Opening Gifts

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When I got to my room, I saw a small pile of wrapped gifts on my bed. Sitting down on my bed, I pulled one from the pile and looked at the wrapping. It was teal and sparkly. I smiled. My best friend knew me perfectly. I slowly unwrapped it, and my eyes widened when I saw it was a pillow. Turning the pillow over, I saw that it had four sentences on it:

15 years

7 months

3 weeks

until the end

I grinned and closed my eyes for a moment, thinking of how Drew had bought me a pillow with the timeline of our friendship. I gently put it aside, and grabbed the next gift. This one was hard, with black and white wrapping paper, and I opened it carefully. I realized that it was a frame, and I turned it around, gasping as I saw it was a picture of us the very first day we met. I laughed when is way how my hair was in high pigtails, and how chubby he used to be. I was still looking at the picture when I realized there were words engraved on the bottom. They read: I still remember the day I met you. My smile grew, and I put that to the side, before grabbing another gift. This one was light, and it felt like paper. Unwrapping it, I saw that I was right. It was a piece of paper. In Drew's guy handwriting, it read: I love you forever. Forever and always. Please remember that even if I'm not there, you'll always be my person. I rolled my eyes at his cheesiness, but I loved it, because it was really his heart poured out in the words. I grabbed the next one, which wa heavy, and I quickly unwrapped it. It was a piece of wood, a big piece of wood, with words engraved in it. You and me against the world baby girl. I sighed. Baby girl. Drew had called me that for as long as I could remember. As I grabbed next gift, my phone fell off of my bed and onto the floor. I reached over to pick it up, and saw that I had a bunch of notifications from my friends.


Emma: matt is wondering where u've been

Emma: remember me??? Ur best friend????

Lauren: hey, is everything okay??

Lauren: the teachers are starting to get worried

Lauren: omg save me! Emma is a monster!!!!

Laughing a little at the last text, I quickly replied to my friends.

Me: hey sorry guys, Its been tough the last couple of days

It wasn't long before they responded.

Emma: the hell it's been tough!! U could have @ least called us

Lauren: hey Brook!!! God I've missed u, everything okay??🖤

Me: woah Em chill, and Lauren, no. everything's NOT okay. Not at all.

Lauren: omg what's going on???? What can I do?

Emma: don't tell me to chill... where have u been.

Groaning. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I quickly replied and then turned my phone off.

Me: I've been at the freaking hospital!!!! Drew has cancer. Bye

Holding back tears, I set my phone down, and grabbed another present. It was a small box, and now there was only 1 more left. I unwrapped it slowly, and carefully took the top off of the box. My eyes widened as I saw it was a penny. But the thing is, it wasn't just any penny. Ever since we were 9, Drew, Tyler and I would go to the fair, and each year our parents would give us pennies for the penny rides. We always had one left over, and every year we'd give it to the other person. Opening the next one. This one was round, and when I opened it, there were two CD's inside. Written on one was, our Songs, and on the other, things I wanted to tell you, but couldn't in person. Without a doubt, I knew that no matter what happened, I'd always be Drew's person, and he'd always be mine.

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