Chapter 1

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Erin's POV
I arrive at the 21st and hank was waiting on me with this green eyed Cutie standing next to him
H~ " hey Erin I want to introduce you to Jay Halstead, your new partner"
E~ " Hi I'm Erin Lindsay it's nice to meet you"
J~ " as you know I'm Jay Halstead" he said chuckling, hank rolled his eyes at me and then walked upstairs with me and Jay not far behind
E~ " so where did you work before here?"
J~ " uh I worked at the 42nd"
E~ " mhm I hear that place has turned into trash the last couple of years" me and jay get up stairs and I was greeted with a paper ball thrown at me by Kevin
E~ " Kevin what the hell"
K~ " my bad Lindsay I was aiming at ruzek"
E~ " it's fine just remember pay backs a bitch"
K~ " yes ma'am"
Jay's POV
Erin showed my desk which luckily was right in-front of hers I don't think I've ever had a partner as cute as Erin Lindsay, I sit down and this guy walks up to me
An~ " hey I'm Antonio Dawson, that's Adam Ruzek, That's Kevin Atwater, that's Alvin olinksey, and I take it you've already met Erin"
J~ " yeah"
An~ " yeah be careful she maybe short but she can kick some ass" I let out a chuckle
J~ " thanks for the warning"
An~ " no problem, we've all been partnered with Erin a few times and we've been working with her for a while now so we know her really well"
J~ " oh cool"
H~ " everyone suit up we've got a case"
An~ " damn that was quick"
Everyone heads down stairs and is putting there bullet proof vests on and I notice Erin's having a bit of trouble
J~ " you need some help"
E~ " nah I think I got it" after a couple minuets of failing
E~ " hey jay I think I need a bit of help" she said laughing. So I help her with her vest and go to get in the driver seat
E~ " ummm no sir, I drive"
J~ " alright" I say handing her the keys. Me and Erin arrive at the scene and voight is giving this stare
J~ " if looks could kill I'd be dead by now" I whisper to her
E~ " hanks not a bad guy he's just protective over me he's like my father"
Erin's POV
H~ " Amy Dickerson 26, multiple GSW"
E~ " damn now that's over kill"
K~ " yeah no kidding"
E~ " hey kev how long has that guy been staring over here?" As soon as I point the guy out he starts running
K~ " son of a bitch" me and kev run after him and I actually get ahead of kev and the guy jumps over trash cans which I go around cause I can't jump that high, the guy goes down a ally so I pull out my gun and carefully peak my head around and then look behind me to see jay and Kevin not to far behind and then I hear the trash cans stir so I carefully look behind them and the guy throws a bad of garbage at me so I point my gun at him
K~ " you good Lindsay?"
E~ " yeah what took you guys so long"
J~ "let's go" jay cuffed the guy
E~ " hold up, what's your name"
Guy~ " kiss my ass"
E~ " alright let's get mr ass to the car"
{at the district}
E~ " hey jay me and Kevin are going to this bar called Molly's if you want to come"
J~ " is Kevin your boyfriend?"
E~ " what? No he's my best friend I don't have a boyfriend"
J~ " ohhh I was just wandering because you two act like your dating."
E~ " yeah no. Besides kev isn't my type"
J~ " oh yeah what's your type then?"
E~ " sexy cops"
K~ " hey Lindsay you ready?"
E~ " yup let's go" me and Kevin get to Molly's and I see Kelly Severide
KS~ " Erin hey!"
E~ " hey kell what's up!"
KS~ " oh me and 51 just got off shift and wanted to grab some drink. Here let me buy you a drink"
E~ " hey I'm not gonna turn down a free drink!" Me
And Kelly laughed and drank.
Jay's POV
After two hours of being at Molly's Erin was drunk off her ass
J~ " hey Erin why don't I take you home?"
E~ " whatever you want officer" me and Erin walked out of Molly's and got to my car and I drove her home
E~ " have I ever told you how hot you are?"
J~ " no because we've only known each other for a day" I say laughing
E~ " well you are VERYYYY hot" I get Erin inside and she goes to lay down but before she reached her bed room she calls my name
E~ " hey jay do you think you could stay here tonight?"
J~ " I don't think that's a good idea Erin"
E~ " please I really don't want to alone you don't have to sleep on the couch I have a spare bedroom"
J~ " alright"
E~ " good um I'll see you tomorrow"
J~ " yup goodnight Erin"
E~ " goodnight jay"
Hey guys!! I hope you like this new book so far I'll be updating tomorrow!!

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