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**Andy's pov.**

"If you like her, be a man and ask her out." Drew encouraged me, in the boys locker room.
I rolled my eyes, in response to his insane suggestion.
"And risk, her freaking out? No way, I don't want to ruin our friendship." I told him.
Zayne sighed.
"Andy, this is Lyla. You both, are completely oblivious to each others feelings." He said.
"How are you and Lydia, by the way?" I asked him.
Zayne looked away now frowning.
Apparently those two, have been arguing a lot lately.

Zayne was apparently moving too fast, by discussing marriage with her.
I was kind of glad, Vic never mentioned that with me..
I mean, he vanished the beginning of our junior year.
When I tried calling him, the number was changed.
It was like, he never existed.
Which hurt.

Drew yawned softly.
"This is why, I don't date people. You two make it look, uninteresting. Zayne wants to marry Lydia, Andy wont grow a pair and ask Lyla out. You're both a mess, when it comes to dating." He told us.
I frowned deeply.

When the bell rang, for third period.
I left the two, in seconds.
I didn't want to screw up, by asking her out.
We were best friends, and I didn't want to lose that.
I didn't want to lose her, not again.
Yeah, I wanted to date her, I wanted to love her.
I wanted to express myself, with the love I had for her.
I realize how cheesy that sounds, but I can't help it.
I was in love with her.

Maybe Drew was right, what if we were being oblivious towards each other? What if, Lyla felt the same way, as I did?
Would she reject me, if I asked her out?
Would she be happy?
Would I?

I sat at my desk, listening to our teacher lecture us about the snow storm coming in.
Right, it was November and it was already snowing.
We lived in Colorado, so of course snow is a thing here.
"Remember, drive slow and cautious, if you have your own cars." She told us.
As of last year, I had my own car.
It was an 2014  Toyota Camry, light gray.
I loved it.

It was nicer, than hitching a ride in Zayne's truck constantly.
Not that I minded, a free ride, but still.

It did suck, about the snow storm coming in, I knew Lyla would be excited.
She loved snow, and everything cold.
One of the many things, I loved about her.

I let out a soft yawn, when lunch came around.
I walked down the hall, to head to the cafeteria.
I didn't know, who would be at our table, first.
Not that it ever mattered, I just liked, to see where everyone sat; each time.

When I walked in.
Loud chattering, filled the room.
My eyes fell on our lunch table, immediately I spotted Kayla and Hunter.
I looked around, then seen Lyla in line with Drew, the two laughing.
So, Lydia and Zayne were missing.

Once I got my food, which was a salad.
I joined our friends, then soon enough my brother and Lydia popped up.
Both looking flushed.
"Oho? What were you two doing?" Hunter asked with a wink.
Lydia's cheeks darkened.
"That poor janitors closet." Kayla sighed.
"Shut up!" Lydia cried, she was scarlet red.

I never pinged, either of them to do a quickie in school..
Its kind of gross, when you think about it.
Lyla sipped on her milk, avoiding eye contact with her sister.
Well, this just got awkward.

Suddenly, the room fell quiet, the moment a girl let out a happy squeal.
Everyone's attention fell on the double doors, as a girl with blonde pig tails, ran in.
"Guys! Jacob is back!" She exclaimed.

I felt my blood run ice cold.
"You're next, faggot."
Those words echoed through me, like my heart pounded hard against my chest.
"B-But.. Heidi, said he was at bootcamp.." Lyla cried, her eyes full of fear.
Zayne glared to those doors.
I watched, as they opened, and the guy himself.
Walked in.

Jacob stood at the doors, he scanned the room, before his eyes locked with mine.
I glared harshly.
There was no way, this would end good.
We were so close to summer, and our senior year.
Why did he have to pop up?

I felt Lyla's hand grab mine, as she trembled.
This fucker.
My eyes darkened, all I could think about, was what he did to her.
What it did to her, how she stopped eating, how she screamed in her sleep.
Her random break downs, in class, and how she lost so much sleep.
He did that to her.
He broke my best friend.

I couldn't fight this guy.
Not on school property.
I'd only risk getting expelled.
I couldn't get expelled.
Someone had to protect, Lyla.

I watched, as he walked out those same doors.
Few people chased after him, which were those same guys. That were with him, the day I got revenge, it wasn't as much as I wanted.

"Why is he back.." Lyla cried.
I frowned deeply.
"He won't touch you." I promised her.
She looked at me, with a soft nod.
I wasn't going to let, him anywhere near her.

Thankfully, school ended fast, so Lyla was able to go straight home.
Still though, I also had myself to think about.
Jacob was targeting me, and I had no idea when he'd appear.
I knew, I had to keep my guard up, otherwise.
I'm doomed.

I walked over to my car, frowning softly.
I could hear, footsteps echoing after mine.
Before I even opened the door, I turned sharp.
I was surrounded, by a bunch of students.
Jacob, was right in the center.
Who was smirking, deviously.

"Hey, faggot, how are ya?" He greeted, his tone full of venom.
I glared deeply.
"Surprised your already out of that camp, damn shame you didn't rot." I shot back.
Jacob gave off, a fake gasp, his brows furrowing.
"How harsh can you get? This whole time, I did a lot of thinking." He stepped towards me, I couldn't back up any further, I couldn't even open my door.

I glared, when his eyes pierced mine.
"And a lot of that thinking, left me with so many thoughts, on how I'd kick your ass." He spat, his knuckles cracking.
I frowned deeply.
"So the rapist wants revenge? How much sense does that make?" I demanded.
Jacob glared now.
"You just can't let that go, can you?" He shot back.

My brows furrowed, as a smirk tugged at my lips.
"You're kidding me right? You raped Lyla Thorn, an innocent girl. Who knows who else, you've raped, or what you've done. You are just pissed, that you screwed with the wrong girl. It's called karma, fuck face." I spat.

Jacob frowned deeply, grabbing a hold of my collar, I raised my hands in defense.
"Hitting a student on school property? Surely, you learned something in that camp, daddy dearest sent you to." I grinned.
"Shut your damn mouth." Jacob snarled.
I arched a brow.
"Why? Am I pinching a sore nerve?" I asked him, innocence in my voice.

Jacob shoved me into my car, earning a soft wince from me.
His face close to mine, as I glared at him.
"What? Gonna kiss me, Thompson? Sorry, rapists aren't my type." I said, sticking my tongue out in disgust.
"Now you've done it, Vega." Jacob hissed.
With that, his fist met my cheek.
I could taste blood, in seconds.

"This isn't over Vega, you've been warned." Jacob spat, storming off.
I stood there, my hand on my now, throbbing cheek.
I frowned deeply, as the snow began to fall.
"Great.. summer isn't getting here fast enough." I sighed.

"What happened!?" Mom cried in concern, when I walked into the kitchen.
I frowned deeply.
"Its nothing.. just got into it, with a bunch of idiots." I murmured.
Mom frowned deeply.
"Come on, lets get some ice on that." She said, ushering me to the table, to sit down.
Sighing, I winced at the pain.
It was surprising, he didn't knock out a tooth.
I thought he was going to kill me.

I let out a sharp hiss, feeling the ice bag, connect to my cheek.
"Ma! That's freaking cold!" I hissed.
"Oh hush! If you're dumb enough, to get into fights, you can handle this." She scolded.
I blinked, but let out a weak laugh.
"I guess you're right." I agreed.

I couldn't help, but worry about Lyla, for the rest of the day.
Yeah, we were neighbors, and best friends; but I wasn't the type to barge in their home.
Plus, her dad still doesn't like me much, with me being half homo and all..
Jacob is a huge problem, Caleb is another.
But, at the end of the day.
If Lyla is breathing and happy.
That's good enough for me.

Hey guys!
This chapter is early, but its okay.
I wanted to get it out.
So, Jacob is already out of boot camp.
Andy is his target.
Senior year isn't getting here fast enough.

Until then.


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