Kirsty a song-writer. Yeah, I wrote songs so a few famous people and these days I write songs for a famous band named One Direction.

Those guys are very fun to be with. We always have fun when we're together and mostly when we're writing songs. They make fun out of every serious thing we do. It's hard to work with idiots like them, but I try my best. I have to admit I love those boys, but most of all I love Liam. I have a huge crush on him for like forever. I love his way of thinking, his personality, his way of taking care of the rest and that he's always like a daddy for everyone. Oh and his look is a plus too.

But I know that there is no way I could be with him, because well he's famous and I'm just a little song-writer and such a relationship is not possible.

The boys were out for a signing and I stayed in the studio, trying to write a new song. I let my emotions free and wrote what I felt in that moment.

I took my guitar and started to play: 

I don’t wear designer clothes

I don’t go to the finest schools

But, I know….I ain’t no fool baby

I may not be a star

I’m not driving the sickest car

But, I know….I can make you happy baby

I don’t know what you been used to

Never been with a girl like you

But, I can give you a love that’s true to…

your heart, not material things.

I’ll give you my song

These words to you

Sing you what I feel

My soul is true.

I don’t have the world

Can’t give it to you girl

But, All that I can do

(All that I can do)

Is give the song to you.

"Cool song" I heard a voice behind me, so I turned around.

"Umm....Hi Liam...I thought you were with the signing with the boys." I said moving the guitar away.

"We were, but not anymore, so the giys returned to the hotel, but I came here to write a song, but I see you were faster then me." He said with a cheeky smile.

"Yeah...I guess I was..." I said quite shy.

"So how did you come to that song? Were you thinking about someone special?" He asked smiled cool, while he moved closer to me.

"Well, you can call it like that."  I said smiling dreamly.

"Oh, and who is that?" He asked looking at the ground and then at me.

"It's a secret." I said smiling cheeky.

"Why wouldn't you tell your best friend that little secret?" He asked with a fake sad smile.

"I would, but it's not a small secret it's a big one." I said looking at my song paper.

"Please..." He said moving closer to me.

"Nope." I said popping the P.

"I know you want to." He said coming even closer to me. I walked back everytime he took a step closer to me. At the end my back was pressed against a wall and he only a few inches away from me.

He looked into my eyes and I just smiled trying to make me not look shy or weak at his stare.

"The song is about you." I said smiling cheeky again.

"I guess I knew that." He said smiling like I did.

"You knew?!" I asked and he just nodded, "Then why did you even ask?" 

"I wanted to hear how you tell me that." He answered cocky.

"Wow, someone's cheeky today." I said rolling me eyes.

"You have no idea."  He said moving his face closer to mine, so I could felt his hot breath on my face.

"I guess you were a bit to often with Harry these days." I said rasing my eyesbrow.

"Maybe a bit, but I have to admit I have a crush on you." He said looking into my eyes.

"Well, bummer, I don't have one on you." I said trying to move, but he didn't let me and just put an arm around my waist.

"Liar." He smiply said and softly kissed my lips, but I moved away.

"I'm not easy." I said smirking.

"Well for me you are, I know that you like me for a long time ago."  He said seriously.

"Liam, don't mess around." I said moving away.

"I don't mess around" I giggled.

"I'm not messing around, I really like you and I know you like me too."  He said and pulled me into a kiss again.

This time I didn't move away and I started to kiss back after a while.

"I seriously like you." He whispered, I smiled wide and kissed him again.

"Do you want to write the song with me to the end?" I asked and took my guitar.

"I would love to do that." He smiled.

One Direction ~ One Shots (REQUESTS CLOSED ATM)Where stories live. Discover now