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**Zayne's pov**

Every part of me, was screaming to punch this guy, but the other part said not to.
I wasn't turning gay or anything!
It was just a kiss, I knew Hunter was straight, and I knew I was straight.
We were two straight guys, sharing a kiss.
This was perfectly normal.

I wasn't going to turn into a violent bastard, I didn't want to look like Caleb.
Not saying, Caleb was the type to beat some guys head in, for kissing him; but you never know.

I frowned, when Hunter stepped back, wiping his mouth before frowning deeply.
"Was that as bad, as you make it sound?" He asked.
I blinked, before rolling my eyes.
"It was just a kiss, Hunter." I informed him.
Hunter smirked.
"Do you still hate the idea, of Andy kissing Vic? Or any guy in that matter?" He questioned.
I glared now.
"Its still weird Hunter, I don't hate it bu-"
"Because we kissed?" He arched a brow.

"Oh screw you, no. You know what? Fine, let my brother be a flaming bisexual. Let him fall in love with Vic, a guy who is a huge prick most of the time, let him get his heart broke in two. But, do not come to me when I say, I told you so." I hissed now.
Hunter smirked softly.
"Why are you sounding so flustered over this? Vic is a guy, and Andy is smart. If he wants Vic to be the one, who gives a shit? If he wants to get with Lyla, cool. Its his life, not yours. You have Lydia, remember?" He states.

I looked away now.
"I guess.. but-"
"So! That means, you can't get grossed out for your brother dating a guy, or I'll show everyone this picture." Hunter smirked.
My eyes widened.
"W-What picture?" I demanded.
I heard myself yelp, before feeling Hunters lips back on mine, and a flash went off.

Hunter waved his phone in my face, grinning deviously at the image of us kissing.
Of course, I look completely thrown off, but who would even believe me if I tried to defend myself?
This fucker.
I stared at him, trying my best not to hit him.

"You're black mailing me, into accepting my brother?" I demanded.
"Blackmail?" Hunter scoffed.
"Its more like, showing you being a hypocrite." He shrugged.
I glared at him.
"You're testing me, Barnes." I growled.
Hunters eyes lit up, before smirking cruelly.
"Well, hopefully you don't fail Vega, it would suck; to show the whole school me and my bestie sharing a kiss." He pursed his lips, before laughing.

"You're a sadist." I stated.
"And you need kissing practice." He countered.
My cheeks grew hot, looking away.
"Shut up, Hunter, before I seriously hit you." I told him.
Hunter sighed.
"Man, get that stick out of your ass, you act like its a sin." He states.
"You have a picture of us kissing!" I cried.
Hunter made a face.
"Your point?" He asked.

I threw my hands in the air, feeling flustered and irritated.
"My point, is how do I know you're not a secret homo, and going to masturbate to that image?" I demanded.
Hunter walked up to me, until I felt myself against the wall.
His eyes were dark, as he peered down at me.
He held an unreadable expression.
"Why would I need to do something like that? When the real thing is right in front of me?" He asked.

I felt my blood, turning ice cold.
He wasn't serious?
I flinched when he moved in closer, to me.
Our lips, inches apart.
"I'm kidding." He smirked, moving away.

I'm going to have a fucking heart attack.
"You're not even my type." Hunter said, waving me off.
I'm going to seriously kill this guy.

**Lyla's pov**

"If you're serious, about talking to Jacob, here's the address." Drew said, handing me a slip of paper, I mean. I drove over there, but it was late, then I got drunk.. then other things happened! Of course, I was gonna forget his address.
So why..
Am I still standing on his front porch?
Not making any effort, to knock.
What happens, if some other girl answers?
What if she gets mad?
What if Jacob gets mad?
What happens then?

I could feel my anxiety tearing into me.
Jacob didn't seem like a bad guy..
I mean, Kayla doesn't like him.
But she likes me.

And I like Andy.
Holy crap, this is a huge mess.
Just knock Lyla!
The worst thing he could do, is ask who I am.

That doesn't make me feel better..
Not one bit.

Shakily, I brought my knuckles to the door, before knocking.
I was regretting this.
The moment the door opened, I wanted to die.
A girl stood there, no older than me.
She had messy brown hair, and green eyes.
She looked kind of tired, but also similar to someone else..

"Um, hi?" She greeted.
"H-Hi! Um, s-sorry... is um, J-Jacob here?" I squeaked.
The girl blinked, looking fully awake now.
Please don't be his girlfriend, please don't..
"Oh, one second." She said leaving the door wide open.
I stood there, feeling incredibly awkward.
What if that is his girlfriend? And now she's gonna go scream at him..
Oh god, oh man, oh god.

"Lyla?" I recognized that honey voice.
I looked up, to find a holy shit, shirtless Jacob in dark blue sweats.
He had a towel around his neck, looking slightly shocked.
I felt my cheeks burning.
"U-Um.. Hi Jacob, I was just wanting to kn-"
"Come in." He cut me off, inviting me in.

I nodded quickly, walking inside the house.
It smelled like apple cinnamon, in here..
I followed after the taller male, into the living room.
He grabbed a solid white shirt, before throwing it on.
"So, why are you here?" He asked me, it wasn't as rude as I thought it would sound.
But, it still hurt.

I blushed, looking down as I took a seat on the couch.
"Um.. well, I was just wondering.. I mean, we k-kissed and so I just didn't know wh-"
"Lyla, you're rambling, what is it you want to know?" His voice, sounded so calm yet bothered.
Oh no, was I fixing to do something really awkward, by asking this..?
I could feel my eyes burning, with tears.

"Well.. um, I'm never usually a mess, over this.. but I was wanting to know, what we were.. I mean, after the kiss.." I confessed, my cheeks were burning.
He wasn't speaking, oh god.
Was that girl his girlfriend?
Did I just ruin his relationship?
I felt the tears fall, wiping my eyes.

"Lyla." I was embarrassed.
"I'm sorry, I don't know what I was thinking, I really do-"
"What do you want us to be?" He asked.
I slowly raised my head, my heart pounding.
He held a concerned yet confused look now.
I swallowed.
"You were my first kiss.." I confessed again, refusing to make eye contact now.
"Are you wanting to be my girlfriend?" He questioned.
I looked up, my face scarlet red.
"Am I worth your time?" I found myself asking.

Jacob looked taken back, before smiling softly.
"Why don't you find out, for yourself?" He asked.
I blinked, looking at him confused.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Will you go out with me?" Jacob questioned.
My eyes widened, before nodding.
"Y-Yes." I said.

Jacob removed himself from the couch, walking over to me.
"Cool, so I guess you won't mind me kissing you?" He asked.
I shook my head, tensing slight, when his lips pressed to mine.
It was different, we weren't drunk.
His lips were still soft.
He deepened the kiss, his knee sliding between my legs, along with his hand rubbing my thigh.

My cheeks darkened.
"J-Jacob." I cried.
"What is it?" He said with an apathetic tone.
"You're moving too fast." I told him.
I frowned, hearing him sigh.
"Are you unaware of what happens, when you date?" He asked me.
I felt my cheeks burning.
"I am aware.. but, I wasn't wanting to do something like that, so s-soon." I murmured.

"Maybe this was a bad idea then, asking you to go out with me." Jacob told me.
I felt my stomach drop.
"B-But, its just soon is all.. its also a big thing to me." I said.
Jacob arched a brow.
"Ah, you're a boring flower." He stated.

What the hell..?
He was a complete different person, the night of the party..
So why.. was he being so harsh..?

"I shouldn't of came.." I told him, looking away now.
Jacob sighed.
"Yeah, well you kind of did? And if you leave now, its gonna bug the shit out of me, so you're going to stay for a bit." He told me.

My eyes widened.
"I am going home, Jacob." I informed him, removing myself off the couch.
"God, why are girls like you, such pains?" He groaned getting off the couch, following after me.
I didn't like this, where did that girl go?

I grabbed the door, before trying to scream when I felt his hand, clamp over my mouth.
Tears were streaming down my cheeks, when he threw me over his shoulder, then walked into some bedroom.
The door closing behind him.

**Andy's pov**

"Kiss." Vic said, pressing his finger to his lips.
I looked at him, for the longest minute.
Sighing, I pressed my lips to his.
Yelping, when he pushed me onto the bed.
He crawled on top of me, smirking.
"You are my prey." He stated.
I arched a brow.
"And you're a weirdo." I pointed out.
Vic grinned.
"I try." He said, leaning down and capturing my lips.

It bothered me, that when Vic and I kiss, I wish it was me and Lyla..
I liked Vic, but I liked Lyla as well.
All three of us dating, couldn't possibly be a thing.
One major reason, Lyla doesn't like Vic.
And the other, it would just be weird.

Plus, she has Jacob.
She has to be happy about that, right?

Hi guys.
I am so so so so so SOOOOOO freaking sorry, how I fell behind on my updates.
I needed to update, but every time I thought about it.
I was like eh, not right now.
But, tonight, thanks to my sister.
I decided to update, it was kind of a push that I needed?
Which was deeply appreciated.

I decided to make the chapter, semi long?

As an apology.
I am sorry, with how this chapter comes to an end.

Jacob is naturally, a pretty nasty dude, meaning he does what he wants and doesn't give two shits who he hurts.
But, is hurting Lyla.

A road he wants to go down?

Will everything work out?
Or will everything slowly crumble, over one stupid mistake?



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