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**Lyla's pov.**

Tenth grade, a new year.
A new me.

The sound of my alarm, going off, was my sign to know.
It was time to get up.
My brown locks, were nothing but a huge mess of tangles.
I was not ready, to comb this nightmare.
I could hear my sister, loudly singing in the bathroom we shared.

Sliding my plain red shirt, over my head. I slipped my black skinny jeans on, then my checkerboard converses.
I looked at myself, in the mirror.
Have you ever been, one of those girls, where makeup just doesn't suit you?
I know I am, I can pull it off.
However, Lydia insists to do my makeup, one day.
Like that'll ever happen.

I stepped out of my room, to find Lydia exiting the bathroom.
Her blonde hair, curled.
She wore, a pastel purple stop with black leggings.
Her makeup was on point, especially her wings.
Lydia was the girl, who would spend hours, watching makeup tutorials.
Then ask our parents, for the money to buy what she needed.
Needless to say, we were spoiled.

"You look exactly how you did, in the seventh grade." Lydia pointed out.
I blinked.
"Um, well yeah? I'm not going to magically be like, oh my god dresses and heels!" I mimicked a preppy girls voice, earning a soft scowl out of the other.
"Whatever, the important thing is. We're finally sophomores!" She squealed.
Covering my ears, I simply nodded to her enthusiasm.

We walked down stairs, into the kitchen.
Our parents at the table, like every normal morning, routine.

"Well, look at you two. Are you ready for your first day, of tenth grade?" Our mom asked, a smile forming on her lips.
I for once, nodded with a smile.
"I feel pretty confident." I stated.
Lydia grinned.
"Now that we're sixteen, its perfectly okay to flirt with guys." She grinned wickedly.
"Maybe you'll get brave, and kiss Andy? Its obvious you want him." She told me.
My cheeks grew pink, before I looked away.
"That's totally not why, I'm confident." I defended.

"Oh, Andy! Please, put your lips here!" Lydia pointed to her own lips, before giggling.
She was enjoying this way too much.
"Alright Lydia, stop teasing your sister." Mom scolded softly.
Lydia grinned.
"I'm only stating facts, Lyla's liked Andy for a very long time." She said.

I frowned, noticing dad was also looking our way.
"Are there any clubs, either of you will be joining?" He asked.
Lydia crossed her arms.
"I'm going to try out for the cheerleader team, Siberian High is pretty popular when it comes to that team, and of course. Football." She told us.
"Oh, I'm sure Zayne will enjoy that." Our mom said with a smile.

"What about you, Lyla? Any teams or clubs?" Dad asked.
I nodded.
"I'll probably get back into art class, or band, only because they have a violin." I told him.
Mom smiled softly.
"You play the violin, very well. I don't see why not, do art one semester, then band?" She suggested.
I blinked.
"Oh, I didn't think about that." I mumbled.
Lydia grinned.
"Don't become a sour puss, if Andy doesn't have many classes with you." She said.

I shot her a look.
"I have Kayla as well, plus a few others. I'm not totally dependent on him, not anymore." I told her.
Dad arched a brow.
"Are you two fighting again?" He asked me.
I shook my head.
"Not that I know of? We didn't talk the whole summer, and I just know. I'm not the same little girl, I was back in elementary and jr.high." I explained.
"You sound very mature, and grown up." Mom said with a grin.

"Did you want us to take you, or are you capable of taking the jeep?" Dad asked.
I smiled softly.
"I'm sure we can handle the jeep, we're not little girls anymore, dad." I told him.
He gave off a soft chuckle.
The sound of crying from upstairs, caused us all to jump.
Mom sighed with a smile.
"Jesse's up." She stated, walking over to the stairs.
"Have a great day at school girls, love you both." She said before vanishing.

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