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**Andy's pov**

{"Detention!?"} Mom shrieked over the phone.
Pulling the phone away from my ear, I scowled softly into the phone.
"Yeah, ma. I got detention, but for a good reason!" I protested.
{"Andrew Lee Vega, I can not believe you."} Mom hissed.
"Ma, just listen. I did it for, Zayne!" I said into the phone.
{"Zayne!? What did he do?"} She screeched.
I frowned deeply now.
"He may have made Lydia cry, in class.." I murmured.
{"Why did you get detention, and not him then?"} She asked me.
Blinking, I grinned.
"Oh, I told a teacher to bite me." I said with no regrets.

{"Andrew, you are to come straight home, after school. I can not believe, you would start Jr.High, with this kind of behavior."} Mom scolded.
Sighing into the phone, I frowned.
"Yes ma'am." I said.
{"Your father, will also be informed about this." She added.
"I understand." I said, biting down on my gum.
{"Good, I will see you when you get home, love you."} She said before hanging up.
"Love you too.."

**Lyla's pov**

My eyes landed on the classroom door, to Mr.Hayes room.
Andy walked in, his bag in hand.
Mr.Hayes looked to him.
"Ah, Andy. You're late." He stated.
Andy walked over, handing him a note from the office.
Mr.Hayes looked at it, before nodding.
"Oh, I see. Okay, go find a seat, ask someone for their notes at the end of the period." He instructed.
Andy nodded, before making his way to me.

My brows furrowed, once he took a seat.
"How did your mom take it?" I whispered to him.
Andy shrugged.
"She seemed like I dishonored the family, its a Japanese history thing?" He suggested.
That's right.. Andy and Zayne were half Japanese, except Andy looked more Japanese than Zayne did.

Frowning, I looked back to the board.
"Do you think, Zayne will have your back once you get home?" I asked.
Andy shrugged.
"Not sure? He said he would, but Zayne says that a lot." He told me.
Nodding, we didn't say anything else until the class ended.

School flew by fast, students were racing to get to the bus or to their parents cars.
I felt bad about Andy.
Me, Zayne and Lydia walked out, not exchanging any words.
I was still furious at both of them.

I watched Zayne slowly walk over to his car, both Mrs. and Mr.Vega looked angry with him.
Sighing, I got inside our car, slumping down into my seat.
"Where was Andy?" My mom asked.
Lydia rolled her eyes.
Glaring, I looked to mom.
"He got detention." I murmured.
"On the first day?" Dad exclaimed, his brows furrowed.

I shrugged.
"It's Lydia's and Zayne's fault." I said.
"Oh shut up! No its not!" Lydia yelled, glaring at me.
I rolled my eyes.
"Yeah, it kinda is." I kept on.
"Of course, you're gonna be on that clowns side." Lydia hissed.
"Clown!?" I yelled.
"GIRLS!" Both our parents yelled in unison.

The rest of the ride was quiet, no one said a thing.
Talk about a shitty first day.

When we got home, it only got worse.
"Okay, Lydia, what did you do to Andy?" Dad confronted her.
"Nothing! Oh my god, are you serious right now!?" She stomped her foot.
"Lydia!" Mom hissed in a disapproving tone.
Lydia shot me a look.
"Why don't you get mad at her!?" She pointed out.

I looked at her taken back.
"Me? I didn't do anything! You were a jerk to Andy, for getting in trouble because he was defending his brother! He got detention for him!" I snapped.
Dad looked at us.
"Okay, both of you, time out. Someone explain, what happened today. Why are you two at each others throats?" He asked.

Tears were streaming down Lydia's face.
"Because she's the perfect one!" She snapped pointing at me, my eyes widened.
"She gets the guy I want, to be her best friend! She gets the good impression from people! She's the good twin! Everyone loves her, she's everything I'm envious of! I hate you!" She screamed, running off then up the stairs.

I jumped, to the sound of the door slamming.
I stood there, shaking with wide eyes.
Tears soon began to fall.
I hate you
I hate you.
I hate you.

Mom looked to our dad, before running off after Lydia.
Dad walked over to me, gently putting his hand on my shoulder, he pulled me into a comforting hug.
"You know, she didn't mean it.. Lydia loves you." He whispered into my ear.
I nodded, trembling.
"W-Why would she say all of those things..? I'm not perfect.." I cried.
Dad pulled away from me, smiling softly.
"Sweetheart, both of you are our darling angels. Twins have habits, of getting jealous of each other. Lydia just happens, to be jealous of you. Do you ever get jealous?" He asked me.
Shaking my head quickly, he chuckled.
"When you get into High School, you'll understand jealousy a lot more. Andy is a handsome boy for his age, a lot of girls or even guys will think so, and try to get with him." He told me.

I glared softly.
"But, Andy is my best friend, he's supposed to be mine." I told him.
Dad grinned.
"So, if a boy or girl asked him out, that would upset you?" He asked me.
I nodded.
"Well yeah!" I exclaimed.
Our dad smiled softly.
"Sweetie, that's jealousy. It's normal, to feel jealous. Your sister is jealous of you, because Andy is your best friend, and not hers." He explained.
I frowned softly.
"But, she has Zayne." I pointed out.

Dad smiled.
"You'll understand, easier once you get older." His eyes left mine then looked behind me.
I turned, to find Lydia there.
Sobbing, her eyes bloodshot as she looked at me.
"I-I'm sorry for saying those t-things, I love you. Lyla." She cried, wiping her eyes.
Our mom stood behind her, smiling softly.

 I left dad's side, then ran over to my sister, wrapping my arms around her.
"I love you too." I told her.

**Andy's pov**

When the clock hit four, I exited the library then left the school.
To my surprise, our truck was there.
To my unfortunate surprise, dad was standing outside of it.
His arms were crossed, as I walked up to him.
"Andrew." He greeted.
"Hi, dad." I looked at him.

Dad frowned deeply.
"Your mom, told me you had detention today." He began.
I frowned.
"Dad, let me explain t-"
"No need." He excused my explanation, before looking to the truck.
The backseat window rolled down, as Zayne waved at me.
"Zayne already told us everything." He told me with a soft smile.
I sighed softly with relief.

"Did you really think, I'd not have your back?" Zayne asked inside of the truck, as we drove home.
I glanced to him.
"I had my doubts." I said honestly.
"Wow, thanks." Zayne said bitterly.
I smiled.
"But thanks, for staying true to your word." I grinned.
Zayne smirked.

"Did you really tell, your teacher to bite you?" Our dad asked as we walked inside the house.
Smirking deviously now.
I nodded.
"Yeah! He wouldn't get off my back." I stated.
Zayne grinned.
"It was pretty great." He agreed.
Our dad frowned softly.
"Can you two, try to not get kicked out of school this year?" He asked us.

Me and Zayne exchanged looks.
"We'll try our best, no promises." I told him.
Dad sighed softly.
"Well, at least it wasn't a no." He said before walking off.

I ran up to my room, closing the door.
I walked over to the computer, before opening this chat room.
I keyed in this kids username, to begin our conversation.

[Andy21: Hey!]
[Vic669: Yo Andy. Did u enjoy ur time, in detention?]
[Andy21: You're kidding right? You were there, dumb ass.]
[Vic669: O yeah.. lol]
[Andy21: I'm already, ready for this year to be over with :/]
[Vic669: Lol y? U get to get closer wit that Lyla grl. ;)]
[Andy21: Lol shut up, I like hanging with you too.]
[Vic669: Lol... r u confessin?]
[Andy21: No you dumb ass, I just think you're a cool kid to hang with.]
[Vic669: Aw, Andy, ur to kind. I think u r kool to.]
[Andy21: Whatever lol, anyways. I gotta start my homework.]
[Vic669: Boo, Andy, Boo. Stay and tlk! I'm bored lol.]
[Andy21: Lol, maybe you should begin your homework too? Preferably English ;).]
[Vic669: W ow r00d. Watever, pce bitch!]
=Vic669 Has Signed Off.=
=Andy21 Has Signed Off.=

Hey!!! I'm alive!
Sorry for not updating these last few days, my family dog of 9 years, passed away; and I was in a dark place at that time.
But, I'm here now.
I will try to update chapter 6 tomorrow.
But will leave you with this:
-How will the rest of the school year go?
-Will Lyla and Lydia manage to keep their bond as siblings?
-Who is Vic669? And what is his relationship with Andy?

Until then!

C.K.R. <3

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