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My parents met in the summer of 2016, I can never forget how much our dad told us how in love he was, with mom.
She was like an angel, the moment he saw her. She was the only person he could see, yes. Our dad is very cliche, but it never failed to impress her.

Caleb Thorn, our dad. Worked hard, and man did he work hard to get Emma Jibbs, to agree to go on one date.
Of course, that one date lead to many dates.
Caleb wanted to show her the world,
Emma wanted to be his world.
They were very in love, people on the street, would pass them by; announcing how in love they looked.

Caleb cherished our mom, Emma cherished our dad.
They wanted to make love last, they wanted a family, they wanted to be the family people were envious of.

Caleb eventually asked Emma to marry him, to which she said yes.
They were so happy.

A year had passed, and they finally wanted a kid in their lives.
"Twins? My mom repeated, wide eyes as she stared at the doctor in disbelief. Her hand held tightly to our dads.
The doctor adjusted his round glasses, as he looked back at the results.
"Yes, Mrs.Thorn, I know twins are a lot to take in, but I assure you th-"
"No, doctor, you misunderstand my wifes reaction." Our dad beamed, smiling from ear to ear.
Our mom smiled brightly.
"This is exciting news." She exclaimed.
Man, were they wrong. 
No one planned on twins.
No one does.
Raising us? Was a pain in the ass.
According to our dad.

Lydia was always moody, and I was always emotional.
You can't blame us, we were twins.
Not identical, Lydia had blonde hair that she got from dad, tea green eyes from our mom. I got brown hair from mom, and blue eyes from our dad.
Like I said, not identical.
Now our names however?
Lydia and Lyla Thorn.

I guess we can get on with the actual story, ya know. The one where me and my sister make friends, fall in love then eventually have families of our own.
Man, is that going to be one rollercoaster of a story.

Hey guys!
Celty here, let me explain where I got inspiration.
*Drum roll*
Sims 4.
So I've been wasting away playing the game, creating a big family, and got to thinking.
How about I make this trap game into a story!

This will either be, a long ass story or turned into a series.
Not sure yet, and the updates are iffy. I wont promise an update a day, if they pop up, cool. If not, I'm sorry.
I'm still recovering from writers block.
So, please bare with me.
Until then.


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