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**Lyla's pov**

The rest of Jr.High, was not the same. With me not hanging around Andy, everything seemed off..?
Which, I don't think it bothered him, because Vic wasn't his only friend. According to Lydia, Andy was now apart of some group of guys, and one girl.
Zayne and Lydia, ended up going their own ways as well, to see where they would fit in with the schools society groups.

Zayne was offered to join, the football. Which, of course he took.
Lydia became a cheerleader.
And that's how the rest of our Jr.High, looked until High School.
Eighth grade, was right around the corner, and Kayla was beaming about us getting more classes.

We met in the library, every other day, just so all of our friends could hang out.
I guess, you could say I was popular?
Kayla was the schools favorite, but that was because her dad was some huge CEO of an important company.

It was the third weekend of March, and I was at home.
Usually, I was at the mall with Kayla, but she went out of town.
She asked if I wanted to go, but when I brought the subject up with our parents.
Dad had this huge laughing fit, before telling me no.
I guess wanting to fly to Tennessee, with her, was also going to be a no.

I looked up from my book, after hearing gentle taps on the door.
Lydia, soon popped her head in, smiling.
"Hey.. do you maybe, wanna go get ice cream with me, Zayne and Andy?" She offered.
My heart ached, I wanted to scream yes.
But, where has Andy been at these last months?
Not talking to me.

"No, that's okay." I told her.
I saw sadness appear, in my sisters eyes, before she nodded; vanishing.

I closed my book, before walking over to the window, I watched the trio walk out of the house. Then down the street.
I wasn't going to turn back into the person, I was accused of being.
I had new friends, I had Kayla.
Andy was ancient history..


**Lydia's pov.**

I glanced to Andy.
"You could of went and saw her." I pointed out, as we walked down the street, to the ice cream shack.
Andy crossed his arms.
"What's the point? Nothing will be the same, between us. Not since, she became friends with Kayla, abandoning me." He said.
I rolled my eyes.
"If we're being totally honest here, you kind of abandoned her first." I said walking in the cold building.

Andy frowned.
"I'm trying to figure out, who I am." He defended.
"You're thirteen." Zayne laughed.
I looked at my childhood friend.
"Does figuring out who you are, involve choosing someone new over someone old?" I asked him.
Both of them, looked taken back.
I shrugged before walking up to the counter.

"Hi, can I get two strawberry cones, one vanilla and one chocolate?" I asked.
The ice cream dude, nodded before making our ice cream.
Zayne walked up to me.
"Why did you order, four?" He asked.
Blinking, I looked to him.
"Did you think, we were eating our ice cream here? I got the vanilla cone, for Lyla." I told him.
He arched a brow, but nodded not arguing.

On the walk home, we were not as talkative.
It didn't bother me, I was still waiting for Andy to answer that question.

**Andy's pov.**

Every part of me was screaming, to just walk home.
I didn't want to be around Lyla, she hated me.
I broke her heart.
I chose Vic over her.
She picked Kayla over me.
Were we really doomed as best friends, since the beginning?
Was this what, fate had in store for us?

I frowned, as we walked inside the house.
Lydia glanced to us.
"I'm gonna go drag, her down here for ice cre-"
"Um, please don't? I'm already down here.." I heard Lyla say.
She walked around the corner, with water in hand.
Her eyes fell on me, and for the first time in forever.
I'm realizing, how much I've missed her.

I felt my brothers and Lydia's eyes on us.
Clearing my throat, I stepped up.
"Um.. hi, we got you ice cream. Vanilla, right?" I said.
Lyla looked at the dessert, before frowning softly.
"Yeah.. thanks.." She said taking the offered treat.

We all stayed downstairs, eating our ice cream, watching some movie.
I kept finding myself, glancing to Lyla.
She looked skinnier, and tired.
Why was she trying to be someone she wasn't?
She looked fine, the beginning of the year..
I suddenly lost my appetite.

"Hey guys.. I'm gonna head home." I said standing up, my snack half finished.
Zayne looked at me confused.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
I frowned.
"I just feel really sick.. I'm just going to go home, and probably lay down. Thank you for the ice cream Lydia, I'm sorry I couldn't finish it." I told her.
Lydia frowned but nodded.
"No, its cool. I hope you feel better, Andy." She said.

Nodding, I handed Zayne the other strawberry, knowing he would finish it.
I exited the house, then walked over to our house.
My heart pounding in my chest.
This year, I've found out.
I like Vic and Lyla..
But, I had no idea what way to go with it.
I was only thirteen.

I walked into the house, our parents on the couch.
"Oh, hey Andy. What happened, with hanging out with Vic?" Mom asked.
My heart stopped.
I completely forgot, I was supposed to hang out with him.
But when Lydia mentioned Lyla, I jumped on board to see my old best friend.

I frowned deeply.
"Oh, um.. I didn't, Lydia kidnapped me and, me her and Zayne went out for ice cream.." I said.
"Are you and Lyla, still not talking?" Dad asked, turning the T.V. off.
I smiled softly, before shaking my head.
"No.. I think its better that way." I said, lying through my teeth.
Both our parents attention, was on me now.
I frowned.
"Um.. can I talk to you guys, about something?" I asked.

"Of course, Andy. You know you can talk to us about, anything." Mom told me.
Feeling some relief, I nodded.
I walked over to the two, sitting in the recliner.
"Um.. I don't know where to begin, I guess I could just.. jump right to it." I began to fidget.
Dad's brows furrowed.
"Just say, whats on your mind, and we'll try our best to hear you out." He told me.
I nodded.

"I think, I like Vic and Lyla.." I murmured.
Mom frowned.
"As in friends, or in the future. You see yourself, dating one of them?" She asked.
I didn't want to sound like a disappointment.
I didn't want to be hated, by my parents.
I frowned deeply.
"As in dating.. in High School." I answered honestly.

We were all quiet, I was ready for them to scream at me.
That I was confused, or it was a phase.
My mom frowned.
"I see, well you know we both support you, and your brother one hundred percent. But, you know you can't date them both at the same time, right?" She asked.
I felt heat rush to my cheeks.
"O-Of course I know, ma.." I tensed hearing them both chuckle.

I looked at them.
"What's so funny?" I asked.
Dad looked at me.
"We kind of knew, you were going to come out, either bisexual or gay. We just didn't know when, but does it feel better to get that off your chest?" He asked.
I nodded, looking down at my lap.
"I was scared, to say anything.. because, most parents would of screamed and told me I was straight, or I wasn't their kid.. or that I was going down there." I told them.
Dad frowned.
"Andy, you are our son, we're not like most closed minded parents. If you came out gay to us, we would of loved you just as much, this is your life. Your story, you get to decide, how it ends. If being bisexual, means you're going to talk about boys as well. Then so be it." He said simply.

I smiled, jumping up then hugging them both.
"Thank you, guys. I love you both so much." I said.

"You like guys and girls?" I felt my stomach drop, turning to see Zayne there.
His arms crossed, frowning.
"I guess your stomach is okay?" He added on.
I frowned deeply.
"Zayne, its hard to be around Lyla." I said.
He blinked.
"Funny, she said the same thing about you." He told me.
My eyes widened.

"Thing is, she didn't come out bisexual, do you really see yourself. Dating a guy?" He asked.
I frowned but nodded.
"Ah, I see. I guess, cool or congrats? Just don't talk about guys, around me. I love you and stuff, but I don't support it." He said before vanishing off to his room.

My parents supported me, Zayne didn't.
This may be an issue.
The next step?
Tell Vic.

Just hopefully he doesn't kill me.

Hey guys!
So, this was bound to happen.
In my game, Andy is bisexual and flirts a lot with other guys.
So, I'm just like.
Well, better get this over with.

Also, I'm sure some are wondering, when will High School happen?
Chapter 10, is when it does.
I wanted Jr.High to be somewhat long?
Chapter 8, is going to be about Emma and Caleb.
To get an idea for chapter nine.
So, until then everyone.

C.K.R. <3

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