Twenty Two.

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**Lyla's pov.**

It was already March, we had two months left of school, and Andy was still in a coma.
I was scared, he wouldn't ever wake up.
His wounds from the wreck, were getting better.
He just wouldn't wake up.

I sat at his bedside, my hand tightened around his, as I frowned deeply.
"Andy, we need you to come back.. I need you to come back." I told him, in a soft voice.
I looked at him, his eyelids not moving, his chest barely rising.
It was painful.
Its been a few months, I didn't know how much more of this I could take.
I wanted him to wake up.
I wanted to hold him.
I wanted to kiss him.

I frowned deeply, letting his hand go.
I walked out of the room, to go into the cafeteria to grab something small to eat and drink.
I knew, when Andy woke up, he would be starving.

I grabbed a cup of orange juice, and some scrambled eggs.
Walking over to a table for two, I took a seat then began to eat my breakfast.

Due to what happened with Andy, I managed to convince my parents and the teachers, to let me take classes online.

That way, I could stay at the hospital with Andy.
I'll admit, I miss my friends and sister, but Andy was more important to me.

After eating, I went straight back to his room.
I took a seat, and did what I always did.
I held his hand, and just sat in the silence.
Someone would probably think, this wasn't healthy.
But, I did not care.

"Ms.Thorn, I need to run some tests on Mr.Vega, can you please leave the room for a minute?" The doctor asked me.
I nodded, removing myself from my chair then left the room.
I leaned against the wall, my arms crossed.

"How's he doing?" Zayne asked walking up to me.
I frowned softly.
"He's still asleep, the doctor is running some tests." I told him.
Zayne blinked, but nodded.
"That reminds me, we're going to the beach today, you should come. You could use some sun." He told me.
I frowned.
"No thanks, I'd rather stay here for support. You guys go have fun." I said.

Zayne sighed softly.
"Lyla, its not healthy. You've pretty much stayed at the hospital, ever since my brother got put in here." He said.
I arched a brow.
"Funny, and I've only seen you five times, the last four months in here." I pointed out.
Zayne frowned deeply.
"Don't start that, I have school and football and Ly-"
"Oh of course, don't let your brothers state here, interfere with your life." I spat.

Zayne looked at me taken back.
I blinked, before rubbing my eyes.
"Zayne, I'm sorry I'm ti-
"No, I understand. Its fine, you have every right to be upset at me. I'll come visit, after the beach. Alright?" He said, giving me a quick hug before leaving.

I stood there, yawning softly.
"Okay, you can go back in." The doctor told me.
I frowned.
"Is there any kind of updates on him?" I asked.
The doctor looked at his clipboard.
"I'm afraid not, Lyla why don't you go on home? You should get some actual rest, that doesn't mean slumped in the chair." He suggested to me.
I frowned softly.
"No thanks, I'm fine, really." I told him.

The doctor frowned now.
"Please, go home. The last thing you want, is to end up in here as well." He pressed.
I frowned softly, my brows furrowed.
"Okay.." I said, defeated.
I walked into Andy's room, frowning.
"Doc is sending me home, I'll be back as soon as I get some rest." I said, giving him a quick peck on the cheek.

When I got home, I went straight up to my room, my body felt heavier with the lack of sleep.
I wanted to cry, when I saw my bed.
Walking straight over to it, I fell onto it.
My eyelids closing, as I let sleep consume me.

It felt like hours, before I woke back up.
I still felt exhausted.
I left my room, then went straight for the shower.
The warm water, woke me up, the moment it connected to my skin.
The best thing about showers?
It hid the tears, you let slip by.
Andy.. please wake up.

After my shower, I put on a hoodie and some sweats.
I walked downstairs, my stomach growling to the smell of food.
It smelt like, chicken stir fry.
I made my way around the corner, mom was at the stove, humming.
Her back to me, as she cooked.

Jesse noticed me first, before jumping out of his chair, then ran straight over to me.
His tiny arms, wrapping around my legs.
"Welcome home, LyLy!" He greeted me, with a wide smile.
Mom turned to us, a soft smile on her face.

"Did you decide to get some actual rest, a shower and a home cooked meal?" She asked me.
I nodded, walking over to her.
My arms wrapped around her, tears streaming down my cheeks.
"I want him to wake up, mom." I cried, hugging her harder now.
Mom frowned softly, her hand caressing the back of my head.
"I know sweetie." She said.

After we ate, I slipped on my shoes.
Dad crossed his arms.
"I thought the doctor told you to get some rest." He said.
I frowned softly.
"I did get some sleep, I'm bringing left overs up to the hospital with me." I told him.
Dad sighed heavily.
"Lyla, do I need to ground you to the house?" He asked me.
I shot him a glare.
"No, you don't. Dad, I'm sorry I'm doing this for someone I am in love with, if this was mom in the hospital. Wouldn't you do everything, to stay up there with her?" I demanded.
Dad's eyes pierced mine, he looked at me as if trying to figure something out.

"Go get in the car, I'll drive you up there." He said.
I nodded, grabbing the leftovers, then raced to the car.

The drive there, was fast.
I usually walked to the hospital, due to not wanting to use my jeep.
It never bothered me to walk, it was usually nice.
You just had to watch out, for the crazy drivers and puddles.
I looked out the window, I kept glancing to dad with a frown.
I guess, he would of been the same way.

"When you asked me," Dad began, his eyes on the road.
I looked to him, confused.
"If I would of do everything, if this was mom. To answer your question, I have already been where you are." He said.
My eyes widened.
Dad gripped the steering wheel.
"Thirteen years ago, when you and your sister were still tiny and not trying to grow up. Your mom, tried to take her own life." He told me.

My heart pounded hard against my chest, as tears formed in my eyes.
"B-But mom is always so happy and cheerful." I cried.
Dad sighed, as we pulled into the parking lot.
His eyes fell on me now.
"Now she is, but.. as parents, it became stressful for her to take care of you both; on her own. I always worked, and could only help during the evenings, when I got home that day. Your mom, collapsed right in front of me, it was an overdose." He explained.

My eyes widened, as tears streamed down my cheeks.
Dad looked at his steering wheel.
"She was admitted into the hospital, for a month. She had to be monitored, and everyday. I was up there with her, you girls were at the daycare. I never left your moms side, since. She was the love of my life, my best friend, my whole world. I never wanted to lose that, I never wanted to lose her." Dad looked at me, tears in his eyes now.
"The way you love Andy, reminds me of how much I love your mom." He said.

My brows furrowed, before I reached over bringing him into a hug.
"Thank you, daddy." I said, kissing him on his cheek.
He took my other hand, smiling sadly at me.
"Don't ever let him go, do you understand me?" He asked.
I nodded.
He smiled softly.
"Good, now go in there, and wait for him." He told me.

I nodded with a smile, getting out of the car then raced into the hospital.
I ran straight into Andy's room.
Sadness raced through me, seeing him still asleep.

I walked over to his bed, not even thinking twice.
I pressed my lips to his.
My hand held his, as I took in this moment.

My heart skipped, feeling his hand tighten around mine.
I broke the kiss, wide eyes as his grayish blue ones slowly opened.
He held a tired smile.
"Hello to you too." He greeted in a raspy voice.
"Oh my god, Andy." I cried wrapping my arms around him.
Pressing my lips back to his.
He winced softly.
"Oh, geeze I'm sorry." I said, getting off of him.
He grabbed my wrist, looking at me.

"Don't move, its fine." He said, bringing me into him.
Tears wouldn't stop falling, as I buried my face in his neck.
"I never thought you were going to wake up." I cried.
Andy frowned softly.
"I'm awake, don't worry." He told me.

"I've been awake for an hour or two." Andy said, taking a sip of his water.
I looked at him in shock.
"No wonder, you were able to speak with no problems.. how are you feeling?" I asked him.
Andy let out a soft yawn.
"Believe it or not, but I'm still tired." He laughed.
I smiled softly.
"You've been asleep for, four months.." I murmured, my hand taking his free one.
Andy looked to me.
"Yeah.. its a shock, this whole time. I was in some bubble, trying to wake up." His thumb brushed against my hand as he frowned softly.
"The doctor told me, you pretty much moved into the hospital, while I was here." He said.

I frowned softly.
"I didn't want to leave your side." I told him.
Andy smiled softly.
"Lyla.. I need to tell you something." He said.
I looked at him.
He smiled.
"Don't freak out, but I'm crazy in love with you." He confessed.
Heat raced to my cheeks, before I leaned over kissing him.
"Don't worry, I'm in love with you too." I confessed, both of us blushing now.

"MY SHIP SAILED!" Kayla exclaimed.
We both jumped, to find everyone there at the doctor.
Even some nurses, and the doctor.

Andy let out a laugh, as I did the same.

We were both in love.
We were both best friends.
And nothing, would ever come in between us.

This would be a great place, to end the story.
But, they still have senior year.
Don't worry, it'll go by fast.

Andy is awake.
Caleb accepted Andy.
The kiddos are in love.
The entire hospital ships it.

Until then you guys.


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