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The only sound heard in the hospital room, was the heart monitor beeping.
Caleb sat at his wifes side, who still hadn't woke up from passing out.
What was going through her head?
Why would she go as far as to try to kill herself?
They were a happy family, weren't they?

He glanced out the corner of his eye, to his sleeping daughters.
They had no idea, what was going on.
Just that their mom, had a fall and didn't wake up.

Rubbing his temples, Caleb removed himself from the chair, then exited the room.
He stepped outside, before lighting a cigarette.
Inhaling it, then puffing.
He closed his eyes.

There was so much, he wanted to ask Emma.
Was she going insane?
Did he need to quit his job, to take better care of his girls?
Was she not happy?
What was going on?

Throwing the cig onto the ground, then stomping on it.
He turned to the hospital, his arms crossed as he frowned.
Maybe they needed to finally put their girls in school?
Maybe he needed to be more strict?

He was only twenty six, and so much was going on.
Was his family falling apart?
Was it his fault?
Why wouldn't these thoughts stop?
Frowning deeply, he adjusted his jacket, before going back inside.

Walking into the room, he frowned seeing Emma sitting up.
He walked over to her, his arms crossed.
"How are you feeling?" He asked.
Emma blinked slowly, before shrugging.
"I'm not sure.. I guess, relaxed.." she murmured.

Calebs blue eyes darkened, he looked to his girls then to his wife.
"How could you be so selfish? Trying to kill yourself?" He hissed in a quiet tone.
Emma frowned deeply.
"I was exhausted, Caleb I'm so-"
"Exhausted?" He spat with a glare.
"Emma, I work a twelve hour shift, just so I can support you three. I come home to them crying or screaming, I come home to you complaining. But, you don't see me trying to kill myself, do you?" He spat.

Emma looked away, guilt written on her face.
Caleb sighed softly, before walking over then sat next to her.
Taking her hand, into his, he frowned.
"I can talk to my boss, and take a few weeks off, if you want. That, or I'll quit." He said with a shrug.

Emma's eyes grew wide, her brows furrowed.
"You love your job." She pointed out.
Caleb looked at her.
"I love you more, I care about you three and I know trying to take care of twins, on your own while I'm at work. Is stressful, so I'm willing to quit my job, if it means I can take better care of you." He said in a soft voice.

Tears filled Emma's eyes, as she began to tremble.
"I-I'm a horrible, selfish person. Caleb, I am so sorry, for putting you through this." She cried.
Caleb shook his head, with a soft smile.
"You're not horrible, you were just going through a lot. I just wish, you would of told me, you were stressing out this much." He said.

Emma frowned softly, wiping her eyes, then looked down at her lap.
"I'll try better, to be a better wife and mother." She told him.
Caleb smiled softly.
"I'll try to be a better husband, and father. No more of this." He said pointing around the hospital room.
"If you're drowning, reach out to me, and if I'm not there, then get help. Okay?" He asked her.
Emma nodded with a soft smile.

Emma was released from the hospital, two days later, once the doctors gave their approval.

"Yay, mommy is home!" Lydia and Lyla beamed in unison.
Emma smiled softly, as her two girls ran up and hugged her.
Caleb smiled softly, placing the bags down then walked over, joining his family.

A few weeks later, both Lyla and Lydia were placed in kindergarten.
Of course, they were both upset over the fact they were being placed in school.
Lydia was the hardest to deal with, Lyla threw a small tantrum, but it was nothing the parents couldn't deal with.

Emma sighed as they walked inside the house, it was quiet and nice.
She would go and pick the girls up, at one-thirty.
Caleb at her side, as he smiled.
"Now, this is nice. Its something, we should of done way before." He told her.
She glanced to him, then around the house.
"Yeah.." She agreed.

The day decided it would drag by, with the girls at school.
Emma was blank, on what to do. She could paint, or bake, or play the violin.
She was just stuck, on what to do.
There were no screaming children in the house, she wasn't stressing over getting them down for a nap.
It was silent.

Caleb was taking a few weeks off, from work, so he was in the basement, working out.
Emma walked into the study, her eyes scanned the well painted canvas's.
Her name written on the bottom, of each one.
She glanced to her violin.
Making her mind up, she grabbed the instrument, beginning to play.

Caleb looked up, from his treadmill, he smiled softly, listening to his wife play.
He wasn't sure, what song it was, but the melody was beautiful.

Hours later, the parents were heading to the school to pick up their girls.
Emma in the passenger seat, as they listened to the radio.
When they made it to the school, she smiled seeing the twins standing by a teacher.
The teacher soon spotted them, before smiling then pointing to them.

Lyla started jumping up and down, while Lydia ran straight to them.
They got in the back seat of the car, Emma turned around to face them with a smile.
"How was school?" She asked.
Lyla looked at her mom.
"I made a new friend!" She beamed.
Lydia rolled her eyes.
"I did too." She informed.

Caleb looked into the rearview mirror, an arched brow.
"Oh? What are their names?" He asked.
Lyla looked at him.
"Well, they're both my friends, but his name is Andy." She grinned.

Emma smirked, watching the color drain from her husbands face.
She looked to Lydia.
"What is your friends name?" She asked.
Lydia looked to her.
"Zayne, they're brothers." She told them.

Caleb cleared his throat, as Emma smiled softly.
"That's great, you made friends." She said.
Lyla smiled brightly.
"I like Andy." She told them.
Caleb glanced to Emma who was smiling widely.
"Is he your boyfriend?" She asked.

Lyla started giggling before shrugging.
Lydia glared.
"Zayne is my boyfriend!" She yelled.
Lyla blinked.
"Andy is mine." She told her.
Lydia glared at her sister.

Emma smiled softly, then to her husband, who was staring just a little too hard at the road, as they drove home.

Hey guys! Sorry the update was late, like I said there are no promises of when I'll update.
Baby steps.
Chapter 3 may be up tomorrow? If I can get inspiration.
No promises.
Until then.


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