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**Lyla's pov.**

"Are you going to school today?" Lydia asked me.
I sat up in my bed, my knees against my chest, as I frowned.
"I need to.. but Jacob is there." I murmured.
Lydia let out a soft sigh.
"Sis, he won't come anywhere near you. I promise." She told me.
I looked up at her.
"Alright.." I said said, getting out of bed.

Today, was one of those days, where you knew; something was bound to go wrong.
It was also, the day I wish I had stayed home.
If I knew, what was prepared to happen, I never would have left.

I walked down the stairs with Lydia.
Jesse, was at the table, eating cereal with mom.
"We're heading out!" Lydia called out to her.
"Okay girls, have a good day at school!" She called back.

Nothing, and I repeat nothing, came out as a good day. Today.

The ride to school, was calming.
I wasn't prepared to see, Jacob again.
Knowing, he was back.. it didn't sit well with me.
I didn't want to sit in class, knowing I shared Science and History with him.
I just had, to get through the rest of my junior year, then I was free.
Until our senior year.

I had no idea, what I was going to do, when I graduated.
College, hasn't crossed my mind, and I didn't really have major skills.
Sure, I loved to paint and draw, but where would that get me?
I also, had no plans to live with my parents forever.
I loved them, but I already wanted my own place.

When I mentioned, getting my own place, our mom was completely for it.
The opposite, he didn't want his seventeen year old, moving out before graduation.
After I  graduated, he would be thrilled to get me my own place.
He was that kind of dad.

When I think about Lydia's future, I see Zayne in it.
She already told me, they were moving to New York, once they graduated.
I wanted to move far away from here, too.
But, I knew dad wouldn't support that.
Which is why, its Zayne's parents who are paying for them to move.
The only deal is, they both have to get jobs.

The more I thought about it, the more I didn't want Lydia to move.
She was my sister, my best friend.
It would be rare, to see her and that's the shitty part.
Yeah, we're twins, and we've always been inseparable.
But, the moment she started dating Zayne?
It changed.

I frowned, when we pulled into the schools parking lot.
I could bail, right now and regret it all day.
Or, I could suck it up, because my friends are here.
My mind, fell on Andy.
I wanted to confess, I wanted to tell him.
But, I was scared.
Rejection kept coming to mind.

Andy wasn't the cruel type, especially not to me.
But.. it still lingered, that he'd laugh or change the subject.
I couldn't stop thinking about him.
Which was driving me insane.

"Lyla!" My heart skipped, when I saw Andy and Kayla running up to us.
Andy was smiling brightly.
"Winter dance, you're coming with me." He demanded, before smirking at Kayla.
Kayla scowled.
"What kind of, pick me up, is that? Talk about crappy." She sighed.
Andy rolled his eyes, grinning then to me.
"So? What do you say?" He asked.
I stood there, blinking.
It wasn't a question.. it was more of a, you're coming whether you like it not, statement.

"Andy.. you don't dance.." I pointed out.
Earning, a snicker from my sister and best friend.
Andy pouted, but shrugged.
"So? Just because its called a dance, doesn't mean we gotta dance. We can be wall flowers, if that's what you want." He said with a charming smile.
I smiled softly.
"Sure, Andy. I'll go to the dance, with you." I told him.
Andy grinned.
"Alright, cool." He said.

We were just going as friends, best friends.
Who were completely oblivious, to each others feelings.
It was fine.

I yawned, opening my locker, to grab my books.
"Its a daate." Lydia sang, next to me.
I felt heat rush to my cheeks.
"Its not a date!" I cried, frowning.
"We're just going as friends.. if it was a date, he wouldn't of been that hyped. That's normal Andy, for you." I told her.
Lydia sighed.
"You both are completely blind, its sad." She frowned.

I glanced to her.
"Whats sad, is why you're with me and not with Zayne." I pointed out.
Lydia stuck her tongue out.
"I'd like to sacrifice my time with him, for you some times. You are my sister." She returned.
I smiled softly.
"Alright, if that's what you want." I said, closing my locker.

Lydia grinned.
"Plus, Zayne isn't here today, said he had a doctors appointment." She finally added.
I rolled my eyes now, but grinned.
"So, the truth finally rolls out?" I smiled.
Lydia shrugged.
"I'm an open book, can't lie to you." She said.

Fixing to respond, I jumped to the sound of the bell going off.
Lydia frowned.
"It's fine, you have Andy and Kayla in all of your classes, they won't let anything happen to you." She promised me, before running off to her class.
I frowned deeply.
I can get through, with the day.
I know I can.

I walked in Science, our friends already at their desks.
I felt relief, before walking over to Kayla and the others.

"Did you guys finish, last nights homework?" Drew asked.
Andy arched a brow.
"You didn't finish it?" He questioned.
"More like, didn't do it." Kayla laughed.
Andy scowled softly, at Drew who smiled innocently.
"Help a dude out?" He pleaded.
Andy sighed.
"Fine." He said, rummaging through his bag, before pulling his paper out.

"Here." He said, handing it over to the other.
Drew's eyes lit up.
"Thanks man! I owe you." He said, before jotting down the answers.
I smiled softly, watching the two, Andy glanced to me; returning the same smile.
My stomach fluttered.
This was going to be, a long day.

Mrs.Moss began teaching the class, all of us writing down the notes, she instructed.
As usual, Drew was already knocked out in class.
One thing that was kind of nice, about our teacher?
She didn't care if you slept, in her class.

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