Twenty One.

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**Lyla's pov.**

"Its been one week, since you've been in a coma, school is already not the same." I murmured, sitting at Andy's hospital bed.
My hand, held his tightly.
"Students keep asking, if you're going to recover from this.. and I keep telling them, of course he is. He's Andy Vega, a fighter." Tears slipped past my eyes, as I glared softly.
"So, you need to wake up you dummy. Please.." I cried.

"Visiting hours, are over Ms.Thorn." A nurse told me.
My eyes wouldn't leave Andy, I frowned softly.
"I'll come back, first thing after school." I told him, leaning over, pressing a kiss on his forehead.
My brows furrowed, before letting his hand go, then left the room.

I stopped in my tracks, seeing my dad there.
His arms crossed, as he leaned against the wall.
"Lyla.. are you ready?" He asked me.
I shrugged, but forced a nod.
I was never ready to leave, I wanted to be there, when he woke up.

We walked out of the hospital, then over to a bench.
Dad sighed, taking a seat.
"Lyla, you haven't been talking much, this past week. I understand, that you are hurting, but he will wake up;when he can."
"Say his name." I stated.
"What?" Dad asked surprised.
"Say his name, dad." I repeated.
"Why does it matter if I say his na-"
"JUST SAY HIS NAME!" I yelled, tears streaming down my cheeks.

Dad scowled, before looking away.
"Andy." He said.
I glared softly.
"Was that so hard? Was that so hard, saying a bisexuals name? I know why, you haven't checked in on him much, because he isn't straight!" I snapped, hot tears rolling down my cheeks as I frowned deeply.
"Is this the right time, to be arguing over something like that?" Someone asked.
I felt chills run through me.

I turned around, and wanted to scream.
Jacob stood there, arms crossed as he looked at us.
"You planned this, you sick bastard. You had Andy wreck!" I screamed at him.
Jacob scoffed.
I glared harshly.
"I had no control over, your friend avoiding some animal crossing the road, what I did control; was calling the ambulance and informing them of what happened. So, your welcome to that. If it wasn't for me, there's no telling if Andy would of made it." He told us.

My eyes widened.
"Why would you make the call?" I asked him.
Jacob arched a brow.
"I may be, a psycho; but I'm not heartless. I'll admit, I had plans to fight that kid, but after the wreck? There's no way." He said.
My brows furrowed.
"There has to be something, in it for you, anyone could of saved Andy." I frowned.
Jacob shrugged.
"Can't say there is anything, in it, for me. I just saw the crashed car, got out and helped him. Like any normal person, would of done." He told me.

"You're the kid, that hurt my daughter, aren't you?" Dad asked, changing the subject.
I really wish, he'd keep his mouth shut, sometimes.
Jacob looked at my dad, his eyes meeting the others.
"I am." He answered.
Dad glared.
"Maybe, you should have been the one in the wreck-"
"Dad!" I hissed with wide eyes.
"Do you have any idea, what you did to my daughter? What you took from her? Did you have any sort of regret?" He asked him.

Jacob frowned deeply, his eyes fell back on me.
"Yes sir, every day. I was angry that day, my actions did not go unnoticed, the day I hurt Lyla. Believe me or not, I tried to kill myself." He told us.
Fresh tears filled my eyes.
Jacob looked at my dad.
"My younger sister, found me and did the stupid thing, by saving me. I didn't deserve to be alive, just like Lyla didn't deserve what happened to her.. If I could take back, that night I would in a heart beat. Her friend, Andy reminded me every day, what it did to her."
Jacob looked to me.
"He loves you, a lot. Anyone would be stupid, to say otherwise." He said, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

I tried to fight back tears, my whole body was trembling.
My feet moved on their own, as I walked up to Jacob.
Jacob had a pained expression.
"Lyla, I am so sorry, what I did to you. I can understand, if you'll never forgive me, but-"
"Thank you." I cried, wrapping my arms around the other.
Tears streamed down my cheeks.
"Thank you for saving him, it means so much to me. Thank you, Jacob." I sobbed.
Jacob frowned, before connecting the hug, by wrapping his arms around me.
"You're welcome." He  whispered.

"Whoa, wait? You and Jacob are okay now?" Lydia and Kayla screeched in unison, at the house.
I frowned, sitting on my bed.
"He saved Andy's life.. you guys, should of been there. Jacob meant every word, he said to me.." I looked at them.
"He even told me, that Andy loved me.. and who ever said otherwise, was stupid." I continued.
Lydia frowned softly.
"Just.. be careful around him, and don't go to his house, unless someone is with you. He could just be saying, all of that." She told me.
I shrugged.
"I don't think he is." I said now.

That night, I couldn't sleep.
My mind kept falling on Andy, and then on Jacob.
It was like, he had a split personality.
He was so.. serious and front about everything..
Turning over on my side, I looked out the window.
Maybe, we would start over and be friends..
Actually, I don't know.
Andy hates him too much, and the others..
Yeah.. that just wouldn't work.

When the next day came, I threw on some dark red pants, and a solid black shirt.
I was already, ready to go to the hospital.
I wanted to see Andy.
School was going to drag by, like usual.

I jumped, to the sound of someone knocking on my door.
"Lyla? Are you up?" Mom asked.
"Yeah, come in." I told her.
Mom opened the door, looking half asleep.
"Hey, school is canceled today, the roads are too bad to drive in. So if you go to the hospital, be careful." She told me.
"Oh, okay cool. A long weekend, then." I stated, walking over to my closet before grabbing my jacket.

"Sweetie, why don't you wait an hour or go before going to the hospital?" Mom suggested.
I blinked.
"No way, if there's a chance, Andy could wake up. I want to be there." I told her, grabbing my shoes.
Mom sighed, leaning against the door.
"Its crazy, what love does to you." She said with a small smile.
I looked to her.
"I know." I agreed with a smile.
I gave her a quick hug, before racing out of the house.

"You're early, is school canceled today?" The nurse asked me, at her desk.
 I nodded.
"Is it okay, if I see him?" I asked.
She nodded.
"There's someone else, in there, so just keep it down." She told me.
My brows furrowed.
Who was here? Zayne? Hunter? Drew..? Or Kayla?

Walking down the hall, I frowned entering his room.
My stomach dropped, when that person turned to me.
A surprised look, on his face as well.
"Vic." I cried.

He stood up, quick as I walked over to him.
He flinched when my hand raised, I was prepared to hit him.
I grabbed his collar, pulling him into me.
My arms wrapped around him.
"You're such a prick, you left us. You left Andy, do you know what that did to him?" I demanded in the embrace.

Vic frowned softly.
"I heard about the wreck, I didn't want to come, but I knew I needed to... when I got here, everything just shattered." He murmured, his voice cracking.

I looked at him, his eyes were bloodshot.
I couldn't be angry at him, not after who I talked with last night.
I just stared, before my eyes fell on Andy.
"Has anyone came in, and told you anything different about him?" I asked.
Vic frowned.
"No.. I got here, ten minutes ago.. and the whole time, I was telling him how much I hated myself, for leaving him." He told me.

I frowned softly.
"Vic.." I murmured.
Vic smiled softly.
"Don't worry, I'm not staying long. When Andy does wake up, one of you better confess, or I'll come back from Montana to kick both of your asses." He joked.
I smiled softly.
"Andy is in love with you." Vic said, his arms crossed.
"The night he stayed over at my house, I was expecting things, but he told me.. he wanted to stop what we were doing, because he was in love with you, and that being with me was tearing him apart. I don't think, me vanishing that next day, helped him. I know, it killed him." Vic said, frowning softly.
"So, don't mention to him, that I was here.. please?" He told me.

I looked at him, tears falling but I nodded.
Vic looked over to Andy, smiling with a sad expression.
"Take care of him, he's a mess under those smiles he gives off, but believe me. It never stops him, from talking about you. Everyone knows, how Andy feels about you, and its pretty obvious, you feel the same." He said.

I laughed softly, wiping my eyes.
"Thank you for coming, Vic." I said, hugging him one last time.
Vic smiled, before leaving the room.

I walked over to the bed, taking Andy's hand.
I looked at him.
"I am in love with you, Andrew Vega." I confessed to him.

Hey guys!
Shock here and there, but hey.
Feels are needed.
The book, may be shorter than twenty six chapters.
Haven't decided.

Jacob apologized to Lyla
She forgave him.
Vic popped up, sorry.
She forgave him.

Until next time dudes!


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