People Change Everything

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"...Today we'll be having a pop quiz, covering-" Mr. Walters stopped talking as I walked into the room, and everyone's eyes turned to watch me. I turned bright red, as I made my way to the back, the only seats that were empty, because it was where Drew and I used to sit. I swallowed, and forced a smile at the people staring. Matt was one of them, and after tearing his gaze away, he grabbed his bag and moved to the spot next to me. I grinned gratefully, and then sighed. "Thanks," I whispered. He nodded and reached over, grabbing my hand. It wasn't the I'm-so-in-love-with-you kind of gesture. It was more of an -I'm here-for-you gesture. I squeezed his hand and looked up as Mr. Walters continued. "Actually, I'd like to spend this class hearing what Brooklyn has to say about Detroit, and, of course, Drew." he said. My eyes widened, and I took a deep breath. Matt coughed and looked at Mr. Walters. "Uh, sir? I don't think she really wants to talk about him." he said. I shook my head and stood up. As I made my way to the front, I closed my eyes, willing myself to hold it together. I turned to face the class, and that's when I noticed Lauren and Emma whispering to each other. Tears immediately filled my eyes, and I clenched my fists, knowing I couldn't let them see me cry. I couldn't give them that satisfaction. I bit my lip and looked at Mr. Walters. He nodded at me to begin, and I smiled weakly. "Uhm, I don't know if all of you've heard, but I've been in Detroit for the past couple of weeks." I swallowed, and looked around, meeting Matt's eyes. He winked, and I couldn't help but grin as I rolled my eyes playfully. "I thought that being away from this place would help me to grasp the fact that I was losing my best friend to cancer," I paused as I held back the tears threatening to escape. I swallowed. "I thought that maybe I could find myself, or at least, have a fresh start. Because I didn't want my senior year to be like this. I didn't want everything to suck, or to lose the people I loved. I- I didn't want my best friend to be dying." I knew that the battle between me and my tears was over when I felt them rolling down my cheeks. But I didn't care, not anymore. I sucked in a breath as I continued. "But, while I was watching Drew die, and spending time with the people I love, I came to realize something." I paused again, and took a slow breath. "I think that, while being in Detroit, I've come to realize the most important thing in my life is friendship." I looked up, and smiled at Matt. "I think if I've learned anything about friendship, it's to hang in, and stay connected. To fight for them, and let them fight for you. Because throughout your entire life, you only meet one person who isn't like anybody else you've ever met. You can talk to that person for hours about everything and nothing at all and never get bored. So hold on to them," I sniffed as tears clouded my vision, and I quickly wiped them away before sighing. "Once in a lifetime you meet someone who changes everything. Never let them go."

"Brooklyn, wait!" I ignored Lauren and Emma as I weaved my way through the crowd of people and to my locker. Exhaling, I looked at the picture of Drew, Sam, Austin and Tyler and I that I'd put in my locker at the beginning of the year. I sighed and grabbed the books I needed for the weekend, and closed my locker door. As I turned around, I saw Lauren and Emma standing there with their arms crossed. "Guys, seriously, I need to get home." I mumbled as I tried to move past them. They blocked me. I groaned and looked up at them. Emma wouldn't meet my eyes, and Lauren was biting her lip. I relaxed a little bit as I looked at them. "We're sorry, Brooklyn," Lauren said wincing slightly. Apologizing wasn't her thing. I nodded, and looked down as she continued. "I thought that if I left, everything would go back to normal, you know? I could pick up where I left off." I smiled, and when I saw her cheeks were wet, I hugged her tightly. "I'm so sorry." she whispered sniffing slightly. I sighed, and squeezed her. "It's okay, Laur." I replied quietly. As we pulled away, I noticed Emma wasn't looking at either of us. It was quiet, until Lauren elbowed her. Emma glared at her before looking at me. "Sisters?" she whispered, her voice cracking. I couldn't help the tears that were rolling down my face, and I hugged her too. As we both sniffed back tears, she exhaled slowly. When we pulled away, I held her shoulders still, keeping my eyes locked on hers. "Sisters." I whispered.

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