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**Lyla's pov.**

Just like that, days turned into months, that soon became a year later.
We were juniors, on our way to being seniors.
Jacob Thompson, never came back to school, after being arrested.
If I was being honest, which I was.
I was terrified to walk through the school gates, when I went back.
I was scared, to be judged or hated.
I received concern.

Well, from some students, apparently Jacob had a fan base; who weren't thrilled knowing he was out of the picture.
They called me names, one that stuck, was attention seeker.
When it got back to my friends, no one was happy.
Especially Andy..

I've had plenty of time, to think about my feelings for him.
And it came down to the truth.
I was in love with him.
I wanted him by my side, all of the time.

The thing is, he changed when Vic moved, without telling anyone.
Andy was mute, for weeks.
I guess, you could call it a break up?
It really hurt him, which hurt me.
He was my best friend.
My first love.

I wasn't ready, to tell him I was in love with him.
I was worried of rejection, but I knew.
He wouldn't hurt me, the way Jacob did.
I knew, he'd be upfront about his feelings.

I wanted to wait, until our senior year.
To tell him.
That way, our last year of school, would be our happiest.
I could wake up, knowing he was mine.
And I was his.
I knew he loved me, I just didn't know, which category.
As friends..? As a sister? Or more..
I was left alone with those thoughts.

That's all I had.
Was thoughts.
Of course, I had my sister and our other friends.
But, I was stuck on Andy.
I wanted to confess.
I wanted to watch his expression.
I wanted to see, his eyes light up.
I wanted him.

I stood in my bedroom, it was the last weekend of October, and I was trapped with no ideas on what to wear, for Halloween.
Yes, I Lyla Thorn, seventeen years old; am going trick or treating.
Its free candy.
And you can't go wrong, with free candy.
Unless its from some weird guy, then you burn that crap.

I already knew, Lydia was going to dress up as a cat, an original costume.
But, I wanted to explore my options.
We were a rich family, so money wasn't an option when it came to outfits.
I just realized, how snobby I sounded..
I'm sorry, let me reword that.
We were a family, who had money, so I knew I was able to afford my clothes.
I was still, stumped though.

{"Be a pirate, everyone loves pirates."} Kayla said over the phone.
I frowned softly.
"Isn't that also, an original costume?" I questioned.
{"It is, but you don't have to be extra about it."} She laughed.
I rolled my eyes, a grin tugging at my lips.
"I'm not trying to be, Kay. I just don't want to walk on the street, and see other people dressed as pirates." I explained.
{"Dude, its Halloween. You can't be the only pirate."} She informed me.
I sighed softly.
"I guess you're right, but still..."} I groaned, falling on the bed.
{"We could always, you know.. go creep the Halloween shop, and find a costume."} She suggested.
Sitting up, I grinned.
"Or, you're just wanting an excuse to go shopping." I accused.
{"Me? Shopping, pft. Do you realize how silly, you sound? I mean, who goes shopping? Your typical white girl, that's who."} She scoffed, defense in her tone.
"Kayla.." I smirked into the phone.
{"Okay yes, you got me, I want to look at other costumes; so its an excuse for both of us."} She said now.

I smiled softly now.
"Come get me in thirty minutes, you know Lydia is bound to come with us, right?" I asked.
{"Wouldn't have it any other way, hey, maybe you could invite Andy."} She told me.
I felt my cheeks grow hot, along with my heart pounding.
"Do you think, he'll come?" I questioned.
{"Um, this is Andy, we're talking about. Unless, you know some other Andy, and you're not telling us about it."} I could hear, the playfulness in her voice.
I smiled.
"No, there isn't any other Andy, but sure. I'll text him, remember thirty minutes." I reminded her.
{"Yeah, got it. Doing my face now, well actually, I'm taking a shi-"}
"Alright Kayla! See you when you get here." I laughed, hanging up.

Right after that, I wrote Andy in seconds, to see if he'd like to tag along.
To my surprise, he wrote back saying he would.
But Zayne was coming, because being the only guy would suck.

Throwing my dark green beanie on, I walked down the stairs.
Lydia was waiting in the hall, her arms crossed.
"Can I come?" Jesse asked, walking over to us.
I smiled, kneeling in front of him.
"Maybe next time? There's going to be a lot of big kids, and it would be hard to watch you." I said.
Jesse sighed softly.
"Okay.. candy?" He asked now, with puppy dog eyes.
Lydia grinned.
"Yes, we'll bring back candy." She told him.

"I don't see the point, in buying him candy, when Halloween is in two days." Our dad pointed out, frowning softly.
Jesse looked up at him, frowning now.
I smiled.
"Its fine, if he gets extra, the other kids won't know." I grinned.
"Are you going to deal with him, if he gets wired?" Mom asked now.
Lydia and I exchanged looks, then back at our little brother.
"We'll bring you back, a souvenir." We said.
As if on cue, the horn in Kayla's car, went off.
"See ya!" We said in unison, before running out of the house.

Dealing with Jesse, wired on candy.
Is a nightmare.

"We're here!" Kayla beamed, when we made it to our Halloween store.
It was huge.
Before I could get out, I felt my hand brush against Andy's, which made my heart flutter.
Now wasn't the time, to think about my feelings.
We were here, to find costumes.
Not get flustered, over your best friend, touching your hand.

Lydia and Kayla, both raced to the slutty costumes, leaving me and the Vega brothers alone.
I sighed.
"Any idea, on what you want to wear?" Andy asked me.
I looked to him, with a frown.
"Not a clue.. that's kind of why, we're here." I laughed weakly.
Andy blinked, as Zayne snickered.
"Come on, I want to find something to impress Lydia with." Zayne grinned.
Andy rolled his eyes, but nodded with a smile.

Great, now I'm alone.

I walked over to the dresses, frowning softly now.
This was going to be a lot harder, than I thought.
"Can I help you find something?" I recognized that voice.
I turned around, before feeling my blood run cold.
It was that girl, from the night I went to Jacobs..
Why was she here?
I looked at her for the longest minute, before realizing, she works here.
I looked at her name tag.
Heidi Thompson. 
She was that guys, sister?

"Hey.. aren't you that girl, from that one time?" She asked me.
I frowned deeply, but nodded.
Heidi's eyes darkened.
"You don't have to worry about my brother, our dad sent him to some camp, so he's long gone." She informed me.
I looked at her, frowning.
"That's good to know.. but, um.. why didn't you stop him, if I may ask?" I asked her.
Heidi frowned deeply.
"Jacob is a psycho, he would of killed me.. I mean, he killed our mom." She bluntly stated.
My eyes grew wide.
"You're kidding right?" I asked.
Heidi looked away now.
"I wish, he was ten when he shoved her down the stairs.. being his twin sister, you'd think I'd be kind of like him? But.. instead, I hid and cried.. and when he found me, he told me to keep my mouth shut.." She whispered.

I felt my eyes burning with tears, begging to fall.
Heidi's brows furrowed.
"Oh, please don't cry, its really depressing; when other people cry." She told me.
I let out a weak laugh.
"S-Sorry, I just didn't realize how sick he truly was.. but you're free of him too." I said.
Heidi smiled softly.
"Are we ever, really truly free of someone?" She asked.
I frowned deeply, fixing to speak, but was cut off; when Andy walked up to us.

"Ly, why aren't you looking at costumes?" He asked, before noticing my expression.
He shot Heidi a glare.
"What did you do to her?" He snapped.
"Andy calm down!" I said with a deep frown.
He looked at me confused.
I wiped my eyes.
"I just got emotional, over something. Heidi didn't do anything, but she is my new friend." I told him.
Andy arched a brow.
"We came to shop, and you're making friends, with retail workers?" He asked with a laugh.

Heidi glanced to me, confused.
"He's right, you should get back to shopping, if there's anything you need; come find me." She said, before leaving us.
I stood there, frowning deeply.
Jacob, killed his mom.. and Heidi, has been silent this whole time about it..

It's not your business, just let it go and move on.
The rest of the time we shopped, it felt like forever.
I couldn't decide on an costume.

Until I saw it.
A fairy costume.
Don't judge me! Fairies are beautiful, and they make me happy.
It was a teal dress, mixed with light purple and pink.
It was perfect.

I took it to the dressing room, before sliding it on.
It was beautiful.
For once in my life, I felt magical.
I felt beautiful.

"Lyla, have you put it on yet? Come show us!" Kayla called out.
Sighing softly.
I pulled the door open.
"I like this one." I said, looking at everyone.
My eyes fell on Andy, who stood there with wide eyes.

"Andy..?" I questioned.
Andy's cheeks grew dark, before looking away.
"It looks good, you should get that one." He told me.
I felt heat rush to my cheeks, but nodded.

Kayla arched a brow.
Before grinning, she pulled Lydia, Hunter and Zayne to the side.
Whispering something, that got stuck in my head.
For the rest of the day.
"I ship it."

When two days, sprung around.
Halloween, ended up being a lot of fun.

We didn't get a lot of candy, but we all enjoyed each others company.
The whole time, I walked by Andy.
I wanted to hold his hand.
And I could tell, at the same time.
He wanted to hold mine.

Hey guys!
So feelings are trying to blossom, Lyla has realized how she feels about Andy.
Andy may feel the same?
Heidi has a psychopath, for a brother.
Jacob is at boot camp.
Senior year is right around the corner.
Will Lyla confess to Andy?
Or will someone get in the way, that could result in a near death?

Until then.


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