Meeting Blake Taylor

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Groaning, I turned in my seat to look at the guy next to me. "Do you have any food?" I asked. He laughed and grabbed his bag. "We just had lunch like, 2 hours ago," he said smirking. I grinned and shrugged, patting my stomach, "I'm a growing girl," I replied, making us both laugh. Our study hall teacher, Mr. Gonzales, looked up at us and frowned. I gave him a big smile before turning back to the guy next to me. He was frowning at his bag. "Sorry, I don't have any food... uhm-" he trailed off, and realized I had not told him my name yet. I grinned. "Oh! I'm Brooklyn Peters," I said. He smiled and nodded. "I'm Blake Taylor." he said. It was then that I noticed the southern accent in his voice, and my jaw dropped. "Wait! As in the guy who's from Montana?" I cried. Again, Mr. Gonzales glared at me, and I blushed. Laughing, Blake nodded. "Yes I am, you've heard of me?" he asked. I nodded. "Oh yeah. My friend won't shut up about you." I said rolling my eyes. Blake smirked. "Yeah, it's so annoying." he joined in. I snorted, and shook my head smiling. We were quiet for a little, until my stomach growled. And I groaned again. Thankfully, the last bell rang, and I sprang up from my seat. "Hey, do you want my number? Like, just in case?" he asked. I nodded, and we quickly exchanged numbers. "See you later!" I called over my shoulder before hurrying towards my locker. Lauren was standing by my locker on her phone. I grinned and opened my locker. "Guess who I just met," I said quietly. Lauren looked at me with excitement in her eyes. "Who?!" she hissed. I giggled and grabbed my Biology book. "Blake Taylor." I sang. She blushed and squealed. "Oh my god! Isn't he like, the hottest?" she said. I laughed again before closing my locker door. Before I could respond, my phone vibrated. I pulled it out and saw it was from Drew.

I hurriedly opened it, barely able to contain my excitement.

Drew: hey baby girl!! <3 miss me yet??

Me: DREWS!!!! Of course i miss u... ugh, I literally hate school w/o u :(

Drew: ugh I gtg, let's facetime once u get home, got something important to ask u. Love you

Me: sounds good. Can't wait 2 cu again. Love u too

When I looked up, at Lauren, her face was white, and I followed her gaze to a crowd down the hall. "Laur, what is it?" I asked, as we made our way to the crowd. She bit her lip and took a deep breath. "That...that girl just, hit Kate," she whispered. I gasped and pushed through the mass of bodies. I saw Kate, Laurens cousin, laying on the ground, a puddle of blood by her head. Tiffany Lawrence was kicking her side and screaming. "Stay the fuck away from my boyfriend!" she yelled. I dropped my bag and marched up to Tiff. "What the hell is wrong with you!" I screamed. Tiff rolled her eyes and tried to push me out of the way. As soon as her hands touched me, someone rushed between us. Looking up I saw it was Tyler. "Don't touch her," he said slowly, glaring at her. She smirked. "Fuck off, Tyler. You can't do anything for her." she spat. Ty raised an eyebrow, easing me behind his back. "If you don't think I can't protect her, then you're an idiot." he said simply. Her smirk grew. "Why would I think you could protect your girlfriend, when you can't even protect your brother from dying?" she taunted. Ty froze, and everyone stopped talking. Tears were streaming down my face. I pushed Ty away and gripped Tiff's shoulders. "What the hell is wrong with you!" I screamed. I was about to hit her, but a strong pair of arm pulled me away. "She's not worth it," Ty said gently in my ear. I let him pull me away from everyone. But I kept my eyes locked with Tiffany's. I don't know what would've happened if our principal, Mr. Miller, had not made his way through the crowd. "What is going on!" he bellowed, looking from me to Tiff. She shrugged, and I narrowed my eyes at her. "Nothing," I said finally, through clenched teeth. "Nothing at all."

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