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{ Her tears }

"I heard you got yourself a girlfriend. And she's a good girl", Jimin nudged Taehyung who had been trying to sketch something for a few hours with his earphones plucked in his ears.

"Taehyung!", Jimin groaned and took out his earphones. Taehyung annoyingly said, "What is it, Jiminie?"

"Nothing. I am just curious", Jimin answered. "About?", Taehyung raised his brows at Jimin.

"Well, remember the promise the seven of us made? We maybe bad guys but we won't go over the limits when it comes to a girl. And I heard that you went over the limits"

"Oh", was all Taehyung said and Jimin rolled his eyes as he took a seat infront of Taehyung.

"Dude", Jimin called out and Taehyung's eyes never left the sketch he was drawing. "Hmm?"

"Do you like her?", Jimin's question made Taehyung froze for a split second. "No", he finally answered and Jimin went furious.

"I am telling this to Jin hyung, Yoongi hyung, Namjoon hyung, Hoseok hyung and Jungkook!", Jimin stated.


"Who's telling who?", the five guys barged in their secret hideout, cutting off Taehyung's sentence.

"Taehyung broke the promise!", Jimin pointed his index finger at Taehyung. The elders and Jungkook's brows jumped at that.

"Please tell me you're serious about Minhee", Jin sighed. "I was really shocked when I heard Taehyung got himself a girlfriend this morning. Now, what is this?", Namjoon said.

"Wow. News sure spread fast", Taehyung snapped sarcastically. "Hyung, It's trending #1 in our university's gossip site", Jungkook pointed out.

"With the headline 'A ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIP OF THE SCHOOL'S BAD BOY AND GOOD GIRL'. Wow, the comments are so... Just wow", Hoseok added.

"Put that aside for now. So due to what Jimin said, you don't like your girlfriend?", Yoongi brought back the topic.

"No. She's interesting so-"

"Then, why did you take her to your apartment that night and-", Jin covered Jungkook's mouth. "We get it, Jungkook", he assured as he let go of Jungkook.

Jungkook scrunched his face in dissatisfaction. "So, yeah. Why did you?", Jin asked.

"I don't know what had gotten into me that time, hyung. I don't know! It bothers me when I see her in a miserable state. That night, I saw her crying in the streets so I took her with me to Jin hyung's work place to lighten up her mood. And she got drunk so I ended up taking her to my apartment. But then, I felt possessed by something. I wanted to do it with her. So bad. Really bad. I couldn't stop myself", he explained truthfully.

"So you like her?", Namjoon crossed his arms over his chest. "No", Taehyung answered and the six boys' jaws dropped.

"I guess it was out of lust then", Hoseok shook his head. "But, choosing to date her because of this is a different case. It'll hurt her in the end", Yoongi sighed.

Taehyung went silent at that.

"I don't even know myself. When I saw other guys laid their eyes on her this morning, it irritated me. Maybe I was caught up in the moment. When she confessed me, I agreed on dating her", he said.

The six guys shook their heads at Taehyung's actions. "I am so disa-"

Taehyung's phone ringtone cut off Namjoon's sentence. He furrowed his brows when he saw that it was from an unknown number.

He answered the call, causing to be greeted by a familiar voice.


"Ya, Kim Taehyung!"

Taehyung's lips curled up into a smirk when he realized who it was.

"Long time no see, Ahn Jisung. How are your eyes feeling from the pepper effect? Healed already?", Taehyung laughed.

"Laugh until you can, Kim Taehyung. Because you won't be able to, if you hear what I am going to tell you now"

"Oh really? Tell me. It sounds interesting"

"I got your girlfriend with me", Jisung was the one to smirk this time while Taehyung's smirk completely vanished.


"Shocked much? I caught a feisty tiger in my trap", Jisung laughed and Taehyung's hands balled into trembling fists.

His six other friends were staring at him with wide eyes. "Taehyung ah. What's the matter?", Jimin asked in concern.

"I sent you a video. Check it out", with that Jisung hung up the call and Taehyung quickly checked his iMessage notification.

He saw a video and his fingers were hesitant to press it. He had that ominous feeling inside his chest. He wished that Jisung was just sprouting nonsense.

He gathered up the courage and finally pressed the play button. His eyes widened when he saw you being tied up on a chair while your hair was a mess, blood stain at the corner of your lips, cuts on your knees and worst of all, the sight which always bothers him. You in tears.

"Taehyung ah...", you softly let out above a whisper and stared at the camera's direction, trembling in fear. Taehyung's blood boiled when he saw Jisung pulled your hair and you yelped in pain.

He couldn't bare to watch. "Your precious little girlfriend is in my hands, Kim Taehyung. Quickly come finish the story we left off, last time. I'll send you the address", with that the video ended and his other six friends saw that too.

The address message hadn't arrive yet and Taehyung got impatient as he punched the table next to him, earning concerns from others.

"Fuck this! Fuck this!", he let out angrily. "Calm down. She'll be alright! We will go save her afterall!", Namjoon said and others nodded.

Even though the seven of them maybe bad guys, they decided on not evolving girls into their messes. Seeing you in that miserable state because of him, made Taehyung felt like dying inside. He hated this. He kept blaming himself.

As soon as the message notification arrived, Taehyung quickly read the message. After he found out where you were, he immediately ran out of the room without a word.

"Taehyung ah! Wait-", Jimin's sentence was cut off when a paper fell off from the table. It was the sketch Taehyung was doodling awhile ago.

The drawing on it was you. A side profile of you smiling so brightly while your hair was blown a little due to wind.

A smile crept onto Jimin's lips. "Jimin, put that thing down! We gotta follow after him!", Hoseok shouted and Jimin looked at his five other friends.

"Of course. We have to. We gotta save the girl Taehyung is madly in love with", Jimin sheepishly smiled and the five guys scrunched their brows in confusion.

"What are you saying?", Yoongi asked and he laughed. "I'll explain you about it later. Now we gotta go save his princess", Jimin said and with that, the six of them ran after Taehyung.

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