The Move

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With a sigh, I hurried up to Ty and hugged him tightly. He gripped my waist, and buried his face in my neck. "What happened?" I asked gently. He took a deep breath before shaking his head. "I just want to sleep," he said softly. I nodded and we sat in a chair together, and closed our eyes.

I don't know how long we were asleep, but when I opened my eyes again, I was alone. I gasped and sat up quickly, looking around frantically. I saw Ty standing by his parents and talking quietly. Sighing in relief, I got up and walked towards them slowly. "..I'm coming with you," Ty was saying. When they noticed me, they stopped talking, and I walked to Ty's side. "What's going on?" I asked gently. Ty sighed and wrapped his arm around me, and I wrapped mine around him. "Dr. Murphey thinks that the only way Drew will have a chance to live longer, is if we transfer him to New Yorks hospital," he explained. Dots danced in front of my eyes, and I felt my knees buckle. Ty's grip on my waist tightened, and I found myself leaning on him for support. When I finally could speak, I looked at Mr. and Mrs. Roberts. "I'm okay with that, but I will be going with you guys, right?" I asked. Mrs. Roberts shared a look with her husband, before turning back to me. I could see the tears in her eyes, and I swallowed. "Honey, this is something we need to do as a family," she said cautiously. But I was family. Wasn't I? I looked up at Tyler, and saw that he was avoiding my eyes. I took a small step away. "You knew about this, didn't you?" I whispered. Ty nodded, and sighed. "Brooklyn, we... we don't know how much time Drew has, and the Doctor said he needed to spend it with family-" I cut him off. "But I am family, Tyler. Drew and I have been like siblings since kindergarten!" I exclaimed. Tyler looked away, and this time it was Mr. Roberts who spoke. "Brooklyn. I'm sorry. But this is something we have to do. I hope you understand," and with that. He and his wife walked away. Again I felt my knees buckle, but this time Tyler wasn't there to hold me up, and I sank to the ground. I heard shouts, but I didn't know who's they were. All I could think about was the fact that I might be losing my best friend, and that this might be the last day I had with him. I felt an arm go around my shoulders and I looked up to see it was Tyler. He hugged me against him, and I let my tears fall. "Brooklyn, we'll be okay. My parents and Drew will be gone, but I'll still be here for you," he whispered. I looked up at him in surprise. " mean, you're not going?" I stammered. Ty shook his head. "They said he needed to spend time with family. If you're not family, then neither am I." I sighed in relief, and brought my face to his, and kissed him slowly. "I love you," I whispered against his mouth, before pulling away slowly. He grinned and bit his lip. "I love you too, Brooklyn. But can we get up now?" he asked. I laughed, and let him pull me up. With our fingers laced together, we made our way down the hall and to Drew's room. He was sitting up with a scowl on his face. I couldn't help but laugh as I laid down next to him. "Now that's the Drew, I know," I joked. Drew looked at me and laughed. "Hey baby girl." he said softly. I kissed his cheek and laid my head on his shoulder. We were silent for a while, and it was nice. Finally, he broke the silence. "I'm sorry you can't come with us to New York," he said hesitantly. I sighed, and shrugged, not saying anything. Drew groaned and rolled his eyes. "What do you want me to do, Brooks?" he asked wearily. I looked up at him and saw pain flash in his eyes. "I... I don't want you to go. I want to graduate, and go to senior prom and have kids that will be best friends too, and go to college and-" he cut me off with a laugh. "Woah. We're graduating, and we're going to prom. It's still going to happen, Brooklyn." he said softly. I closed my eyes and nodded. After a few minutes of silence, Drew grinned and poked me. I looked up at him and saw the smirk on his face, and instantly, I knew what he was thinking. "I'm gonna make you cry," he promised.

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