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**Zayne's pov.**

"Are you two coming?" I asked, walking away from the truck to head towards the school.
Andy frowned but nodded.
Vic was trailing right behind him.
I wasn't too thrilled, that a guy crashed over at our house last night, especially when that guy was Vic.
He was an ass, and a bad influence on Andy.
Not to mention, those two bravely kissed in front of half of our classmates.
Last night.

I can't say much, Lyla kissed fucking Jacob Thompson.
There is going to be so much drama, and that is such a pain in the ass.
My brother was bisexual and my childhood friend, may end up destroying her life.
If she stays around that bastard, Jacob.

I'm sure you're wondering, why am I already nicknaming this guy.
Let me explain.
He is far worse than Vic.
He is a fuckboy.
He thinks, just because his dad is the king of this town.
Jacob can do whatever he wants.
He's a piece of shit.

Jacob Thompson, is the type of guy, that would make any innocent girl; feel special and adored.
Just so he can destroy her in seconds.
Lyla is that girl.
She is fragile, innocent and pure.
Someone who should never cross paths with Jacob.
But, yet.
Here we are.
Some fucking how.

I knew, if I told her to stay away from him, she'd question me; followed by confronting Jacob.
That would also be a pain.
A huge one.
I'm not the type to involve myself, in other peoples business.
But when the situation, is a bad one, that involves my idiot brother and friends..
I guess, I have no choice, but to step in.

"Did you drink, anything last night?" Vic asked, walking up to me.
This guy, was such a pain.
If I could punch him, I would.
But he's my brothers friend, and crush.
As much as I don't support my brothers orientation, I still love the guy.

"No, Vic. I was the sober one, of the three. Someone had to drive home, and I knew damn well. It was not going to be either of you." I stated.
Vic smirked softly.
"You would of enjoyed yourself, maybe finally made a move on Lydia?" He suggested.
I felt my cheeks, heat up before glaring.
"You sound like Drew." I pointed out.
Vic rolled his eyes.
"You never shut up, about her." He said ignoring the fact.
Andy shrugged.
"He's right, Zayne.. it wouldn't kill you to tell her." He told me.

I let out a bitter chuckle, my walking stopped all together.
"I'll tell Lydia, as soon as you tell Lyla, and stop hiding behind Vic as a cover up." I said before storming off.

The two stood there, slight shock.
Vic turned to Andy.
"Do you think we pushed too far?" He asked.
Andy's eyes were dark.
"No, he's just acting like a child, because he knows he needs to." He hissed.

I hated how fast, I let those two get to me.
Its true, I've liked Lydia for a very long time.
Probably since Jr.High.
I mean, yeah she's drama?
But, she's beautiful.
I love how she cheers our team on, when we go up against other schools.
She's aiming on being the captain, of the cheer leader team.
And she knows, she has my support.

All we had to do, was get through these last three grades, and then I would ask her to marry me.
Well.. first I have to confess.
Which is hard, I didn't want to be rejected.
I don't think, she had any interest in me.
Yes, we've flirted here and there, but that's as far as it goes.
I wanted her to be mine.

I walked into the building, looking for that blonde dork.
I smiled, spotting her at her locker.
She was ignoring the world, as she gathered her books.
All I needed, was to get her alone.
Confessing, in front of everyone..
Would only put her on the spot.
I didn't want that.

I walked over to Lydia, smiling softly.
"Hey blondie." I greeted her.
Lydia rolled her, beautiful tea green eyes, before smirking.
"What do you want?" She asked.
I leaned against the lockers, smiling.
"Meet me at the football field, after school today." I told her.
Lydia arched a brow.
"If you're wanting me to watch you flex, it's not happening." She teased.

I smirked softly.
"That was a one time thing, but please?" I asked her.
Lydia hummed, looking at me with a lazy grin.
"Sure Zayne, but it better be important." She told me.
God, I hope she considers this important.
"It will be." I promised.
Lydia smiled slyly.
"Cool, see you in third period." She said, walking off.

"Well, that went better than I thought.." I sighed.
"What went better?" Someone asked, that nearly scared me out of my own skin.
I turned sharp, to find Lyla and Kayla there.
"O-Oh, hey girls." I laughed weakly.
Almost gave me a fucking heart attack.
Holy shit.
Lyla looked at me, suspiciously.

"What's going on with you and Lydia?" She asked me.
I frowned, but managed to force a smile.
"I may or may not, get a shot at dating your sister." I told her.
Lyla grinned.
"Wow, you manned up and asked her out?" She asked me.

Shaking my head, I frowned.
"No, not yet.. I'm asking her today, after school at the football field." I told them.
Kayla smiled.
"I'm sure she'll say yes, its obvious you both have a thing for each other." She pointed out.
I blinked.
"Wait, she has a thing for me?" I asked, completely oblivious.
Lyla smirked softly.
"You didn't hear that from us, but I'm sure Lydia is bound to say yes. I mean, she's turned down every guy that's asked her out, and that was yesterday before the party." She said.

"I'm not sure, if that makes me feel better or worried." I mumbled now.
Lyla smirked.
"It means, she's waiting for the best for last to ask her. Zayne, if I know my twin, which I do. She'll answer with a sarcastic response, before answering you with a legit response." She told me.
I smiled with a nod.
"Thanks guy.. I guess, I do feel better knowing, I may have an actual shot." I said.
They both grinned at me.
"You have us for support." Kayla said as the first bell rang.

"Ah, see you guys at lunch." I said waving the two off.
I headed to first period, which was Math.
At least, I was getting the subject I sucked the most at, over with first.
I took a seat at my desk.
The room felt stuffy, the moment she walked in.
Malory Garner, also known as, the schools hugest bitch.
She wasn't even cute.
I mean, sure she had massive breasts, and a beauty mark under her eye.
But, she wasn't Lydia.

Yeah, they had blonde hair, and blondes were my type.
But Lydia wasn't a bitch.
Also, Malory's eyes were like a cloudy gray.
Which so were Vic's, but he isn't a bitch.
He's a sassy dick.

Malory, also dressed like this wanna be model, but she looks more like a slut.
I mean, her shorts were so far up her ass, they were like panties.
And her shirt was a v-cut, that was snug tight and her breasts were practically, screaming to look at them.
What happened to dress codes?

"Oh, hello Zayne." The devil herself, greeted me.
I tried so hard, not to cringe, when I tried to face her.
But breasts, were all I got.
Okay, yes. Lydia, also has huge fucking breasts, but Lydia is Lydia.
Malory is..
A slutty bitch.
Lydia is.
A drama queen.

"Sup Malory?" I greeted her, hoping it wouldn't start conversation.
How unlucky I was.
"Is that how you greet all girls?" She asked, attitude rising in her tone.
Chuckling softly, I turned to give her my full attention.

"It is, and a lot of girls find it rather cool." I defended.
Malory arched a brow.
"Its sloppy, a cool guy would bow down when someone like me, gives them my attention." She told me.
Sighing softly, I can't cuss out a girl, because its frowned upon.
I also can't call her a slut or a bitch, in class.
It's also frowned upon.

"Ah." I responded in a lazy tone, looking anywhere, but at her.
I frowned, hearing her chuckle softly.
"Ah, Zayne. There's no way, I could stay mad at you." She said, grabbing my chin.
Don't slap her hand away, it'll cause a scene.
Then, the school will call my parents.
And that is such a fucking pain.

"Look at me, when I'm talking to you." She hissed now.
"You gotta be fucking kidding me." I hissed looking at her.
She looked taken back by my response.
"Is that anyway to talk to a lady?" She demanded.
I arched a brow.
"A lady? Where? You?" I laughed in her face.

She glared removing her hand.
I smirked deviously.
"All I see, is a little girl who failed at dress up." I stated.
My eyes darkened, watching her hand raise up in the air, faster than anything.
Before her wrist was caught, by my teammate and best friend on the football team.

Hunter Barnes stood there, looking annoyed.
"Malory, go be a slut else where. No one has time for you, especially Zayne." He said in a cold tone.
Malory glared.
"You're both pigs!" She screamed running out of the class.
Hunter sighed heavily, running a hand through his messy black curls.
His forest green eyes, fell on me.
"Were you really going to let that slut, hit you?" He asked.

I smirked softly.
"I would of had witnesses, seeing her hit me. Hitting a girl, isn't my style." I shrugged.
Hunter smirked now.
"Speaking of, have you talked to Lydia yet?" He asked.
I looked to him.
"I'm going to ask her out, after school today." I informed him.
Hunter grinned.
"Dude, nice. I hope it goes well for you. Think she'll say yes?" He asked.
I shrugged.
"God, I hope." I said.

When lunch rolled around, I was more than anxious to ask Lydia out.
I had support from my friends, and I guess Vic.
Even if he's a prick, he's alright when it comes to support.

"How did first period go for you guys?" Lyla asked.
I looked to her.
"Well, the schools slut tried to slap him." Hunter stated, sitting next to me.
Andy's eyes grew wide.
"Malory tried to hit you?" He asked.
Hunter face palmed.
"Andy, say it with me, the-schools-slut." He said.
Andy glared.
"I'll pass Hunter, I'm still avoiding name tags myself." He told him.

Hunter blinked.
"Oh yeah, with all that bisexuality shit, don't worry. The football team, has your back when it comes to that, if anyone has an issue with you liking dick and vagina, then they can come find us." He stated.
"Hunter.. please, shut up.. its our lunch break." I groaned

Andy gave the guy a thumbs up, trying not to laugh at everyone's expression.
Vic smirked.
"Its nice to know, you can walk around half gay and not get picked on." He said.
Andy nodded in agreement.

If we could go one day, without discussing this kind of thing, it would be nice.
Hunter was pretty serious, when it came to protecting those who weren't straight.
I mean, the guy has two moms.
That's enough reason, to have someone's back.

Lydia glanced to me.
"Are we still meeting at the football field today?" She asked.
I nodded, ignoring all the grins burning into my back.
Everyone fucking knew.
Just not Lydia.
And time wasn't going fast enough.
I wanted to ask her, now.

When lunch ended, I went to fourth period.
We had three classes left, and I was ready to leave.
I was ready, to ask Lydia.
Rejection kept coming to mind, but this was Lydia.
Would she really reject me?
I couldn't let those kind of thoughts, tear me down.

"Zayne, you look sick.." Hunter pointed out.
I looked to him.
"It must of been the bread.." I groaned.
Bread was never one of my strong suits, when it came to food.
I wasn't sure why, it just tore my stomach up, and then I hated my life.

"Or, you're nervous." Hunter winked.
I waved him off with a smirk.
"I have nothing to be nervous about, if Lydia rejects me. I'll get over it." I said.
Hunter shrugged.
"Whatever you say man, you can come over if she does, and we can get drunk." He told me.
I frowned.
"I'm not huge on drinking." I told him.
Hunter sighed.
"I know, you didn't drink last night, because you were babysitting; but it wouldn't kill you." He said.
I looked at him for the longest minute.

"If she rejects me, I'm crashing, drinking and skipping tomorrow." I said.
Hunter's eye's lit up.
"Hell yeah dude, that's what I'm talking about." He grinned.
I rolled my eyes, but grinned.
Every part of me, was screaming for her not to reject me.

I was worried, how being rejected would take its toll on me.
I didn't want it to take that much effect, the last thing I wanted.
Was to turn to alcohol.
But, hanging out with Hunter isn't a bad idea.
If she doesn't reject me, I'll still go to his place.

When the final bell rang, I went to the field.
I told Andy to take the truck home, I would just walk after this.
I waited, for like five minutes, before seeing Lydia walking my way.

She walked up to me, her arms crossed as she looked at me.
"So, what was so important, you had me meet you out here?" She asked.
I inhaled, before slowly exhaling.
"This." I grabbed her hand.
She looked at me, confused before her eyes widened.
When my lips crashed on hers.
She didn't struggle or try to push me away.

She just stood there, my hand in her hair, behind her ear.
Her hand rested on mine, with her eyes finally closing.
Accepting the kiss.

When it finally broke, she just stood there, grinning.
I arched a brow, before she stepped up on her toes.
Kissing me, one more time.
Her eyes, gazed into mine.

"Took you long enough." She told me.

Hey guys!
As promised, chapter 12 is longer.
Not as long as chapter 10.
But hey, its a working progress.

Also, I have no regrets with this chapter.
It belonged to Zayne.
He deserved it.
His own long chapter, and won Lydia.

Will the two last?
Will a certain other blonde, get jealous and step in?
Will Andy start questioning his feelings for Vic?
Can Lyla hide her feelings from Andy?

Will Jacob steal the spotlight from Andy by asking Lyla out, right in front of him?
Until then you guys!

C.K.R. <3

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