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 After we'd finished our coffee and talking, we just sat there watching people walk by the windows. I don't know how long we would've stayed there if the doors had not opened and my name wasn't yelled. We both whirled around to see Sam, Austin, and Lauren standing in the doorway. Lauren's eyes were wide, and I looked down, noticing that she and Sam were holding hands. Austin looked relieved, and Sam looked pissed. "Who the hell is this?" he growled storming over to Blake and me. Blake stood up, pulling me with him, and I wrapped my arm around his waist, while he slung his over my shoulder. "Blake Taylor," Lauren and I said at the same time. Austin grinned and nodded at Blake. "How's it going?" Blake asked, but his eyes were still on Sam's clenched fist. I rolled my eyes and turned to Blake. "Thank you, for everything," I said softly. Blake smiled and pulled me into him, hugging me. I sighed happily against his chest as I closed my eyes. "Remember Brook," he whispered against my hair before I pulled away, "you're incredibly strong." I smiled and stood on my toes to kiss his cheek. As the four of us headed towards the door, Blake called out to me. "I'll text you," he said. I grinned and followed Austin outside. I was still mad at everyone so I made sure to keep a couple of feet between us as we walked down the sidewalk. Lauren eventually caught up to me and grabbed my arm. "Brook, please stop walking so fast!" she gasped. I stopped, and waited for her to catch her breath before continuing walking, slower this time. We were silent for a while, until she sighed. "Are you mad at me?" she asked softly. I couldn't help roll my eyes. "God, I don't know. I mean there's something going on between my best friend and my brother, and they lied to me about it. Why would I be mad?" I said, my voice raising. Lauren cringed and groaned. "Brooklyn, if something was going on between me and Sam, you'd be the first to know it," she replied. I hesitated, and took a small breath. "What do you mean if there was something going on?" I asked slowly. Lauren shrugged. "Sam and I are just friends. Like you and Austin." she explained, I grit my teeth and glared at her. "That's not true. I've seen the way you look at Sams. you look at him like he placed the stars in the sky," Lauren smiled at the ground, and I sighed. "I just wish that you guys trusted me enough to tell me what was going on." I whispered. She gasped and gripped my arm. "Brooklyn! I do trust you. You're my best friend and I love you, I trust you with everything." she cried. I looked at the fear in her eyes, and stopped walking. "Okay, okay you trust me." I agreed. Our conversation was interrupted when Austin yelled my name. "Brook, you guys missed the entrance!" Lauren and I turned around to see the guys standing in front of a hotel, and hurried back to where they were. The four of us went inside and I looked around. It was gorgeous. "What are we doing here?" I asked Lauren. She grinned. "We have two rooms here," she explained. I raised my eyebrows and reluctantly turned to the guys. "Who paid for this?" I mumbled. Sam moved closer and touched my shoulder, but I winced, moving away. When I looked up, I saw the hurt in his eyes, but I didn't say anything. Austin sighed and moved between us. "The hospital did. They loved the way you greeted Drew, and they wanted to use it for commercial purposes. When they called, you weren't there, so we answered for you. I...we thought you'd be okay with it." I nodded and gave him a weak smile. While the guys waited in line, Lauren and I sat on a couch. I pulled my phone out to see that Blake had texted me already.

Blake: hey, I had a great time today. I LOVED making music with you.

I burst out laughing at the way he'd worded it, and Lauren looked down at my phone. "Is that Blake Taylor?" she gasped. I nodded, and quickly replied.

Me: me too!!! You're such a good listener, and making music with you was AMAZING!

I was still smiling at my phone when the guys walked towards us with the cards to our rooms. I looked up at Sam and sighed. "I'm sorry," I whispered softly. He exhaled a breath of relief and wrapped his arms around me. I squealed as he spun me around in the air and gripped his shoulders. "Finally!" he cried. "I thought you'd hate me forever!" I slapped his arms until he put me down and I glared at him. "Please never do that again," I said. He laughed and hugged me gently. After he pulled away we headed into the elevator and up to our floor. "Lauren and I call the nicest room!" I yelled as I grabbed both cards from Sam's hand, and Lauren and I ran to our rooms. She opened one, while opened the other, and I quickly shut it. "It smells like you Austin," I said handing him the card. The one Lauren opened, was gorgeous. There were two beds piled high with soft pillows and throw blankets, and the carpet was fluffy gray. The bathroom had two sinks, and a closet pulled out revealing a makeup table. Lauren and I both gasped as we saw a huge basket sitting on the table. "Is that..." she started. "No way..." I breathed. We grabbed the basket and said on one of the beds tearing off the wrapping. Inside was a bunch of makeup from Sephora. There was Naked eyeliner and foundation, and a lot of other brands too. Lauren and I were in Heaven.

An hour later, we had divided the makeup up evenly, and changed into cozy PINK! pants along with sweatshirts. I grinned at my reflection one more time, before brushing my hair. Lauren came out of the bathroom, and grinned at me. She sat on the edge of the bed as she watched me but my hair in a messy bun. "I wonder if this is what college will be like," she said, breaking the silence. I sighed and stood up. "If this is what college is like, then I'll be in heaven," I joked. She giggled and nodded. "Me too." she replied. It was silent again until she gasped. "Oh! Did Sam tell you about what our parents finally agreed on?" she asked eagerly. I shook my head and she squealed. "Good, I really wanted to be the first to tell you. I mean, not to be selfish but the guys are really bad at speaking with emotion, you know? I mean one time, Austin gave a speech and there was absolutely no emotion in it. He sounded like he was... why are you laughing?" I was laughing so hard that I couldn't breath and Lauren glared at me. I gasped for breath before I wiped the tears from my eyes. "Just tell me what they agreed on," I said, still giggling. She blushed and then bit her lip. "Oh yeah! Okay, so our parents talked to each other and our teachers, and we can stay in Detroit, so that we're near Drew. they have an online schooling thing we can do, so that we'll still be able to graduate in a few months." she explained. I was speechless, and I shook my head. "No. are you serious? Oh my god! That's what Blake wouldn't tell me!" I cried. Lauren's smile fell. "Do... do you like him?" she asked softly. I looked up at her and groaned. "I'm so sorry. I totally forgot you liked him. I thought that you and my brother were a thing, but since you're not-" I stopped when I saw her smile again. "Lauren, what are you hiding from me?" I asked. She giggled and looked up at me, her face was bright red. "He kissed me," she whispered. I gasped and she laughed. "I think something is going on between us, but I didn't want to say anything in case there wasn't anything." she explained quickly. I nodded, but I couldn't get the smile off of my face. "I knew it!" I yelled. We sat there on the bed laughing until someone knocked on our door. "Who is it?!" I yelled louder than necessary. I heard the boys swear, making Lauren and I laugh even harder. The guys walked in the unlocked door with a scowls on their faces. "Do you guys ever stop laughing?" Sam asked grabbing Lauren around the waist and tickling her. Austin rolled his eyes, and put his finger to his mouth, motioning me to follow him out the door. I grinned and tiptoed away, closing the door quickly and following him into his room.

After we were comfy on the bed, he sighed softly. "So what's going on between them?" he asked. I grinned. "Sam kissed her," I replied. Austin coughed and sat up. "Excuse me while I go throw up," he joked, I giggled and yanked him down, snuggling against his chest as he wrapped his arms around me. "I think it's cute," I said softly. "At least she has a person." Austin was silent, and I groaned, realizing I said that out loud. "What about Tyler?" he asked finally. I sighed. "I don't think that it's working. Ty and I are too close, and when Drew dies, I won't be able to be around Ty without seeing Drew." I explained. Austin nodded, and I snuggled against him better. As my eyes begin to droop, Austin placed his mouth by my ear. "You always have me, don't ever forget that." 

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