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**Lyla's pov**

I stood there, the music booming.
For some reason, it was too loud to bare, at that moment.
I needed air, I needed to leave.
But, I didn't want to ruin this for Lydia.
I ran to the bathroom, leaning against the door.
My face was flushed, that image wouldn't leave my mind.
Andy and Vic were kissing.
Did I lose?

I mean, I had a small hunch, that Jacob was into me..
Okay, yeah.. I really wasn't sure about anything.
I walked over to the sink, turning the water on, before splashing my face.
It was natural, to kiss someone you like.
Vic is gay, so it was obvious, he would pull a stunt like that.
To kiss, my best friend..
Would the two be left alone, if they dated?
Would they be bullied?

I jumped, to the sound of someone knocking on the door.
Walking over, and ripping it open.
My heart pounded.
Jacob stood there, a concerned look on his face.
"Are you okay, doll? You ran off." He murmured.
I frowned softly.
"Ah, yeah.. the music got really loud, I needed to step away, for a bit." I told him.

There was no way, I was going to tell him, I saw my best friend and Vic kissing.
I didn't know, how he felt about homosexuality.
If he was anything, like my dad..
I didn't want him to know.

Jacob crossed his arms.
"Do you need to go home?" He asked.
I shook my head with a smile.
He looked pretty relieved, knowing I wasn't leaving.

"Well? Let's go enjoy the rest of the party." He said, taking my hand.
Nodding, I followed after him.
I was still bothered.
It didn't matter, how much I drank, or tried distracting myself.
That scene, kept replaying over and over.

"Lyla..Lyla wake up, we need to head home. Kayla's coming with us." Lydia said in a soft voice.
Wincing softly, I nodded sitting up on the couch.
I didn't even know, I passed out.
One minute, we were playing truth or dare, the next.
I was asleep.

I looked around my surroundings, most of the kids were still up, the others.
I didn't see, Zayne, Andy or Vic anywhere.
"Where are the guys..?" I asked.
Lydia blinked.
"Oh, they went home about two hours ago." She informed me.
I was asleep for that long?
My mind was all over the place.

Removing myself from the couch, I followed after my sister and female best friend.
I didn't see Jacob, anywhere either.
Did he go to bed?
No.. the party was still going on, there's no way.
My stomach dropped.
What if he found another girl, and started flirting with her?
I looked down, I can't be jealous.
Not when, we're not even a couple.

Kayla, the one who didn't touch a single drop of alcohol, slid into the driver seat.
I knew I couldn't drive, and I was pretty sure Lydia had a few drinks.
Not as many as I did, but still.

When we got home, I was ready for a shower then bed.
Kayla followed me to my room, our parents never minded, Kayla crashing.
She yawned, once we got into my room.
"Well, that was pretty fun. The coke really hit the spot." She winked.
My eyes widened.
"You did coke?" I asked.
Which only earned her to laugh, hysterically.

"No, you dummy. The soda, I hate alcohol, but I don't mind drinking free coke." She shrugged.
I smiled softly with a nod.
"I see, that makes sense, I will admit. I was a little worried." I told her.
Kayla arched a brow.
"You should worry about yourself, Ly." She pointed out.
My brows furrowed.
"Um, what do you mean?" I asked.
Kayla lost color, looking at me in shock.
"You're kidding right..? You and Jacob, had a massive make out battle.. it was the hugest thing, of the night.." She murmured.

My eyes widened.
"No way, there's no way I would of been that drunk, to not remember something like that." I cried, my face burning with embarrassment.
"Well, you kinda did." Lydia said, leaning against my door.
Looking exhausted.
I groaned, hiding my face now.
"Well, if it helps.. he didn't get mad? He looked pretty fucking pleased, like he just won something; valuable." Kayla said, her tone changing.

I looked up at her, to feel my stomach drop.
Her eyes were dark.
"Kayla..?" I said, snapping her out of thought.
She blinked, but frowned.
"Ah, sorry.. I just, I don't trust him? He has so many reputations, its hard to keep up with them all." She looked away frowning.
"Just, be careful around him? He's a junior, with too much power. His dad, is the president and owner, of many companies.. He's huger than my dad, so when it comes to power. Its fair to say, he beats me, in a long shot." She continued.

I frowned deeply.
"Kayla, I didn't know.." I murmured.
She grinned softly.
"Don't beat yourself up, like you said. You didn't know, anyway. Go shower, you reek of booze." She told me.
Blushing, I nodded.

Standing under the shower, so many things were racing through my mind.
Could I trust Jacob?
Would I lose Andy?
Just what, reputations does Jacob have?
Will Andy be better off dating, Vic?

I looked up, as the water ran down my body.
If I hadn't went to the party..
I wouldn't have met, Jacob.
I wouldn't of seen, Andy and Vic kissing.
But, then word would get back to me.
I frowned deeply, as the tears fell so freely.
I was so confused and crushed.
I wanted to be the one, that Andy kissed.
I wanted to be his.

Turning the water off, I stepped out of the shower.
Wrapping the towel around me.
I sighed softly.
This was high school, and it already sucked.
I thought I had the guy, of my dreams.
But, lost him as fast as I fell.

Groaning softly, I sat on the cold floor, trying to stop the pain in my leg.
It was my fault, there was no rug down, and the floor; just happens to be real freaking slick.
Sighing heavily, I leaned my head against the tub.

Where did I go wrong?
Why did I let them kiss?
Why did I kiss Jacob?
Both of them, were torturing me on the inside.
One was my childhood best friend.
The other, was so powerful.. he pissed Kayla off.
She seemed really down, having to admit something like that.

Finally deciding to stand up, I dried my hair, then slipped my pajamas on.
Exiting the bathroom, I yawned softly.
Tomorrow was a new day.
I would start fresher, than I did today.
I will support my friends decisions.
I will see, what happens with me and Jacob.

Entering my room, I crawled into bed with Kayla.
She turned over, on her side, smiling tiredly.
"Feel better..?" She asked.
I nodded, my eyes closing.
"You smell better." She teased with a laugh.
My eyes opened, looking at her annoyed.
"I can always count on you, with the truth." I told her.
Kayla smirked.
"You love me though." She pointed out.
I nodded with a smile.
"Guilty as charged." I said with a grin.

"Hey, Ly..?" She began, I was halfway asleep.
"Hm..?" I responded with.
"Can.. we cuddle?" She asked.
My eyes reopened, before turning over to her.
"Sure." I laughed softly.
I saw happiness, appear in her eyes, before nodding.
She wrapped her arms around me, pulling me into her.

Her hand, rested on my lower back.
This was natural, best friends cuddle like this.
It wasn't weird.
If Andy can kiss a guy, I can cuddle with a girl.
It was fine.

"Hey.. Lyla?" Does she not sleep anymore?
"Yes, Kayla..?" I questioned, really tired at this point.
We had school, in the morning and I really didn't want to be a zombie.
"Can I kiss you?" She asked.
I didn't know, if it was the alcohol in my system.
Or I was so tired, I didn't care.
Because, I told her yes.
And her lips, landed on mine.

I groaned the next morning, to the sound of my alarm.
Kayla was away from me, and curled in a ball.
Wait, did last night actually happen?
Did we actually kiss..?
I brought my finger tips, to my lips, before blushing.
I could still feel her lips, on mine.

I kissed two people, who I wasn't sure, if I had any attraction towards.
Yeah, Jacob was hot, and Kayla was beautiful.
But.. Andy.
I sighed, sitting up.
"Kayla.. we gotta get up, school is today.." I murmured, nudging her.
She groaned in response.

"Everyone is going to be talking about the party." Lydia said over breakfast.
I frowned, messing with my eggs.
Jesse, was practically wearing his, but thought it was pretty funny.
Mom was drinking her coffee, and dad was reading the paper.
Kayla, was quiet..

Mom looked up at us.
"But, was it fun? Did you three have a good time?" She asked.
No one nodded, I was dealing with mixed feelings.
I was sure, Kayla was as well.
I mean, we kissed..
I couldn't tell my parents, well maybe mom.
But not dad.

Dad arched a brow.
"Did something happen?" He asked us, causing all three of us to flinch.
Kayla looked up, looking sick.
"I may have drank, too much coke last night.." She mumbled, covering her mouth before racing out of the kitchen.
My eyes widened, were her nerves shot?
Everyone looked shocked, well not Jesse.
He was slapping his eggs.
No idea, what they did, but those poor eggs.

"Is she okay?" Mom asked with concern.
I frowned with a shrug.
"She was okay, last night.." I murmured.
Lydia looked to me, curiously.
"Which one of you dorks, crashed in the bathroom last night?" She asked.
I frowned deeply now.
"That was me." I confirmed.
"Are you okay? Why didn't you call for help?" Mom demanded, her brows furrowed.

I couldn't tell her, I kissed two different people and saw Andy kissing Vic.
My face heated up.
"I was completely out of it, I'm fine.. it wasn't a serious fall." I said, looking towards the direction that Kayla took off in.
"I'm going to go check on her." I announced, removing myself from the table.

No one argued, as I walked off.
I walked over to the bathroom, carefully tapping on the door.
"Kay.. are you alright?" I asked her.
All I got, was a muffled response.
"I'm coming in." I said, walking into the bathroom.

She was in the corner, sitting down, her face in her knees.
My brows furrowed.
"Kayla..?" I questioned.
She looked up, her eyes bloodshot from crying.
"Whoa, whats wrong?" I was at her side, in seconds.

Kayla frowned deeply.
"I'm sorry..." She cried, wiping her eyes.
I looked at her, concerned.
"You can't help, you got sick, it hap-"
"No, dork.. I'm sorry for kissing you last night." She said.
I blushed, looking away.
"Its fine, I can't be shy around you, I mean. I kissed Jacob." I told her.

She frowned, looking away.
"I was jealous." She told me.
"Jealous? Why?" I asked.
She looked at me, blushing.
"Because if its not too obvious, I like you." She said.
My eyes widened.
"But.. its obvious, you're in love with Andy.. and he's probably going to date Vic, and then Jacob comes in and ruins everything." She said, tears falling.

She let out a weak laugh.
"I honestly thought, I might have a chance with you? But you're dad is a homophobic ass.. and if he found out, he'd probably ban you from seeing me.." She said.
I frowned deeply.
"Kayla.. I'm sorry, I didn't mind the kiss.. but I-"
"Don't" She laughed looking at me.
"Please don't say, you can't return your feelings, this rejection is already painful. I don't want to hear, you say anything else.." She said, looking away.

I glared softly, grabbing her face.
"Kayla, you are my female best friend, you always are and will be. You have no idea, how much it means, to know you have romantic feelings for me, and I am sorry. My response, isn't what you wanted. But, I will always love you, so please.. don't fall apart, not for me." I told her.
More tears, appeared in her eyes.
She placed her hands, on mine before smiling weakly.

"This is just like seventh grade, except now its you, taking care of me." She grinned.
I smiled.
"You and I, are fifty-fifty. We pull each other's weight, and will always be there for each other. I love you, okay?" I told her.
She nodded with a bright smile, no more tears.
"I love you too." She said.

Hey guys!
Sorry I was late on my update, chapter eleven isn't as long as chapter 10.
But like I said, it'll be rare for those chapters to happen.
I may try to make chapter twelve long?
No promises.
I just wanted to get this out.

I was torn, between continuing the party in this chapter or creating a new day.
But ended up going with option A.
A lot is going on, with my personal life, but I will try to get the chapters out, as much as I can.
Like this one.
I knew I needed to get a new chapter out, I would like to update regularly.
But, with writers block.
Its hard.
That's why, I don't promise a chapter each day anymore.
But this story, will be updated when I get inspiration.

So, thank you for being patient with me.
I needed to do this chapter though.
I mentioned jealously.
Kayla is the main one jealous.
Because just like Lyla, she likes someone she can't have.
Will Jacob stick with Lyla at school?
Will Andy and Vic become something?
Can Kayla handle her emotions and the rejection?

Will Zayne ever get screen time?

Until then.

C.K.R. <3

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