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**Emma's pov.**

"She still isn't home." I said worried.
Caleb had his arms crossed, sitting at the kitchen table.
"I know Ems," he said, his eyes falling on the front door.
My eyes fell on Lydia, who entered the kitchen, a worried expression also on her face.
"Do you want me to go out and look for her?" She offered.
"No." Caleb said, sternly.
He looked to his daughter, frowning.
"One of my kids, are late, the last thing I want; is you coming home late as well. Lyla will be getting an ear full, the moment she walks through the door." He stated.

I frowned deeply.
"Darling, what if something has happened? What if her phone died, and shes unable to reach us?" I asked him.
Caleb's eyes fell on me now.
"Why would she leave, knowing her phone wasn't charged and wouldn't be answering our calls?" He shot back.
I looked away now.
"Well, you can sit around and wait, but I'm going and looking for her. Lydia, you can come with me." I told her.
Lydia nodded, running out the door, without giving her dad a chance to say no.

**Lyla's pov.**

I sat in the corner, of the room, Jacob threw me in.
My body ached, I didn't want to move, I was paralyzed with fear.
He didn't care, that he hurt me.
He just did what he wanted, then left.

I held the bed sheet, against my chest as I trembled.
My left cheek was sore, I was pretty sure a bruise was forming.
How would I cover this up?
How could I show my face at school or at home?
I was raped..
Abused and thrown away.

I had no idea, where Jacob went or if he was even coming back.
I was hoping, he wouldn't.
I was only in tenth grade, how could this possibly happen?
How could my year, turn out like this?
How could I like a monster, like Jacob?
I just wanted to be happy.
I wanted Andy to be happy.
Was this really, the price I had to pay, for it to happen?
For my innocence, to be ripped away from me?

Fear consumed me, when that same bedroom door opened, Jacob walked in.
Looking pretty satisfied with himself.
"Come here." He demanded.
This was like a bad dream, no.. more like a nightmare.
I didn't want to move, I couldn't.
I felt sick to my stomach.
I wanted to scream for help.
But, when I screamed.
He hit me.

Shaking, I slowly stood up, clinging onto the sheet for dear life.
I was still naked, I was in too much shock, to even try to put clothes on.
Why did this have to happen?
To me?
I just wanted to be happy, to feel loved.
I never asked, for this.

Jacob stood at the door, his arms crossed as he held a dark expression.
"Don't make me tell you twice." He warned.
Flinching, I began to move towards him.
I was scared, was he going to kill me?
Was he going to hit me, or rape me again?
Tears began to fall, as I stood in front of him.

He stared down at me, before ripping the sheet away from me, exposing me completely.
"You look so broken, its adorable." He mused, using one of his hands, to run through my hair.
I let out a pained gasp, when he grabbed a handful of my hair, yanking down; then throwing me down.
"You're ugly, Lyla. To think, you'd expect someone like me, to ever date someone like you? A nobody? Its truly pathetic, you were never worth my time, well except for an hour ago." He let out a bitter chuckle.

"Get your shit, and get out, maybe you'll get lucky and some other guy will nail you; the first moment you think he likes you." He laughed.
I scrambled to my feet, holding my clothes.
"You were only good for one thing, and that was your body." He told me.
I pushed my shirt, over my head.
Shaking uncontrollably now.
I slid my pants on, then my shoes.

I limped down the stairs, then outside.
I wanted to scream, my arms were sore, my face hurt and I didn't want to exist.
I wanted to die.

I forgot I parked my car at his house, but all I wanted to do, was walk.
I didn't want to sit, everything was aching.
Everything was burning.
Everywhere he touched me, grabbed me and hit me..

I kept walking, ignoring the concerned looks I was getting from, different people.
I stopped, the moment I felt my face bump into someone.
I had spaced out the entire walk.
To where ever I was.

"Lyla?" I knew that voice, my vision was blurred, before noticing Vic.
His brows furrowed in concern, I let out a weak gasp, before falling into him.
Along with my consciousness.

**Lydia's pov.**

Twenty minutes of looking for my sister, the search came to an end, the moment I received a call from Vic; telling us to meet him at the hospital.
All I could feel, was concern, it was about Lyla. 
What happened? Was she in a wreck?
Did she get hit?
Why was she at the hospital?
What could of happened?
My heart would not stop pounding.

We ran into the hospital, everyone with us in tow.
I was assuming, Vic called everyone.
Because, it was my family, Andy's family, plus Kayla; Hunter. Drew and Vic.

"Where is she?" My dad demanded to the nearest nurse.
She jumped, before looking at him with concern.
"Who sir?" She asked confused.
"My daughter, Lyla Thorn." He hissed.

"Are you her family?" A male doctor asked now, walking up to us with a clip board.
My dad flashed him an angry glare.
"Yes, where is she?" He demanded.
The doctor frowned deeply.
"Um sir, well.. Mr.Pitts brought Lyla in, ten minutes ago... we weren't sure what had happened, just that she had bruises on her body in different areas.. um, if you'll come with me. The parents, that is.. I'll inform you in, on the rest." He told them.

Did she get into a fight with someone?
I didn't even know, she had enemies..
I glanced to our friends, Drew looked sick, he was pale.
As if he done something, he shouldn't have.

"Drew?" I called out to the other, earning him to flinch at the sound of his name.
He looked to me, looking worried.
My brows furrowed.
"Do you know something?" I asked.
All eyes on him, now.

**Parents pov**

"Raped?" Emma cried in disbelief, tears swelling in her eyes.
Caleb stood there, wide eyes with furrowed brows.
The doctor frowned deeply.
"I am very sorry, to tell you news like this.. the moment, Mr.Pitts brought her in, and the nurse examined her. It was obvious, what had happened. Lyla is still unconscious, who ever done this, will be found and be charged with rape and assault." He told them.
Emma was shaking, as tears streamed down her cheeks.
"M-My poor baby... w-when can we see her?" She cried.

The doctor sighed softly.
"I would say, as soon as she wakes up, but Lyla needs time to regain consciousness and be alone. I understand, you're her parents.. but, for something as traumatizing as this.. Lyla will need space, it will be best, to keep her out of school until she recovers." He said, with a soft sigh.

Emma frowned deeply, burying her head in Caleb's shoulder.
"How far can charges go?" Caleb asked now.
The doctor frowned.
"It depends, the attacker is still in his teens. Approximately, eighteen." He stated.
"So, killing this fucker is not an option?" Caleb hissed, his eyes dark.

"I'm afraid not.. I can't say I understand where you're coming from, I have three sons.. but if this was me, and this was my child. Let this stay between us, but the attacker would be begging to die, after I was done with them." He told them.

Emma looked to Caleb, tears freely falling.
"We will be in the waiting room.. please, come get us the moment she is okay, with people seeing her." She said.
The doctor nodded.

**Andy's pov**

"Drew?" Lydia called out to the other, earning him to flinch at the sound of his name.
He looked to her, looking worried.
Her brows furrowed.
"Do you know something?" Lydia asked.
All eyes on him, now.  

Drew frowned deeply.
"Earlier today, at school.. Lyla asked for Jacob's address... I wasn't too sure on the details, but I gave it to her, not even thinking... I'm not sure if she went, but if she did.. I'm sure, that's the place she was coming from.. when Vic found her." He murmured.

My eyes widened.
"I'm going to fucking kill him." I hissed now.
Vic looked to me concerned.
"Andy, Drew isn't completely sure, what if it wasn't him?" He asked.
"What if it was!?" I shot back, glaring as I stood up.

"What if that fucker, fucking used Lyla's feelings to drag her there, what if he fucking raped her? Lyla is an innocent bean from above, who in their god damn mind, would do something so fucking twisted to someone so sweet!?" I  choked back an angry cry.
"Andy, calm down." Zayne whispered.
"No! Lyla was raped, she was fucking hit. She has to live with this! Do not tell me to calm down Zayne, none of you tell me to calm down! I'm her best friend! Why the fuck, wasn't I there for her? Why did she go alone? Why, please fucking tell me why." I cried falling to my knees.

I didn't care, how pathetic I looked.
I loved Lyla, I was in love with her.
And I couldn't save her, when she needed me the most.

It felt like hours, before Lyla was awake and allowing visitors.
I was surprised, when she asked for me, right after her family.

I walked into her room, the sound of the monitor beeping, angered me more.
But the sight of her, broke me in two.
She lied in that hospital bed, IV's in her with wires, every where else.
Her face was bruised and swollen, her arms were bruised and red.
I didn't want to examine her further, I felt sick.

"H-Hi, Andy." She greeted me, in a weak voice.
In seconds, I was at her side, my hand, holding hers.
I held a pained expression.
"Who did this to you?" I asked, my voice cracking.
Lyla had fresh tears, swelling in her eyes.
"J-Jacob.." She confessed.

I glared softly.
"He's going to pay, I promise you Lyla, I'm going to rip his fucking head off." I told her.
Her hold on my hand, tightened.
"I'm not going to be at school, for a few months.. my dad already told me, he wanted to pull me out for the year.. but we talked it over.." She said.
She frowned.
"I'd rather not face anyone, after tonight.. it may sound selfish, and stupid but-"
"Its not." I told her, frowning deeply.
"If you want to stay away from school for however long, then do it. If anyone has a problem with it, I'll punch them in the throat." I said.

She smiled softly.
"Andy, this may be a bad time.. even, after whats happened.. but, I love you." She confessed.
Any other time, my heart would flutter and I'd kiss her, with no regrets.
But, this is a bad time, so all I could do was smile with tears.
"I love you too."

When the next day arrived for school, I had it all planned out.
I was going to beat this fuckers ass, I was going to do worse to him, that he did to the love of my life.
No one could stop me, no one could change my mind.
No one would get in my way.
Jacob Thompson, was going to fucking die.

"You could get expelled." Vic hissed at my side.
I shot him a look.
"I don't care at this point, Lyla is my best friend. She doesn't deserve what happened to her." I hissed.
Vic glared.

I frowned deeply, anger rising inside of me, when I saw that fucker surrounded by his friends.
He was laughing and making jokes.
When his eyes fell on me, I knew he knew.
What he done.
Who's life, he almost ruined.
The damage it did to her.
The hatred I really had for him.

"Yo, Jacob!" I called out to him.
I watched the expressions on his friends, change from humor to confusion.
I walked straight up to him.
Jacob glared down at me.

"What do you want, faggot?" He asked.
I let out a bitter chuckle.
"Are we really going to start the name calling? Because, I have a lot of names I could fucking call you." I spat.

"Walk away, Vega, before you get hit." Some guy said, no idea who he was, he looked like a Steve.
I smirked, before pulling an innocent look.
"Oh? Yeah okay, I'll walk. After this." I began.

Before anyone, could blink.
I was grabbing Jacob's collar, slamming my fist into his face.
I could hear the sound of a bone breaking, it was probably his nose.
Blood was dripping, and I couldn't stop punching this fucker.

I let out a laugh, slamming him into the locker, as his friends tried to pull me off.
"Why don't you go rot in mother fucking hell, you fucking fucker fuck who raped an innocent fucking girl who did nothing to you! JUST FUCKING DIE!" I yelled, tears streaming down my cheeks in pure rage.

Yo! Chapter 15 here, I'm going to try to keep updating as much as I can.
So I had slight fun with this chapter, did it tear my heart in two?
If anyone is bothered, by the amount of 'fucks' I used.
I'm sorry, its Andy's vocabulary, when hes pissed.
Like, severally pissed.

I had fun, with the end, because Andy is getting to do the thing, he's always wanted.
But will it result in him getting expelled.
Or will it result into someone getting arrested?

Until then my lovelies.


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