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**Andy's pov.**

"Expelled?" My mom hissed in disbelief, her hazel eyes wide.
Mr.Rowland, our principal, crossed his arms at the desk.
"Mrs.Vega, your son started the fight, with Mr.Thompson." He explained.

I shot the teen a glare, who sat across from me, his face busted up.
His parents were a no show, but of course, mine didn't mind popping up the moment; a call was made.
"He hurt my friend." I tried my best to defend myself.
"Andrew, shut your mouth, now." Dad hissed looking to me, with disappointment.

Mr.Rowland frowned deeply.
"Our school, is meant to be a safe and friendly place, not for some punks to pick fights. I understand, the anger your son is feeling, but with Jacob, resulting with the most damage. How can I punish them both? My hands are tied." He said.
I glared.
"But sir! He raped Lyla Thorn, surely that can not go unnoticed!" I cried.
"Andrew!" My parents both snapped.

I flinched, but looked at our principal.
Mr.Rowland, looked to Jacob now.
"Are these accusations true, Mr.Thompson? Did you rape, an innocent girl?" He asked now.
There was unwanted tension in the air now.
My eyes fell on Jacob.

Jacob glared softly.
"This guy, attacks me out of the blue, then accuses me of being a rapist? Mr.Rowland, do you know who my father is?" He questioned with a hiss.
My eyes widened.

Was he really, pulling the dad card?

Mr.Rowland swallowed, with a frown.
"Yes, Jacob. I know, fully well, who your dad is; but you-"
"Then you know, he can take your job from you, the moment I dial his number?" Jacob hissed.
Mr.Rowland frowned deeply.
"Jacob, lets not involve your father, he's a busy man. I just want you to be honest, is what Mr.Vega, accusing you of; true?" He asked him.
Jacob scoffed.
"He doesn't have proof, Mr.Rowland. For the sake of your job, I suggest you let me walk; and kick this psycho out. Who knows, who else he'll attack? You know, all he wants is attention." Jacob told him.

My eyes widened.
Mr.Rowland, let out a heavy sigh.
"Mr. and Mrs.Vega, I am sorry; but my hands are tied. Andy is ex-"
"WAIT!" Kayla exclaimed, pushing the door open.
Her face flustered.
My brows furrowed.
"Kayla?" I questioned.

"Ms.Winters, what are you doing out of class?" Mr.Rowland asked.
Kayla frowned deeply.
"Sir, please don't expel Andy. Surely, there are other things he can do? He's attended this school, since elementary. Couldn't he take, gee.. um, anger management classes? Please, he's a close friend of mine, and I know how hot headed he gets." She was practically begging this guy.

Mr.Rowland looked to me.
I frowned softly.
"Kayla, its cool, you-"
"Alright." The principal said, cutting me off.
Jacob glared now.
Mr.Rowland, looked to Kayla.
"We will go with, anger management, and possibly community service. Does that sound fair, to you?" He asked me.

I looked down at my lap, before looking up.
"Yes sir." I agreed.
Mr.Rowland looked to Jacob.
"Is that okay with you, Jacob?" He asked him.
Jacob rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, sure whatever. He should just be expelled, who knows who he'll beat up next? I can't believe, you're letting him stay in this school. Sir, you said it yourself. We're supposed to feel safe, how can I feel safe with this nutcase, walking the halls?" He demanded.

Mr.Rowland frowned.
"If it will make you feel better, I can remove Andy from all of your classes, except for gym." He offered.
Jacob sighed.
"I guess." He said.
Mr.Rowland, looked to me.
"Now, both of you go clean yourselves up." He demanded.

"What about my nose?" Jacob hissed.
"Its not broken, just bruised. You'll be fine." Mr.Rowland reassured him.
Clicking his tongue against his teeth, Jacob stormed out.

I left the office, only earning disappointed looks from my parents, I knew I was going to receive an ear full; the moment I got home.

Walking into the bathroom, I only groaned being slammed into the wall.
Cold green eyes, glared into mine.
Jacob pinned me to the wall.

"You should feel pretty fucking lucky, Vega." He spat.
I arched a brow.
"Actually, it should be you, that should feel lucky. Your not behind bars, yet." I hissed.
Jacob let out a bitter chuckle.
"No one would believe you, you're a nobody Vega. Do you think, these idiots would take your word, over someone like me?" He asked.
I glared.
"It doesn't matter, because once Lyla gets released from the hospital, she'll be the proof I need." I threatened.

Jacob smirked.
"Aren't you supposed to be a faggot?" He asked me now.
My eyes widened, before they grew dark.
"I'm bisexual." I corrected with a glare.
Jacob shrugged.
"If you like a guys dick, which is utterly disgusting. You are a faggot, who will burn in hell. Hey, maybe the dude downstairs, will let you suck his once you arrive." Jacob laughed.

"Shut your fucking mouth." I said shoving him back.
"Do you really want to start another fight? That nosy bitch, had your back earlier, she can't step in again. Mr.Rowland, was a real dumb ass letting you stay in this school." He told me.
I glared.
"Kayla isn't a bitch, she was being a helpful friend, and if anyone is going to hell. It will be you, for raping Lyla." I spat.
Jacob smirked.
"Don't test me, on not doing it again, oh! Or maybe it could happen to you? Hmm" His eyes darkened, as he grinned.
"I suggest, you keep your mouth shut. I have friends in this school, who wouldn't mind throwing a pest like you, away. There are many ways, it can happen, so do me a favor. Bud, and back the fuck off." Jacob said, leaving the bathroom.

I stood there, glaring harshly at the ground.
I need actual proof, or this guy would keep running the halls..
He could do it again..
"Fuck!" I hissed, slamming my fist against the wall.

"Andy?" I looked up, to see Hunter there, looking confused.
"Oh, hey Hunter.." I murmured.
"What happened? I heard you got into a fight, with Jacob.. did you win?" He asked.
I frowned deeply.
"No, Mr.Rowland, was going to expel me.. but then, Kayla stepped in and then Jacob got pissed.. and he kind of threatened me, and I-"
"Whoa, he threatened you?" Hunter hissed.
I got to my feet, with a frown.
"Kind of, he basically said to keep my mouth shut, or it'll happen again." I said.

Hunter glared now.
"Dude, he pretty much confirmed he raped Lyla, then threatened you. You can bring that shit to the principal, or the cops." He hissed.
I frowned.
"Its my word, over his.. all he has to do, is mention his dad to someone; and they're like dogs with tails between their legs." I said.
Hunter sighed heavily.
"What if, the doctor can print the name of the attacker, don't they run tests and use samples to see who did it?" He questioned.

As if on cue, the sound of sirens echoed through out the streets, up to the school.
My eyes widened, as we ran out of the bathroom, into the halls.

Cops walked in, immediately going to the office.
No one knew what to do, or what to say.
My heart was pounding against my chest.
People were gasping and whispering, wanting to know what was going on.

Just then, the guy himself.
Walked down the hall, his hands shoved in his pockets.
"Jacob, what did you do?"
"Are you in trouble?"
"What happened?"
"Is it your sister?"
 I felt my blood run cold, when he walked up to me.

"Your next, faggot." He spat.
The moment he walked into the office, you would hear yelling and cursing.
It was coming, from Jacob.
In seconds, he was walking out, hand cuffed.

I frowned deeply.
The school would be safe again.
I received an apology from our principal, the moment the police left.

I couldn't wait, to tell Lyla the great news.
But, I knew as soon as I did.
Something else was going to happen.

That would put someone's life, at great risk.

Herro! Chapter 16 here.
So, I've updated three days in a row.
This chapter was slight short.
But not painfully short.
I needed to get this out of the way, for the other stuff to happen.

This isn't the end of Jacob Thompson.

This isn't the end, of accidents.
Or fights, or anything.
Its only the beginning.

Until then!

C.K.R. <3

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