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Before either of us had a chance to say anything, there was a sudden knock on the door. I hurried to the big double doors, and opened them. Ty grinned at me from the steps, and I smiled. "Hey baby," he said softly. "Hi," I whispered standing on my tip toes, and kissing him. After a few moments, we pulled back, breathing hard. He smirked and walked in, closing the doors behind him. "Brooks, who was that?" Sam yelled. I rolled my eyes, and grabbed Ty's hand leading him into the kitchen. "You don't need to yell!" I screamed. Sam jumped spilling coffee on the countertop, and whirling around fake glaring at me. I giggled, and Ty coughed, trying to hide his laughter. Grabbing a towel, Sam quickly cleaned up his mess before turning around. When Ty looked up, he quickly stopped laughing and Sam's eyes widened. Sam's gaze went down to our linked hands, and he smirked. "I knew it would happen." he said grinning. Ty laughed and walked towards him. They looked at each other for a while, until they embraced. As they hugged, I couldn't help thinking if this was what Drew's funeral would be like. Hugs, tears, fake smiles. I shook the thought away as they pulled back. "Hey brother," Sam said smiling at him. Ty grinned. "We're still brothers?" he asked slowly. Sam snorted, and Ty laughed. "Of course we're brothers, idiot." Sam's eyes widened as he said this, and he slowly turned to me, wiggling his eyebrows. "Maybe someday, we'll be real brothers." he said suggestively. I choked, and glared up at him. "Shut up," I mumbled. Ty laughed again, and moved behind me wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my head. I looked up at him and smiled. "I love you," he mouthed. My smile grew, and I winked. "I love you too." I mouthed back. Turning around, I saw my brother's raised eyebrows. He put his mug down and pretended to walk away. "Excuse me while I go throw up," he said, gagging. I rolled my eyes and stuck my tongue out at him. Making him laugh. "Damn baby sister, you've only gotten more mature, haven't you?" he teased. I giggled and the three of us sat down on the couch. "So," Ty began, "what have you been up to bro?" Sam laced his hands behind his head and closed his eyes. "School, work, getting laid, more school, more getting laid. The works." he said. I groaned and laid my head on the table. The two of them laughed and slapped hands. "All right." Ty said laughing. I sat up and shook my head. "You guys are so weird." I grumbled. They grinned at each other, and Ty kissed me quickly. I smiled at him. "You look a little tired," he said concerned. I shrugged. "I haven't gotten much sleep," I admitted. He nodded. "How are you doing?" I asked gently. Ty smiled, but It wasn't a real smile, because all the energy, and brightness was gone. And we all pretty much knew why. I sighed and laced my fingers with his. "If it weren't for Drew, none of us would be here today," I said softly. Sam nodded. "She's right. Drew has always been that constant force in each of our lives. Hell, he's even been there when we weren't there for him." Ty looked up and smiled. Suddenly, he looked over at me. "By the way, Drew wanted me to ask you if you'd write an eulogy for him." I nodded and squeezed his hand. "Of course," I whispered. He smiled gratefully, and I looked over at Sam. There was a familiar spark in his eye, and I raised my eyebrows. "Sam, what are you thinking?" I asked cautiously. He smirked and shrugged. "I was thinking about how there's a play tomorrow that I really want to see," he replied. My eyes widened, and I blushed. "Sammy," I started innocently. The two of them cracked up, and I sighed, waiting for them to be quiet. Finally, wiping his eyes, Sam turned to me. "Don't worry baby sis, I already bought you guys tickets." he said smiling. I squealed and moved away from Ty to hug him. He hugged me back, and then pulled back. Ty stood up and wrapped his arm around my waist. "Wanna go to my house?" he asked. I hesitated, and looked at Sam. My brother smiled and waved the unasked question off. "Go ahead, I need to talk to mom anyway," he said. I smiled, and pulled away from Tyler to hug him. "I love you so much," he said gently. I smiled, and pulled away slowly. "I love you too," I said kissing his cheek. He made a face, and through his laughter, Ty pulled me towards the doors. 

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