◆ Sixty - Seven ◆

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(A:   Yeorobun! Sorry for not updating the past...two days? I still have the same reasons and besides that reason, I took a summative test on Basic Calculus last Wednesday, then, I have practices for our cheerdance on Thursday. I got a little bit of busy the past few days, but now, that my mood is good and I am not occupied, I updated. SORRY FOR KEEPING YOU WAIT! Hope you guys understand. 😊😘)


"We're sorry honestly sorry for both Taehyung and Jennie. I know that a public apology isn't enough but...this is all what we can do. I hope you guys will forgive us, for what I have done for the both of you, though, I can't really mention it here, I just hope that...you may understand? I have loved Taehyung...but I realozed at the wrong time, and that made me commit a mistake for them both. I'm sorry, Mr. and Mrs. Kim."

"Jennie. Jenjen. I have done enough for you to hate me. But thanks...for forgiving me about it, still, I'm sorry. I feel guilty and sorry whenever I'm going to remember that. I want to say this personally but giving you a pibkic apology is better, this way is more sincere, right? Cause everuone who watches is will be the witnesses. Geulaeso, I hope that our friendship wouldn't be distorted because of what I did. It's true that I admire you and that I like you...but Taehyung's lvoe is more better than mine, so, stick with the man. Congratulations for your engagement."

It was eavesdropping...
Irene and Baekhyun just made a public apology...

That was really unexpected.

My heart skipped a bit for a moment as I processed everyo words they have said through my brain.

Apologizing personally is really hard...
And so...the public apology.

They donhave the gutts to do that, thoigh they can't mention what they did, they still.admit.to everyone tjat they have sinned for me and Taehyung.

That's...a relief.

It feels like a joke.

I was just looking and watching the whoke scenes within the news.

Eveything's not processimg properly as if my mind is rejecting every thoughts I just received now.

"I-It's that...true?"
Hard to speak...
But I asked trying to make sure that everything's clear and real.

Jisoo walked towards me...
As well as Chaeyoung and Lisa.

"Eonnie. It's done."
Chaeyoung held my hand which are feeling sweaty and cold.

"You can go with him now FREELY."
Emphasizing the freely word hardly to me, Jisoo shotted.

"Eonnie. Everything will be fine now. This one is for real, I can feel."
Lisa added and made her conclusion.

My eyes landed to Taehyung as he held my cheek.

I saw him smiling...

"Mianhe for cheating, Jendeukie."
Taehyung immediately cupped my face and leaned his forehesd to mine.

"Is that...a public apology?"
I asked, I'm all confused.

"Ne, eonnie. Wae?"
Lisa asked.

"Well...it's not like it was really them, I mean, that's more than what I am expecting them to do. Honestly, I don't expect them apologizing."
I answered, still confused.

"But they did, geulaeso...let's...celebrate?"
Jisoo asked excitedly.

"Wait! How about...I just remmebered, V hyung will talk to us...right?"
Suddenly, the attrntion and all of the eyes landed to Taehyung.

Before he answered...

"It wasn't Jennie's fault. Just apologize for blaming her."
He commanded.

By that...
All eyes turned for me.
Seconds...and I feel like I'm being burried here. It'z so suffocating but then...suddenly...

"Mianhe, Jennie-a..."
       A sincere voice and expression came to show off from Jimin.

"I yelled at you the night Taehyung was hit. I blamed you many times. Apology wasn't enough since it wasn't really your fault. Mianhe, jeongmal mianhe. I really didn't mean to make you feel depress, I was all just stressed and worried those times."
     He muttered sincerely.
Then, without noticing...
I'm smiling for his sincerity.

"Gwaenchana. Let's forget it."
      I answered.
But imediately, after my answer...
Jin verged on.

"I feel sory everytime I'n going to look at you those nights and times. You're depressed with all of you feeling thatnut was all your fault even though it wasn't really your intention to happen. There has no time that you didn't look at him and cried as you realized that he's still asleep. I also.feel.like, I should say sorry too even though I haven't say any blame for you but I didn't defended you the time you actially needed someone who can understand you. Mianhe, Jennie."
     He honestly looked at me straiht ti my eyes and I bowed a bit saying that it was fine.

Then, Jisoo followed her sentences...

"Jennie-a...we have neglected you not because we are blaming you but because...we thought that you need some time to be alone. But avoiding wasn't a good idea, turns out...it was really the baddest idea we have ever agreed together. You know that we can't leave you. Sorry for neglecting you, for not comforting you the times you needed us."
      She smiled and hugged me together with Lisa and Chaeyoung.

"I should be sorry too...inside my head...I was acyially contemplating wether it is your fault or not. First of all, you're mot the one who hit V hyung by the car, but second, the fight between you and hik that day was the whole reason why he went outside. Though, I haven't say anythig, I still thought of blaming you. Jeongmal mianhe, noona."
      Jungkook bowed at me, sincerely apologizing.

I feel relieved with this....

But before I could answer all of them...
I felt an urge of pain in my head...
My hearing is fading and my.vision started to blur.

But I can manage as of now...

"Gwaenchana, yeorobun. Thay's all because you're worried. That's done, so let's forg.............."

I don't what happened...
But I can feel nothing but coldness.
I can't here anything but them calling me in panic voices.



"Jendeukie...yah, Jennie-a."

Maybe it was Taehyung who's shaking my body. And arms around me...I can smell a fresh sweet and manly scent but before I could say any compliment...

I don't have the energy more.

"Maybe, I'm just tired....
I need a little bit of rest.

That's fine yeorobun.
I have blamed myself as well.
We're all fair, and I should be sorr for.myself too but still...I felt guikty with it, so, it's fine.

I'm just going to rest for now...

Lost Memories (Taehyung x Jennie) [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now