The Last Goodbyes

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"Are you ready for this?" I whispered to Drew. He looked over at me from his wheelchair, and nodded. I could see the pain in his eyes, and I winced slightly. Sam grabbed my hand, along with Austin and Lauren's. Drew reached his hand up, and I laced my fingers with his. Together, the five of us walked slowly down the aisle, and to the seats with the rest of the Roberts family and friends. As we took our spots, my mom looked over at me, and smiled gently. I smiled back before sitting down.

About 10 minutes later, it was my turn to speak, and I slowly mad my way up to the podium. Taking a deep breath, I carefully unfolded the piece of paper, and set it on the stand. I looked across the room, and my eyes locked with Drews. I could see the fresh tears in his eyes, and my heart instantly broke. I took another deep breath before speaking. "When I was a little girl, I used to think that love was all about red roses and expensive dinners." I paused and looked at Sam. "But Tyler taught me different. Because of him, I know the real definition of love. Love is stealing his french fries after you told him you weren't hungry. It's waking up at 4 in the morning and shoving him off the bed because he's snoring in your face." I smiled as people laughed quietly, and Drew was grinning at me. "Love is stupid fights, and embarrassing each other in public, just because you can. Love is deep talks late at night, and snuggling together in hammocks. But most importantly, love is forever, even if they aren't here anymore." I took a deep breath as my breath hitched, and I sniffed back tears. "He once told me that I still had a lifetime ahead of me. That I still had a lot left to live for. But he didn't get it," I looked at Sam again, and gave up on trying to hold my tears back. I shut my eyes tightly as they rolled down my face. "I don't want to face a world without Tyler Roberts in it. I don't know how I'll survive going off to college without him there to cheer me on, or who I'll go to for football terms." I couldn't help but smile at Drew, even through my tears. "Tyler, if you can hear me, I want you to know that I loved you, and I will always love you. Always and forever, to the moon and back, and to infinity and beyond."

"It still doesn't seem real, does it?" I turned around and smiled weakly at Sam. He came up beside me, and we stood in silence as we looked at Tyler's new grave. "I guess I thought that after the funeral, things would become easier, you know?" I said quietly. "That I would actually grasp the fact that he's gone." Sam sighed and wrapped an arm around me, pulling me into his side. I rested my head on his shoulder, and closed my eyes, trying to keep more tears from falling. Sam was silent, until I felt another person next to me. I lifted my head and saw Austin standing there with his hands in his pockets. "Can I talk to you a second, Brook?" he asked quietly. I looked at Sam, and hesitated. "Don't worry, I need to be alone for a little, Brooks." he insisted. I kissed his cheek and squeezed his arm before looking back at Austin. He smiled quickly and pulled something out of his pocket. Before handing it to me, he opened his arms and I hurried into his embrace. "We're here for you, Brooklyn, no matter what." he said quietly. I pulled away slowly and nodded.

After the guys had walked away, I sat down with my back against the tree, and opened the envelope. I unfolded it carefully, and began reading.


This day has gotta suck. I mean, all the crying and strangers hugging you, yuck. But all jokes aside, I knew you'd need some time to be alone, so I wrote this so that in some sort, I'd be with you. You will always be the love of my life, Brooklyn Grace Peters. My sister, and my friend. Without you there is absolutely no way I would be the person I am. You made me rethink everything, and not once did you give up on me. Because we were family, and that's what family does. I'm not gone, Brooky. I'm still there okay? And not in the creepy, I am the wind, and I will haunt your dreams kind of way, but the kind of way that you'll see something and think of me. Anyways, what about college? Brooky, you're graduating in a few months! That's crazy. I mean it seems like yesterday when we were all just little kids, you know? I wish I could be there to see you walk across the stage, and hear your speech. In fact, I wish we could all be there, the three of us together. Just like old times. I guess not everything goes the way we want. But seriously, you have a long and amazing life ahead of you. You were made to do amazing things. Please don't let my death affect ANY of your plans. You're going to college, Brooklyn. And Drew is too.

Stay strong Brooky,

I love you..always and forever, to infinity and beyond, and to the moon and back

Yours always,

Tyler Roberts

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