
16 3 1

**Lyla's pov.**

The first few weeks of Jr.High, flew by faster than anyone could blink.
We were all getting ready for the eighth grade, then would be closer to High School.
I was getting more and more nervous.
But, I was more concerned about Andy.
He seemed like he was drifting from not only me, but his brother and Lydia as well.
He spends a lot of time at the library, but the thing is, Andy doesn't read.

I could feel my chest tighten, sitting in Mr.Todd's class, just who was Andy spending time with at the library? Why wasn't he hanging out with me as much?
Is it a girl?
I felt my cheeks heat up, was I seriously getting jealous over probably nothing?
Shaking my head, I tried my best to pay attention, but the thoughts kept lingering.

When the bell rang for next period, I raced out of the class to try to find Andy.
I stopped in my tracks, seeing him with some kid.
It was a guy, but I've never seen him before.
Why hasn't Andy introduced us?
I watched the two of them laughing, at something the kid must of said.
My heart was pounding, I wasn't going to get jealous.
Not jealo-

"HEY ANDY!" I called out to him.
I watched as my best friend, and this kid turn to me.
He had bad influence written, all over him.
Spiky black hair, light gray eyes.

Andy was grinning at me, this kid?
Was scowling, as if I interrupted them.

Smiling innocently, I ran over to the two.
Andy smiled.
"Hey Ly, this is Vic. Vic, this is-"
"Oh, please, Andy. You talk about her enough, I know who this girl is." The kid, now named Vic said with a smirk.
Andy playfully shoved the other.
"Shut up, I still wanted to introduce you guys." He defended.
Vic grinned, before glancing to me.
"Sup, Lyla? You heading to gym?" He asked.

Blinking, I shook my head.
"Um, no.. I was coming to find Andy, we have art together and I-"
Vic shot Andy a look.
"Wow man, you haven't told your best friend yet?" He asked, trying his best to sound shocked.
I didn't like the way, best friend, rolled off his tongue.
It reminded me of pins and needles.
"Told me what?" I asked, looking to Andy now.
Andy ran a hand through his hair, looking guilty.

"Gee, Vic. You put me on the spot, um.. I changed my schedule, so me and Vic could also have classes.." He told me.
I felt my stomach drop.
"Why?" I found myself asking.
This only made, Vic grin widely.
Andy's brows furrowed.
"What do you mean, why? Lyla, Vic is also my friend.. me and you will still have, English and Science together.." He murmured.
I felt my cheeks burning.
"I-I'm sorry, you're right. I didn't mean to sound rude, it's just going to be quiet in Art now." I told him.

Andy crossed his arms, with a soft frown.
"I was gonna tell you after school, just like I was gonna introduce Vic to you and the other two.." He said.
Quickly nodding, I forced a smile.
"Don't worry about it! I'll just see you at lunch!" I said before running off, without giving the other a chance to say anything.

Why was I getting heated?
Why did that Vic guy, irritate me?
Why did he come into the picture?
Is he trying to take Andy away from me?
Am I going to lose my best friend?

I ran into the art room, going over to my desk, before sitting down.

I didn't have any friends in this class.
So, this was going to be a rather boring period.

Why would Andy change his schedule, for that kid?
Why was I only going to find this out, today?
Why were there so many questions, racing through my mind.
Running a hand through my hair, I drew what we were instructed to.
Followed by, jotting down the notes, Mr.Monroe would write down.

When lunch came around, I had no one to walk with.
Lydia and Zayne, were probably already in the cafeteria.
It was usually, me and Andy who walked to lunch together.
Why was I getting so frustrated over this?
I should be happy, Andy made a new friend..
It's better than what I've done.

I have kids, I talk to in class, but not outside.
Walking into the cafeteria, I felt my heart pounding.
Andy was already at our table, with that Vic kid.
Why can't he sit somewhere else?

Grabbing my food, I walked over to the table.
Lydia smiled at me.
"Hey Lyla, have you met Vic?" She asked.
Taking a seat, on the opposite side of Andy.
I nodded, while the black haired kid grinned at me.
"Ly is amusing, to be honest." He grinned.
I glared.
"Only Andy can call me, Ly. It's Lyla." I corrected him.

Andy's brows furrowed.
"Lyla, he's only teasing you, don't take it personal." He said in a soft voice.
I looked away, frowning deeply.
Lydia looked to me, her brow arched, before looking to Vic.
"So, how did you two become friends?" She asked.
Vic smirked.
"When this loser, decided to tell the teacher to bite him." He told her.
My eyes widened.
They've been friends for weeks now?
Why hasn't Andy told me about this?
What is going on?!

Zayne arched a brow.
"Oh, are you the one, who Andy talks to when he gets home?" He asked.
Vic grinned.
"Yup, Andy writes me, as soon as he gets home, explaining in great detail. How shitty, classes are." He explained.
I felt my nails, rubbing against my juice, scowling at the spaghetti.
Why hasn't Andy told me about any of this?
Weren't we best friends?
We grew up together.
We live right next door..
How come, I didn't know any of this..

Lydia smiled softly.
"I didn't think, Andy was capable of making more than one friend. Excluding, me and Zayne. Andy and Lyla grew up together, best of best friends.. so its hard to believe, you guys are friends." She said.
Vic shrugged smiling.
"I guess he was let off his leash." He said.
My eyes widened.
Andy face palmed.
"Vic.. come on man.." He groaned.

Off his leash? Was that how our friendship seemed or looked?
Did Andy feel like he was on a leash, around me?
My heart pounded against my chest.
Why did that hurt so much?
I was okay, with Andy having other friends.. wasn't I?
But.. Vic was making that hard, to accept.
He was purposely, saying these things, to get a reaction out of me.

Vic raised his hands in defense, smiling.
"I'm sorry! But the way, Lydia put it. It really sounds like, you're on some leash. I'm glad you met me, because now you're stuck with me. If you want, I can remove the collar too." Vic smirked.
Andy's eyes grew wide, before looking down at his plate.
"Stop being embarrassing, you dumb ass." He hissed.

Without thinking, I stood up frowning.
Zayne looked to me, confused.
"Lyla..?" He asked.
I smiled softly.
"Sorry, I just remembered, I left my notes in Mr.Monroe's class.." I told them.
Vic smirked, as Andy frowned softly.
"I can walk with you, if you want?" He offered.
I wanted to say yes, but I shook my head, smiling.
"No, its lunch. I'll only be a few minutes." I said before running off.

I ran straight to the bathroom, trying my best to breathe.
I was shaking, and couldn't stop.
Letting out a loud sob. I leaned against the wall sliding down, burying my face in my knees.
Why Andy?
Why become friends with him?
Why did Vic come into the picture?
Why was this school year, falling to pieces?

"Lyla..?" I looked up, to find my classmate. Kayla Winters, standing there.
A concerned expression on her face.
I wiped my eyes, before she knelt down in front of me.
Her silver blue eyes, piercing mine.
"Are you okay? What's wrong?" She asked me, placing her brown hair into a pony tail.
I couldn't find my voice.
I just cried shrugging.

Kayla took a seat next to me, offering a tissue.
Laughing softly, I took it from her.
"Thanks.." I murmured.
Kayla looked to me.
"What's going on? I know we don't talk much, in class, but I still like to be an open ear." She told me.
I looked to her.
I didn't even know where to begin.
But as soon as I did, everything flowed out of me.
I told her about my friendship with Andy, and how Vic randomly came into the picture.
I told her about how I suck at making my own friends.
I even called myself stupid.

Kayla crossed her arms, sitting in front of me now.
I told her, all of this, in a bathroom.
"Vic Pitts, seems like a problem. I don't think, Andy would pick him over you, not with you two growing up together." She reassured me.
I shrugged with a frown.
"Vic makes it seem like, I have Andy on a leash most of the time." I told her.
Kayla blinked.
"Do you think you do?" She asked.
I frowned.
"I don't know? Maybe? I just don't like him having other friends, I think I'm the only one who should give him attention.." I said.

Kayla smiled pitifully.
"Lyla, that's jealousy, and it's hitting you hard. It's also normal, Andy made a new friend, but so did you." She informed me.
I arched a brow.
"I did?" I asked her.
She grinned.
"Yup, me. I am your new friend, from here on out. Got it?" She asked.
I smiled with a nod.

Kayla smiled.
"Cool, hey maybe we could try to get more classes together? I could introduce you to my friends, and then you can have even more friends." She beamed.
I smiled.
"I like that idea." I agreed.
Kayla grinned widely, before jumping up and pulling on my hand.
"I thought you might! Lets go to the office, and try to convince Mr.Jefferson to give us more classes together." She told me.
Nodding, I walked out of the bathroom.

To only bump into Andy, Zayne, Lydia and Vic.
"Lyla? Are you okay?" Andy asked me.
Kayla's hand tightened around mine, before smiling at me.
I smiled, before looking to the four.
"Yup, see ya." I laughed following my new friend.

Those were the last words, I said to Andy for the whole year.
And part of me?
Didn't regret it.

Hey guys! Chapter six is here, I don't know if chapter seven will be up tomorrow.
It really depends on how I feel, and how writers block wants to be.

Chapter six was all over the place.
With Andy's new friend and Lyla gaining one.
Will the two of them, find their way back to each other?
Or will they stick with their new friends?

Until then you guys.

C.K.R. <3

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