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[ a/n: ayayayyayayay look who's over her slump. sorry for taking so much time to recover. i am feeling very happy and motivated as for now because i realized that there r people who cherish me more than anything else on this planet ystdy :') thank you for waiting for me guys. this author-nim here is going to update in an insane speed starting from now on B) i promise. ]

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{ Me }

Dating Taehyung seemed to be better than you imagined. Although he clearly stated not to have your hopes high on him, you couldn't help but have them. It used to be all about skinship and sex between the both of you but, these days he kinda follow your wills; such as doing sweet things. Going to a park, holding hands, kisses on the forehead or cheeks, restaurant date, etc...

He stated that he isn't going to treat you like a princess but his actions didn't seem to match his words. You should be feeling happy but, you felt sad.

His heart seems to be far away.

Although he is always around, his heart isn't with you. Even if he touched you, he isn't with you. He is seeing another person in you. But, who?

"You wait here, Minhee. Let me go take a shower first", he said and you nodded with a smile as you obediently sat on the couch in his living room.

He went inside his bedroom and you stretched out your arms and legs due to studying a lot at the university the whole morning. Since after you started dating Taehyung, you had to pay twice more attention during classes so that you won't have to give much time in self-studying and instead, spend more time with Taehyung.

You decided to roam around his apartment, since you kinda felt bored. While going here and there, the small book shelf at the corner of the room caught your attention.

You walked up to where it was and read the synopsis of the arranged books. It was all about music and photography. You just randomly took one of the books about photography since the cover look so aesthetic. Just like it's owner.

The book contains many ideas, tips and suggestions on how to take ethereal pictures. The thing Taehyung did was he followed the tips he read and stuck the photos he took next to the specific tips.

His talent somehow left a impression on you. 'He really is cut out for this'. All the pictures look breathtaking and beautiful. You kept smiling, feeling extremely proud to have such a talented boyfriend.

However, your smile disappeared when you saw a picture of a girl in highschool uniform, sitting under the cherry blossom tree. 'Who is she?' She looks extremely similar to someone you know but, you couldn't pinpoint exactly who that person is.

You took out the picture and examined her face carefully. Still, you didn't know who. You saw something written at the back of the picture, making you read whatever was written on it.

"Sakura sitting under a Sakura tree. 3rd May 2015"

"Is she his ex?", you muttered under your breath. "What are you doing?", a familiar deep voice made you flinched a little in your position.

You don't know why but, you ended up placing the book back quickly on the shelf and hid the picture in your jeans' pockets. 'Why am I even doing this?'

"You're back!", you chimed as you finally faced him. "Yeah, sorry that I kinda took long", he apologized and you shook your head.

"Nah, it's fine. I am cool", you smiled. "You haven't answer my question", he pointed out. "Hmm? What question?", you acted dumb.

"The reason you are standing infront of my bookshelf", he said as his piercing gaze landed on you. He was staring at you with his hawkish eyes, observing you. You bit your tongue to avoid stuttering.

"I was bored so I was thinking to check out the books on this shelf", you said and his eyes widened. "Have you check them out?", his tone darkened.

"Um, no. I was thinking to but then, you arrived", you lied and his facial expression somehow changed into a relieved one. 'Why?'

"Don't ever look at anything on the shelf", he stated and you clenched your fists. "Why not?"

"Just don't"

"I need a reason"

"You don't need one"

"I am YOUR girlfriend"

"I told you that I am not treating you like one since the first place"

His words felt like daggers. Daggers that stabbed your heart in all directions. Poisonous ones. Tears brimmed in your eyes but you managed to blink them away.

His facial expression softened at that. "I am sor-"

"Don't apologize!", you cut him off.


"I know I am being greedy!", you didn't let him continue. He went silent at that. "So, please don't apologize me" 'Cause you are not 'sorry' at all'

"Okay", he faced the floor.


"I... I have to use your bathroom", you excused yourself.


You ran to his bathroom and you quickly close the door as you collapsed onto the cold tiles. You hugged your knees and buried your face in them, letting your tears flow down.

"It's my fault for having high hopes since the first place", you said in your trembling voice. You hit yourself on the head as you repeated, "Idiot idiot idiot"

After crying out to your fullest, you stood up and walked towards the basin to rinse your face. You splashed the water on your face to make sure your red and swollen eyes wouldn't look that obvious.

After turning off the tap, you grabbed the towel hung beside you and dried your face, before looking at yourself in the mirror.

Your eyes widened as you stared at the reflection in the mirror. You quickly took out the picture in your jeans and stared at it as you kept exchanging glances between your reflection and that picture.

'She is me?'

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