Twenty Three.

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**Lyla's Pov.**

Just like that, our senior year began.
Everyone was on edge, with our final days right around the corner.
Studying, cramming and losing sleep.
No one, and I mean no one, wanted to be held back.
Drew was even studying.

There was one good thing about my senior year..
I get to spend it as Andy's girlfriend.
We became official, that night at the hospital.
To which, Kayla kept squealing and hugging people.
She was extremely happy over this.

Don't get me wrong, I was beyond excited.
To end my last year, dating someone I have loved since the beginning.
I loved Andy, so much.
I never wanted to lose him.

"Let me help you, with the dishes." Andy began, standing next to me at the sink at my parents house.
Andy had been over a lot more, with us dating, my dad has actually let him crash over.
On the couch, there were no other exceptions.
But, Andy gladly took the couch offer.
Tonight, was one of those nights, he was crashing over here.

I wanted to be a little sneak, by letting him sleep in my room.
But, it was a bit risky.

I smiled softly.
"If you want you, you can rinse." I told him.
Andy grinned with a nod.
"Sounds good." He said with a smile.

Kayla sighed softly, her chin resting on her hand as she watched the couple.
Lydia glanced to her.
"Um, Kay..?" She began.
"Have you ever seen, two people so in love?" Kayla asked her.
Lydia glanced to her sister and friend, then back to Kayla.
"I'd say, my parents are always in lo-"
"No, I mean. Where the guy, never lets his girl out of his sight? Where he holds the door open, reaches the stuff off a tall cabinet. Where all you have to do, is look at him and know he's in love?" She cut her off.

Lydia smiled softly.
"You're really happy for them, aren't you?" She asked her.
Kayla's smile slipped a little.
"I'd be lying, if I said I wish it were me, that was dating your sister; but Lyla is helpless. She's always been in love with Andy, that's why I'll just stay by her side." She said now.
Lydia frowned now, before bringing the other into a gentle embrace.
"You'll find the right girl." She told her.

"Ah, be careful with that knife, its sharp." I told Andy.
Andy glanced to the steak knife, before flipping it over and carefully washing it.
"So, I was thinking.." He began.
I arched a brow.

"Oh no." I joked.
Andy smirked now.
"Its nothing bad, I mean I'd have to do a lot of convincing." He said.
My brows furrowed, as I washed the plate.

"What are you getting at, Vega? Convincing?" I questioned.
Andy turned the water off, before taking my hand.

"Come with me." He said.
"But, the dishes." I whined.
Andy grinned.
"They'll still be there, this won't take long." He said.


We both stopped dead in our tracks, wide eyes before turning to the brunette.
"Kayla.. Really?" I asked her, embarrassed now.
Andy was face palming.
"Kay, its not what your thinking. I swear, okay come on, Lyla." He urged.

We walked outside, onto the back porch.

"What is it, Andy?" I asked him, slight concerned.
Andy smiled softly.
"After graduation, lets find our own place." He told me.
My eyes widened.
"You want to live together?" I asked, shocked.
Andy nodded, with a shy smile, his hands took mine.
"Lyla Thorn, I am in love with you. It would be a great thing, if you were to say yes. I want us to live together, I want to age with you." He said kissing my knuckles.

My face was scarlet red, holy shit he was smooth.
I didn't mean to, but I trembled which earned concern from him.
His brows furrowed, as tears fell from my eyes.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry Lyla. Please don't cry, its fine if you don't want to. I just thou-"
"Yes." I cut him off, wiping my eyes as I smiled at him.
Andy's eyes widened.
"Yes, you'll move in?" He asked.
I nodded.

"Aw yes!" He exclaimed, picking me up by my waist, spinning me.
He put me down, before pressing his lips to mine.
I was helpless, when it came to Andy.
I was in love with him.

The rest of our senior year, flew by.
It was April and we had a month left.
Tonight I was staying at Andy's, somehow I managed to convince my mom to let me.

Dad's out of state, doing work so he has no idea.
I was beyond nervous.
We've been dating, for a year and few months and I was finally going to stay the night.

Next month, we graduate and then me and Andy would be getting, our first apartment.
Both of our parents, agreed to the idea.
I was going to live with my best friend, my first love.
What was not to be excited about?
We'd be happy.
We'd be in love.

Then in a few years from now, we'd be married and have kids of our own.

We'd grow old, watching them grow up.
It was going to be beautiful.

"Are you nervous?" Lydia asked me in the gym.

We sat on the bleachers, as I slowly nodded.
"A little.." I confessed.
Lydia smiled softly.
"Its just a sleep over, you'll be on their couch, just like Andy is when he crashes over." She told me.
I nodded, smiling.

What no one knows, is I'll be sleeping in his room, with him.
That's why I was nervous.

Only his parents and Zayne know, I'll be sleeping in their sons room.
Mrs.Vega, told me no girl was sleeping on the couch, in her household.
It didn't stop my nerves, one bit.

When school ended, I walked over to Andy's dark red Camry.
He got himself, a new one, after his wreck.
I kind of liked this one, a bit more.
Don't get me wrong, gray is a nice color.
I just liked, darker colors.

Andy turned to me, waiting against his car with a smile.

"Ready?" He asked.
I nodded, he ran over to the passenger side, opening my door for me.
"Thank you." I smiled, getting in.
It always smelled good in his car, like oranges.

The drive to his house, I was a bit more nervous.
We lived next door, to my parents, so of course.
My mom was bound to check in, on us.

When we made it to his house, we went straight inside.
His parents were at work, and Zayne was at football practice.
We were alone.

"Well, make yourself at home." Andy laughed.
I guess he could tell, I was a little tense.
Smiling softly, I took my bag off, before following him to his room.
Andy threw himself onto his bed.
"Can you believe, we're graduating, next month?" He asked me.

I sighed softly, as he sat up.
"I'm kind of bummed?" I admitted, looking at him.
Andy smiled softly, getting off the bed, then walked over to me.
"Everyone is kind of bummed, but we gotta start our new chapters somewhere." He informed me, before smiling slyly.
"My new chapter, begins with us." He grinned.

I laughed, playfully shoving him.
"Wow, did you find a book of cheesy sayings, for couples?" I teased.
Andy grinned.
"You got me." He said with a shrug.
I grinned, kissing him.

Our kisses, lead to deeper kisses.
That lead, to his bed.
His lips were everywhere.

Thankfully, his door was locked.
I covered my mouth, trying to hide the sounds coming from me.
Andy smiled, removing my hands before capturing my lips.

One thing, lead to another.
And we ended up, doing the do.

I wasn't nervous, because it was Andy.
I wasn't scared, because I trusted him.

Twenty minutes later, we were racing to see who would make it to the shower first.
I beat him, which earned gentle and playful bangs on the door.

I felt weird, and tingly.
It wasn't a bad feeling, I just didn't know how to describe what I was feeling.

Later that night, we all sat at the table and ate pizza.
I was extremely happy about this.

"Are you three, ready for graduation?" Mr.Vega asked us.
I looked up from my tea, before nodding.
Andy smiled brightly.
"Thank you again, for helping us get our first place." He told them.
Mrs.Vega smiled softly.
"You're welcome, sweetie. Just remember, you both need to get a job, because we won't always cover your rent." She told us.
We both nodded, then resumed to eat our supper.

When it came to sleep, I was more than comfortable to share a bed with Andy.
After what we did, today.
I had no reason to be nervous now.
We already did the huge thing, that I thought would scare me.

I fell into Andy's embrace, that night.
Nothing could go wrong.
We would be living together after next month.
And I was more than prepared to live with him.

We would be happy.
Just like our parents.

Wouldn't we?

Until then!

I'm wrapping this story up, with the next chapter.
The couple are in love.
Andy and Lyla did the sexticals.

Graduation, is approaching.

What could possibly go wrong?


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