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{ One night stand }

You groaned a little as you felt something heavy on you. You stretched out your arms and legs with your eyes still closed.

You slowly opened your eyes, trying to adjust the brightness of the room. You turned to your side and your eyes flutter opened as you saw Taehyung sleeping so soundly next to you with his arms wrapped around you.

Your faces were too close. Too close that if you leaned in a little more, your lips would have met. You gulped at the situation and your mind was a mess.

'How am I here and why am I sleeping with Taehyung?!'

How you wished that you are one of those people who doesn't remember anything they did, when they were drunk. Unfortunately, life is a bitch and seems like it wouldn't let you live.

You remember everything. Everything.

"Shit", you cursed under your breath and you gasped softly when you looked under the blanked.

Both of you were naked.

"I am such an idiot", you mumbled to yourself as you kept hitting your head. You slowly removed his hands off you and you froze when he groaned while stretching out his arms.

You let out a sigh of relief when he turned to the other side. You tip toed and tried to reach for the towel which was seen on the floor, wrapping it around your body.

You tried to find for your clothes in his bedroom but it was no where to be found. Then, something clicked in your mind.

'It's in the living room', you internally sighed.

You quietly made your way out of his bedroom and found your clothes scattered across the floor. Your cheeks flamed as everything from last night replayed in your mind.

Feeling embarrassed, you dressed yourself and decided to leave this place as soon as possible. You didn't want anyone to know that you slept at a guy's place whom you just met days ago.

No. Not just sleep. You fucked with him.

You put on your shoes in fast motion and as you were about to open the door to leave this place, you felt like as if every wisp of air from your lungs being knocked out, when the door slam opened infront of you, revealing a guy around your age. "Taehyungie hyung-"

The moment his eyes landed on you, you stood there struggling to inhale, to exhale, to do anything. "And you are??"

You didn't know what to say. Your hair was in a mess and your shirt wasn't button properly. You wished that you had the ability to teleport yourself out of your house.

"Oh, Jungkook ah, how come you're here early in the morning?", you heard a raspy voice from behind which almost made your eyeballs left your sockets and your heart almost jumped out of your ribcage.

'Hell no', you internally said.

"And what are you doing at the door looking like a stray cat, Minhee?", Taehyung asked you and you bit your bottom lip, trying to come up with what to say.

Looking uneasy, you faced him with a forced smile plastered on your lips. "I'm just about to leave", you uttered and he was staring at you with a mischievous smirk and amused eyes.

"Are you planning to stand me up?", he asked and your breath hitched at his playful question. "Wha-what?", you blurted.

"Oh my. So are you Taehyungie hyung's girl?", the guy behind you said in awe and as you were about to deny, he cut you off.

"You must be pretty special to him. He never brings a girl to his apartment", he said and your eyes flutter opened at his words.

The truth is, you thought that Taehyung was the type to bring girls to his apartment and one night stands aren't even a surprise to him so what his friend said kind of shocked you.

Part of you felt happy and it made you felt special. But then, reality slapped you hard with a brick into your face.

"She's just a one night stand. That's it", Taehyung said and Jungkook mouthed an 'O', looking at me with apologetic eyes.

You clenched your fists in secret and smiled back at Taehyung. "Of course. Just a one night stand. Thank you for having me here", you breathlessly said as you dashed out of his apartment with tears brimming in your eyes.

"It's just a one night stand, Kang Minhee. Just a one night stand ", you repeated to yourself.

You felt the need to cry in someone's arms and specifically, that person is Yerin. You still didn't want to face her yet but you missed her. Even though you saw her yesterday.

Dazed and confused, you just walked back to your dorm while other girls living at the same building eyed at you with judging eyes and you could hear their faint gossips.

You knocked on your room's door. A few minutes later, the door opened revealing Yerin who looked like a zombie.

Judging from her appearance, you could tell that she cried all night. And you just know that it was all because of you.

"Yerin ah-"

Before you could say anything, she crashed into your arms and bawled out like a baby.

She ranted, "Why didn't you come back home, last night, bitch?! I was worried about you!" You couldn't help but smile at your friend's concern for you.

You hugged her back and caressed her head. "I am sorry for not informing you where I was, Yerin", you apologized.

After minutes of her mental breakdown at the door, you pulled yourself away and she sobbed as she wiped away her tears.

"Okay. I am done", she said and you smiled at her cute form. Both of you headed inside the room and closed the door.

Everyone living at the dorm saw this iconic mental breakdown. As for someone like Yerin, you knew that she couldn't care less about those bitches.

Both of you sat down on the couch and she finally questioned you, "So? Where were you last night?"

You gulped.

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