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**Lyla's pov.**

"You kissed?" I practically squealed in my sisters room.
Lydia was grinning from ear to ear, before nodding.
"Yeah! I mean, I kind of called it, when he wanted to talk to me alone; but I was having doubts." She grinned.
I smiled brightly.
"That's awesome Lydia, I knew he was going to ask you, but I didn't think he'd go in for a kiss." I told her.

Lydia smiled.
"I guess we're an item now, now you and Andy need to ki-"
"No." I cut her off, my arms crossing as I frowned.
"I'm not pushing him into something like that, he likes Vic." I told her.
Lydia sighed heavily.
"Sis, he likes both of you, its killer obvious." She told me.
I brought my finger tips to my lips, frowning.

"I kissed two people last night.." I murmured, trying to change the subject.
Lydia's eyes grew wide.
"Wait, I thought you only kissed Jacob?" She asked , confusion in her tone.
I brought my knees to my chest, frowning.
"No.. Kayla, kissed me last night as well."
"SHE WHAT!?" Lydia cried before I covered her mouth, with my hand.
"Shut up!" I hissed.
Lydia's brows furrowed, as I removed my hand.
"Kayla kissed you?" She repeated.
I nodded.

"You can't tell the parents, dad would banish Kayla faster from our home, than anything." She told me.
I groaned in response.
"Funny, I was going to tell you the same thing." I told her.
Lydia rolled her eyes.
"As if I'd open my mouth, over something like that. I love Kayla, and would hate it if dad found out." She told me.

I rubbed the side of my neck, frowning.
"So.. how was it?" She asked now.
I arched a brow.
"The kiss?" I asked.
She nodded.
I felt heat rush to my cheeks.
"It was okay I guess.." I replied.
Lydia frowned.
"Not forced?" She pushed.
I shot her a look.
"No!" I hissed.
She rose her hands in defense.
"I'm only asking. You're my twin, if I were to kiss a girl, I'd like to know what it was like." She smirked.

I rolled my eyes.
"People kiss differently," I began, my arms crossed.
"Her lips were soft and full of passion, when Jacob kissed me. It was rough and hot, I didn't mind either, but still." I sighed.
"How do you think, Andy's kisses would feel?" She questioned.
I shrugged.
"No idea, based on his lips.. I would think, also soft? But, he could get rough if you asked." I said.
Lydia grinned.
"You're making a dorky guy, sound hot." She laughed.
I smiled.
"Yeah, well.. he is kind of hot?" I declared.

Lydia's eyes lit up.
"I wish you two, would see past the confusion and just date." She said.
"Confused? I'm not confused." I defended.
Lydia rolled her eyes.
"No offense, Ly. But you're the very definition of confused, there's Jacob. The hot popular guy, anyone would be lucky to get with, Kayla. The schools second most popular girl, who is into you, but dad would disapprove, and then Andy. The childhood crush, up until High School, the only thing standing in your way; is Vic." She told me.

I frowned deeply.
"I'm not having Andy, pick between me and Vic. They kissed, and I kissed two other people, if me and Andy are meant to date; it'll happen. Please, leave it alone." I told her.
Lydia shrugged.
"Only trying to help you out, sis." She informed me.
"And I appreciate it, but its only tenth grade, lets enjoy these next three years, yeah?" I suggested.
Lydia smiled softly.
"Sure Lyla." She said.

**Zayne's pov.**

"Do you want a beer?" Hunter called from the kitchen.
I sat on the couch, before stretching.
"Sure!" I answered.
I looked around Hunters, living room, for the first time in weeks.
It was neat and not a mess.
I wasn't sure where his moms were, I just knew they were out.

Hunter walked into the room, two beers in hand.
"Man, its cool knowing you and Lydia are together, better than that Malory bitch hitting you up."He joked.
I let out a weak laugh, taking the offered bottle.
"I guess, I'm still shocked she said yes." I murmured, taking a sip.
Hunter smirked.
"You're a good looking guy, she would of been dumb to say no." He said, taking a long drink of his beer.

I smirked softly.
"Well, what about you, Mr.Barnes? Any girls you interested in?" I asked.
Hunter grinned.
"You could say that, but its obvious she bats for the other team." He said.
My brows furrowed.
"Who..?" I questioned.
Hunter took a longer drink this time, before wiping his mouth, his eyes dark.
"Her name is, Kayla Winters. Ya know, the hot chick who sits by Lyla." He explained.

My eyes slightly widened.
"Why do you think, she bats for the other team?" I found myself asking.
Hunter shrugged.
"Why do you think, Andy bats for dick and puss?" He asked.
I felt myself cringing.
"Because he likes both?" I suggested.
Hunter smirked softly.
"Exactly, Kayla likes girls, and its obvious she has the hots for Lyla." He told me.

I frowned deeply.
"Its not like, they could date." I murmured.
Hunter arched a brow.
"Oh yeah, Lyla has a homophobic asshole for a dad." He groaned.
I looked down at my lap.
"Well, wouldn't you be a little irritable towards homosexuals, if your mom left your dad for a woman?" I asked.

"Zayne, I have two moms, they adopted me when I was five. I can't say, its weird, because if it wasn't for them. I wouldn't be who I am, my life could be worse. I love my moms, sure some days, I get jealous over not having a dad, but life goes on. I can say this much though." His eyes pierced mine like daggers.
"I'm going to be one hell of a supportive father, when I have kids of my own, that's why I support your brother and Vic." He told me.

I looked away now, frowning.
"Andy is your brother, who is human and loves you, so why can't you support him?" Hunter asked me.
I frowned.
"Because its weird, we have different ways of seeing things Hunter." I told him.
Hunter glared now.
"How different? Because, from my point of view. You look like a human, sexuality has nothing to do with who we like. We like who we like, because we're human. Not because we have a tag on us, deciding if we like it up the ass or like it in a vagina. Andy is a fucking human, so treat him as such, I know you have a different view on this, but you make a face. Any time, Vic flirts with him." He spat.

"Hunter, you're drunk, calm down." I warned him.
Hunter glared.
"Are you really blaming booze, over the truth?" He demanded.
I winced, frowning deeply.
"No, its just, th-"
I felt my heart stop, along with my stomach dropping.
When Hunter grabbed my wrist, before smashing his lips to mine.

Very short chapter, not to mention.
Thrown out there.
But, something needed to get out.
I may end up, redoing this chapter completely.
Hunter is actually 100% straight, but was angry and buzzed.
Which explains his actions.

The chapter is cringe worthy short, because my internet sucks ass and I am not fighting it tonight.
I am not promising, how long chapter 14 will take to get up.
Because, it may take longer.

How will Zayne take being kissed by his best friend?
Did Hunter step over the line?
Will Jacob talk to Lyla?
Will Caleb find out, his daughter is confused?

Stay tuned.

C.K.R <3

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